Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, guys.

This is a celebration to remember those who had fallen and all our love ones. It's a time to go and put flowers on the graves. It's sort of a tradition here so we do it too.

Before I end this post, I do want to update about my grandma.

It's all good news! She's a bit coherent and confused but I'm sure it's because of the medication. They did started on the blood thinners on my grandma. They are working really well. They were able to get my grandma into a chair and much more. Still not sure what else they are gonna do next but my mom and my aunt both should be able to keep an update on things.

Now... we just need to keep my great aunt from being the bitchest person ever. I don't normally cuss on these blogs but with that woman... that's the only way to say something about her. I don't like that side of the family a lot. I don't care what they say... they really don't need to be that way. Respect what the nurses said. We are just going by what they are telling us. So, please bare with us.

Anyway, we may not go to see my grandma but we will be closer to the phones and keep aware of any new phone calls.

For the rest of the day, I will rest and watch some movies. I would watch the anime on hulu but I really don't have the time... so I just deleted them and will just watch them on Crunchyroll later.

For now... that's all.

With love,


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