Friday, May 6, 2016

I Watched A Sad Movie... Now To Cry... Not Really.

I watched a sad movie today... called "Fault in our Stars". Now I have not read the book for this movie but after watching the movie... I think I want to read the books.

I mean, I wanted to cry but mom was like "Let's eat now!" because it was around the time food was ready xD So, I held back the tears like a... wait... no... really? Ok, you get it.

Anyway, I want to go lay down and take a break from the computer... might be falling asleep too...

Since I do not know what time I'll be leaving to go to Hastings tomorrow yet...

So... late post tomorrow, ok? If you want pictures... just let me know somehow?

Alright, getting random now...

So... that's all.

With love,


PS: I want to try to remember to post something that I had been talking to my mom about... life is short and I really want to experience things more since I've chosen to not get settled down and other stuff that is called life... well, I meant... boring life. I want to get into more... of an active life?

So... here's to hoping for a better tomorrow.

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