Saturday, May 13, 2017

I Skipped A Post On Purpose

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling too good at all. I wanted to updated before going to bed but before I knew it, I had passed out.

Today, I was able to do a bowel movement. I waited for a long time to update this on this blog because I wasn't feeling good for a while. Right now, I feel good.

I can eat solids now that I have the bowel movement going well. I still have to be aware of other things as well. So go me.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to eat more foods through the day slowly but not that fast.

I don't think I will eat meat for a while so that's one thing that I do know. I just have no taste for it when I stare at it xD

I can eat salads so that's a plus. :D

Anyway, I will not post again today because I know that I might end up asleep early again. But the progress though... I am sleeping more at night slowly. Last night, I had fewer wake up moments.

Tonight, I hope to keep sleeping well... but there's no promises because now that I can move my bowels xD

No accidents, so that's good... it does worry me... Totally, didn't mean to scare my bestie earlier about it xD Sowwy, Rai.

Alright, time to go watch some videos for a while now.

That's all.

With love,


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