Saturday, June 3, 2017

I Think I Will Be Good.

Talking to my bestie helps and some reason, I hope that it helps him... He will tell me if it does, so yay. :D

Anyway, I am about to go and get some sleep. It helps that my mood is a little better. I think I will be good... emotionally wise.

I hope that my bestie gets a chance to get a job and stuff soon. I can only pray that he holds on for as long as he can. Karma or not, it's not something to mess with. I know that myself. Believe me... not something to mess with.

I really do believe in karma but I never wished it on my bestie. Things just happens when you at least expected it.

I know now what Rue meant over a year ago... when my mom was having the surgery and stuff. I know now... and it's kind of strange to realize this now but yea... At least, this is my bestie's journey.

My journey however, will be starting soon. I know it will but I can not give no time or anything. I have not been in the best of spirits as of late.

Telling the truth to someone close is the best thing. I've listened and I hope you listen too. Always be there for somebody.

As I wait for the day... I can only pray that the fight still goes on for all of us.

I have an awesome bestie. I don't think I can say it enough as it is. I don't talk about him unless I know that he'll be alright. He will be. As long as I wait for him and pray for him. Hope you read this and know that you are awesome. :3

I will get to bed now. I hope that tomorrow will be good. I hope that the rain doesn't come until Monday like they said on the news.

Speaking of news... I've seen so much bad stuff happening that I try not to let it worry me. It's best not to. Life sucks... and well, it's about time we become a nobody to this huge broken world.

That's all.

With love,


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