Thursday, June 8, 2017

It Could Be Anytime...

I will label this post as important and talk about something that's been happening here. If you have been keeping up for the past few weeks, you all know about my grandma having cancer to the mouth.

She had chosen to die instead of chemo, surgery, and more. When she went to the doctor, they told her that it's just too late anyways. So they called in hospice.

The nurse from hospice had announced that my grandma is dying. It could be anytime. A week, a few days, a month, etc. But one thing for sure, it can be anytime. I know it's not something to hear or read but my grandma chose this way.

The nurse did told my aunt that if they need to, they may have to put my grandma in compassionate care. I won't explain what that is until I know more tomorrow.

I am going on to the doctor tomorrow but things can happen between now and in the morning. I might not be able to post much on my blog if things were to happen.

For now, I do want people to pray for my family and me.

Then tomorrow, possibly by the second post, I will let you all know what I can.

That's all.

With love,


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