Thursday, May 5, 2016

It Was A Good Day

Today was a good day. Although, I never got a cake or never got to do anything awesome... I just had a good day.

I think I am going to start planning on how to earn money for a new desk chair... the one, I have is broken because of all the noises it makes... when chairs makes noises in this home, it only means one thing... they are broken. So, dang me.

Right now, I don't have enough money to even afford a new desk chair... really wish I could afford one of those awesome gaming ones.

To add on the more problem with this chair... it hurts my back. It's not because I'm sitting too long but because of how the chair sits right now... it literally feels like I'm going down hill. This chair is over 5 years old? Because it wasn't mine in the beginning... so... to me, that's a good enough life expectancy for a chair that's in this household because of everybody else wanting to just lean in the chair so far back... yea... no... I hate chairs that lean at desks because to me, chairs are meant to sit up straight so you have a straight back.

So... that's that.

This weekend, I will be going to Hastings finally... I don't know if I get to look at stuff carefully because I want to see what Hastings actually has got to offer. I have been going to Hastings ever since I first discover it in 2003? Maybe later... but yea... they moved but have been striving for that long.

I don't know what I'll do if Hastings ever closed down at Richmond... I mean, seriously... I could always go online and buy books... but you can't find a place like Hastings that sales decent prices on their used books and anime.

Alright, I will sleep and tomorrow would come... I be at home all day for Friday but Saturday will be the day, I'll be outside. :D

For now... that's all.

With love,


PS: Oh, yea... my video should be up on YouTube. It's short because my mom decided to interrupt me like always. xD

Video here:

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