Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Annoying Cat...

So, there's now an annoying cat that's meowing constantly... the cat done this before already so not sure why it's doing it now. Oh, well.

Anyway, my grandma seems to be doing better so they might be moving her to a new room soon. They are gonna make sure all the blood clots are gone and she still has to relearn how to walk. Something that made her fall over could make her forget... so yea... long story but long journey.

I will be going to bed soon. I did delete some games of my system to get ready for any new games that I am interested in playing... so we'll see.

I am going to try to play a game once a day so that I wouldn't be too depressed or bored.

I left my bestie asleep since he watched pewds play Uncharted... all 7 or 8 parts xD But it's got a good story so it's understandable to watch something all night. Hope he gets to have good luck and find a new home to live in.

Alright, I will go now... I watched one movie and most of the new videos on YouTube... so gonna go crash to sleep now... might have to take some YouTube channels off my list because the guy that made them said he's gonna take a break... so yay?

Well, time to sleep now.

That's all.

With love,


Things Are Always Good~

I know that I am late on posting my blog but I thought that I would rest often through out the day.

Things are always good though. Because my grandma is getting better and better. So she might get out soon. I hope so though.

Anyway, I had been resting as many of you already know when I first started this. I have to rest. I'm not like I used to be. I'm getting older and I need my sleep like usual. Believe me, if you're past 25 and close to 30, you will see changes in your body like no other. That's why I am trying to stay healthy for my sake.

I will be keeping this short because I am about to go to the store in a moment.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 30, 2016

The Best News! And More...?

Alright, I will give out the best news: My grandma is getting better and better! Just today, she was talking to my mom and more. She wanted ice cream and they let her have some! So, I hope she keeps getting better and better through this week. Maybe if she does wonderful, she'll be out sometime this week!

And more news... I might be able to record a video... but wanna try to do a few before uploading them officially on YouTube... Maybe upload an experimental one first?

I am not sure yet. I might be talking out of my head a bit because I am sleepy right now...

So I am trying to finish this up first so that it can be up before midnight. I would've done this earlier but I was busy with twitter... just less people to follow... especially those who follow but never stayed followed. Those people just follow you just to get you to follow or subscribe to their YouTube or Twitch... then they unfollow you. Basically... so they could get more followers on their twitter or their channels. I always unfollow them in secret whenever this happens.

Anyway, going to go on to bed now... hopefully I can sleep well tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, guys.

This is a celebration to remember those who had fallen and all our love ones. It's a time to go and put flowers on the graves. It's sort of a tradition here so we do it too.

Before I end this post, I do want to update about my grandma.

It's all good news! She's a bit coherent and confused but I'm sure it's because of the medication. They did started on the blood thinners on my grandma. They are working really well. They were able to get my grandma into a chair and much more. Still not sure what else they are gonna do next but my mom and my aunt both should be able to keep an update on things.

Now... we just need to keep my great aunt from being the bitchest person ever. I don't normally cuss on these blogs but with that woman... that's the only way to say something about her. I don't like that side of the family a lot. I don't care what they say... they really don't need to be that way. Respect what the nurses said. We are just going by what they are telling us. So, please bare with us.

Anyway, we may not go to see my grandma but we will be closer to the phones and keep aware of any new phone calls.

For the rest of the day, I will rest and watch some movies. I would watch the anime on hulu but I really don't have the time... so I just deleted them and will just watch them on Crunchyroll later.

For now... that's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 29, 2016

So Very Sleepy...

Since it's been a rough weekend for me and my family, I will get to bed early once again. I will keep you all posted like always of any news of my grandma.

Tomorrow will be a break for me and my mom and dad... since we decided to stay home. My aunt will be going there tomorrow so she should be able to keep us posted of any news.

I am afraid of typing too much so this post will be fairly short. Sorry guys. Also, I am sorry that this hasn't been much a positive post but again, bare with me.

One thing that I know is important... is family.

Alright, I will sleep now. I will post early maybe tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Please Bare With Me For A Bit

There's a bit of an update... my grandma has blood clots in her leg. They are not gonna do anything until 48 hours.

So... it's still a long way to go. Her situation is still serious right now. All we can do is wait.

On Tuesday, they are suppose to run some other tests that involve putting her to sleep. Those tests would determined if she has any other bleeding or problems inside of her stomach and bowels.

So, she might be there for a while.

Unfortunately, me and my mom are not able to get back up there for a while since my dad has to go back to work for the rest of this week. If my grandma does happen to stay longer than this week, we might be able to go back to see again on the weekend and next week, since my dad has a vacation that week.

I will keep you all posted here and maybe on twitter... I am sorry this is a late post so the second will pop up just before I go to sleep.

So please bare with me so far.

That's all.

With love,


PS: I know everybody wants to keep reading this post some reason but on June 17, 2017, my lovely grandmother had passed away due to cancer in the mouth. Rest in peace, Mammie.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

An Update on My Grandma

I sort of copied some of this my cousin's wife. I won't say her name because it's private for her. I prefer it that way for my cousins and stuff.

Anyway, here's the update so far (remember, I only copy this):

Mammie is stable, but very exhausted. Said she was in and out of sleepiness but that she is coherent and has been able to answer their questions appropriately. Infectious disease ran tests too. So far nothing is showing that the racoon bite has caused her any issues, according to this charge nurse. Or the rabies shots. They said the reason they had been giving Mammie quite a few blood products because she was loosing a pretty good amount of blood in her stool. Mammie was able to report that that had been happening at home for over a month. They said that's why she has been so weak and passing out here lately. She is still losing some blood in her stool. Nothing has indicated why yet. But, at this time, they are no longer giving her blood products. Her leg is swollen and discolored. I know it was wondered that the leg swelling was from the bite. Mammie also reported that her leg has been swollen for over a month. The vascular surgery team came and ran tests on the leg, showed no clots at this time and there is no surgical intervention scheduled. They also did an echocardiogram, showed nothing alarming the nurse said. Mammie is resting now. She is now breathing room air and has said she is very sleepy.

So, whatever happened to my grandma, it was because of what is mention above.

As for getting there today? The doctors advised my mom and dad that it's better to wait until tomorrow due to the holiday weekend here. Last night, was really tough because everybody really wants to wait until this weekend to go EVERYWHERE.  

If you're a reader from another country, it's basically like Golden Week and other holidays but America version. It's literally the last day of cheap stuff before summer starts... after this holiday weekend.

Alright, I am very sleepy and tired right now so I will sleep. None of us (me, mom, and dad) had not gotten any sleep. since well... the day before.

I will have a late post tomorrow since we might be going up there at some point tomorrow. 

Thank you all if you are praying for my grandma. 

For now, let sleep take over me.

That's all.

With love,


So Far... It's Good News

Now, I did went to sleep a little after we got home. I slept until 10 but mostly laid in bed for a hour.

I asked my mom to call U.K. to find out how my grandma is doing so she did.

It's good news so far. But they have to keep doing more tests to make sure it's nothing else serious.

My grandma did had to get blood so I forgot to add that in the other post. They stopped doing that sometime this morning. The antibiotics are doing their work and she's better. Her leg is still a concern from where the raccoon bit her two days ago.

I am not sure what time we are going back there yet but I will get some more sleep in before anybody decides to go anywhere else.

I will keep you all posted of more info through out her time there. U.K. Hospital is a good place to go since they were the ones that saved my mom's life.

If you are religious, please do pray for my grandma. Thank you.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, May 27, 2016

Family Emergency

This post has been set a day behind so please bare with me if you two posts at once.

So, here's what is going on so far: We got a call from my aunt at around 3:30 to 4. We went to the ER to be with my grandma since she passed out. It was the worst one ever.

We waited for hours at a time at the ER... then she suddenly had a spell. She lost all control of her body but she was conscious . The doctor was worried so he sent her to Lexington at U.K.

That took another couple of hours to get there and stuff.

We waited for a long time at U.K. Hospital. 

Then my grandma had another spell. But it was really serious this time. The doctors didn't mean to scare you but they have to tell you the truth. 

Here's the story of how it became this way: My grandma was scratched by a raccoon first. She didn't  go to the doctor at first. Then just yesterday, she was bit by a raccoon three times. So the doctors in Lexington think that the bite and scratch may had been causing her to take serious spells of passing out and much more.

So far, they tell us she's stable. So once that was told, we all decided it was best to go home and rest.

Now... I will continue this with the post for the today (May 28th).

That's all.

With love,


Holiday Weekend Starts Today...

This weekend is gonna be a busy weekend because it's an holiday weekend and the last day of sweet deals before summer starts for vacationers.

Anyway, I'm not one of those people... so I guess I'm different? Ha...

I am not sure what will happen this weekend yet... I do know for sure... that there might be late posts for tomorrow and Sunday... and maybe on Monday, the main holiday.

I will be sure to mention if I did anything this weekend so you guys would have something to read... maybe xD

Alright, I will be watching anime in a short time... not sure exactly what time yet... hopefully soon.

So... that's all.

With love,


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Movies on Netflix are Interesting

I am watching a few movies on Netflix and they are interesting.

Right now, I am watching an Indian movie called Bride & Prejudice so... something like Pride & Prejudice but in Indian form. It's... interesting. I like it so I might watch more Indian/Bollywood movies.

I do have a video up explaining why I won't be having any gaming videos up for a while but hopefully... that's just gonna be a phase or something.

Anyway, I would post the video now but if you look to the right, you can see a page that says YouTube... if it's still there. There, you can go watch many videos that I've made. So far, I've been trying to post a video a week...

If I can get a software to work, I want to be able to record many games so that you all can have something watch there.

Anyway, there's still time for a sale so maybe Steam will have a software of some sorts for me to look into?

Alright, I will be sleeping at around 11 or 12... depending on when this movie ends...

Tomorrow, I will try to get into the mood of watching Natsume... since it's mainly the one anime I really want to watch.

For now... that's all.

With love,


The Rain Came Today!

So, the rain apparently only came today... but that's alright, I guess.

Anyway, I will be watching Natsume's Book of Friends today since I had decided to stop watching Monogatari series... not really a big fan of that anime.

Alright, continuing on... I am waiting for my bestie to get done with teaching and more... since he left a comment that we will be having a long convo after he's done :v

I did get another $10 on paypal yesterday... now onward with another long journey of getting points on that survey site. :V

I really wish I could go to vidcon and other conventions but ah, well... for now, I got a video to upload.

Hopefully, today will be a better day... and plus... I'm hungry. So gotta go eat after I post this.

Second post later tonight here.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Yet, No Rain Came Today...

There was no rain that came today... I was really hoping it would but ah, well...

Anyway, it might still rain for tonight...

I just want to say hello to a new reader from: Antigua & Barbuda. Glad I am getting readers from all over the world and always welcome them.

I have been watching more Monogatari series and they are really... well... strange. I think I will be enjoying Natsume's Book of Friends more since I really enjoy the first show when I first saw it years and years ago... so gonna get back to that and finish it before the 5th season comes on this summer :D

Oh, before I do end this blog... I will not be making any gaming videos again because of the software that I gotten sucked a lot... When I mean it sucked... it notify me that the serial number was fake and it terminated my copy. Thanks giveaways... give me a warning next time!

I made a video stating that there was a problem and that they should give out warnings before giving them away... like... if they were not part of a free giveaway... why did you giveaway the software in the first place? Yea... hard to trust websites now.

I'm gonna save up money on my paypal to get a program that would let me record commercially and legally. For as when I'll do that... it's gonna be a long road towards getting the money saved up for that.

Especially, since I need a new desk chair and such... I'm gonna plan to get myself a gaming chair that has more support for sitting strange... therefore, making me be able to sit straight.

Eventually, I'll have money for everything... damn... I need a job.

Anyway, I will finish another anime and get to sleep... and hope tomorrow will be better than today.

That's all.

With love,


Waiting For The Rain

It's suppose to rain today at the some point so you could say that I'm kind of waiting for it.

Then again, it might not ever rain at all today... so that would be a plus because as of late... we are having been too much rain here.

Anyway, anime later today... and this one is shorter than the other one so hoping that I can get that one done and get started with another anime soon after... but that's a big hope.

I will be keeping this short and get on with something else while waiting for my bestie... not sure what he's doing xD

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Day Was Nice Out~

Today was a nice day. I stayed outside for most of the day, but didn't really do anything outside... mostly walk.

I went to the library, then walked the dogs, and then sat outside.

Finally, I just sat down and began watching the anime Bakemonogatari. I should be able to finish it today... maybe.

Then tomorrow, starting another anime.

Then I should be good with the other anime.

I will try to watch the other anime early tomorrow so that I don't have to miss anything. Watch them while I move about.

Anyway, I will continue the anime and then go to bed... not sure what time I'll be sleeping yet.

So... that's all.

With love,


Oh, Hey... Look What Time It Is!

Yep, it's an early post today.

Well, I always wake up but never get to here to post until later but since I wanted to think about you all as readers, I thought I'll post early.

I attract readers all over the world and wanted to bring in more readers so I try to post twice daily for that convenience of more readers. Although they are different in each of their own, they are something to read.

I have not been able to take photos lately because I have been mostly home... and it needs to be changed but I can't seem to get my dad to go anywhere at all. Not only it would benefit me but it would benefit him.

I might be able to do this eventually so that we can go to places around Kentucky more. Not the whole world knows about Kentucky well enough... just the food it provides which is KFC or Kentucky to most places xD

I know when I first told certain people that I am from Kentucky, they would be like "The restaurant?" and I go "Nope! I live in a state in the US called Kentucky" xD And then it goes from there.

Where I live, I actually live about a hour or so away from the homeplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken... and London, KY has a huge celebration over it every year!

Anyway, I will go now... but I will be watching anime :D

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 23, 2016

Anime Marathon Until June 1st?

Anime Marathon starting tomorrow... but only gonna be watching the anime that I've been wanting to watch. Especially the Monogatari series and Natsume's Book of Friends series. Since those two are more interesting to watch.

Blame Hulu for taking a bunch of them off... but I know they might come back and there's other places to watch most of them legally, thankfully.

Anyway, I will be going to bed soon since sleepiness has taken over me tonight.

Tomorrow might seem forever to come but once sleep settles in, time goes faster... time goes...

I've been wondering if it's true... if time is just nonexistent and just part of our imagination... For the wastefulness means nothing. For we are the ones that are becoming immortal in this inevitable world.

Ah, well.

I will sleep now before I start thinking of more strange things to say here xD

Might stay up a little bit longer just see if anything interesting happens.

That's all.

With love,


Trying Not To Be Stuck

Just a random title today. But yea... trying not to be stuck today.

Anyway, being distracted right now so it might take a few moments before this post gets up. xD

I am talking to my bestie while checking out his server on Minecraft. Not gonna reveal much because it's well... still being worked on.

I got a fortune to do some physical activity so might do that in a moment.

And now my bestie is asleep so I can finish this post. I started this at 10:30 and it's past 11:11 right now xD

Sorry for being distracted at writing blogs.

Alright, I will get some surveys done today and get some other stuff done... I have been lazy lately but it's because I have been distracted by things...

So... while my bestie sleeps, I will get on with the day. Today would be a hard day to pass through because it's Monday...

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hurting Throat of Hell

So, now this is part 2... and quite possible, I'll be going to bed later.

People always try to fuss about something.

My mom and dad decided to go put some flowers on the graves early so there's that.

I am just gonna rest after what seems like a long day.

I might be sleeping soon too but wanna get some videos watched on YouTube.

Tomorrow, I will continue on with surveys since I skipped them on Friday... which was a bummer but it couldn't been helped.

Anyway, short post again but promise you all that I will be updating this blog early tomorrow like usual.

Chloe was so happy when I came home... that's she sleeping next to me xD

Alright... gonna go now... I am too tired to type everything else.

That's all.

With love,


Late Post Because Tiredness

This will be part 1 so, I will talk about what happened and more while there and on the way home.

I know there's too many "ands" but there's just too much that went on.

Anyway, I woke up still sore from that fall I had last night. Lucky, nothing is wrong with me. Just sore.

Now, I have been having throat problems since yesterday and only noticed a blister on my tongue... so yea... there's that to deal with for a bit. Like my mom told me earlier... that if I started feeling a fever and such... I should get that taken care off.

Right now, I'm alright. Anyway, let's get the part 2 so that I can publish two posts for today.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Fall is The Hardest... Quite Literally.

I fell down at the last step always at night time here at my grandma's. It's not because I meant to... it's just night time and my eyes don't mix too well sometimes...

The results? Hurting like hell, especially my right arm. It's a bit numb some reason... don't think I broke it but more... bruised there? I'll find out when I'm awake in the morning.

The worst part... cleaning up after my dog. Somebody gave her BBQ Chicken... it made her sick... well... she puked all over the floor... so gross.

I tried to tell people to never feed my dogs so it makes it harder to take them anywhere with me because people gets sorry for them and hands them food straight up. Not good. Especially when they got sensitive stomach o:

Anyway, lucky, I'll be going home tomorrow and hopefully be able to get on my computer...

I will get to bed now and hope that the fall didn't hurt me worse than just a bruise... well... hope that I can sleep tonight.

So the fall is the hardest... literally.

Alright, I will be late at posting tomorrow because my dad might forgot some food for me... and I may have to go and buy some... also... try not get Susie to eat before we go home... because we do not want her to have an episode on the way... if you get what I mean.

I will let you in more details tomorrow... so...

That's all.

With love,


Time to Survive Saturday of Nothing To Do.

I've survived Friday by restoring my lappy. No more viruses.

I might take a rest from the lappy because it's that time of the month for me... just pain all over... so resting is what I should do best...

Might sleep then get back on the laptop to watch some shows on Netflix... if it be good this time.

Tomorrow, I should be home again...

But the news that I do dread to hear... coming back here for two weeks... nope... not gonna stay that long. Already told mom that I was not gonna stay for two full weeks. That's just too much for me to handle as it is. I need games and this laptop doesn't like games that much. I kind of want to keep it that way because of how my mom doesn't watch what she does when she gets on it.

So... beware... I will be sleeping now.

See ya again in the next post.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, May 20, 2016

Everything Is Fine Now!!!!

And so... everything is fine now... since I had to do a whole new restore on this laptop.

Viruses... are not fun at all, lemme tell ya that.

Anyway, I am sure that I can survive two more nights here... tonight and tomorrow.

But one thing: I am glad that the laptop was able to be fixed finally... no more blue screens of hell.

Anyway, I will try to keep you all posted of anything that goes on while I'm here in the country side.

It's been raining since late afternoon and possibly still raining right now...

I'm ok now... but not so sure about that other thing... yea... not gonna say it right now.

That's all.

With love,


Yes, short post but just wanted you all know the good news of the laptop.

Laptop Of Hell


I just got on the laptop for the first time in ages.

And guess what...?

It gives me the blue screen of hell. Then I went to search for the problem. The problem was a virus. Fixed the problem. Virus gave me another blue screen. Blue screen gave me a wonderful surprise... no wireless internet drive. I restarted it: there's no return for it. Now I am frustrated to the point that I just want to go home.

If this problem doesn't go away soon... it means no wireless internet period. The only solution is a full restore. Mom doesn't want me to but I really don't have an effing choice x.x

You can't keep having a laptop go blue screen every freaking time you try to go on a browser.

So how am I typing this? On my phone.

It really sucks... and mom never told me that it was restarting like that until NOW =_=

Omfg... why?

So... I must try to fix the laptop to a tip top shape... and scan for more viruses and quite possible prepare for a reboot of hell.

Now I really want to go home.

That's all

With love,


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Expecting Late Posts For A Few Days

From Friday until Sunday, there will be late posts on here...


I am at my grandma's for a whole weekend. At least, until Sunday.

At first, I didn't want to go but then after a while... I guess I gave in and went anyways.

Maybe this will give me a bit of a break from that evil desk chair I have at home.

I will be sleeping in a few minutes... and giving this laptop a small update because my mom refuses to let me update it sometimes... it just restarted not long ago... so yay...

Anyway, I will be the late tomorrow with the first post but I will tell you all that happens here at my grandma's.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Sometimes, I wish I could get away from where I live at because it appears that... I feel better whenever I am not there. It's time to think about what to do next...

It's Such A Nice Day Today...

Today is such a nice day... but not sure what to do actually... I'm just standing around via on my bestie's server while he and others are testing out things. It's mostly in Indonesian so I just sit around and watch and check out things. So... it's very awkward :P

Anyway, today, I might be taking more breaks towards the afternoon... but not entirely sure yet xD

I might watch a movie here or there... but all in all... the most important goal... to rest as much as possible... and get up to move about a bit more.

I'm writing this post early because as many of you already noticed... I have been lazy or forgetful about doing this sometimes...

Alright, I am going to go back to Minecraft and lend in some ideas that they are welcome to change or add xD

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

An Oncoming Earache? Hope Not...

So, if you have been keeping up with my blog for this long, you would know about my ears and the problem I face with them.

If you are new... I have congestive hearing loss and I get constant ear infections because of them.

Then since you now know this... or already know this... I have a small earache right now and I'm hoping it's not an ear infection.

Anyway, I am not sure what I'll be doing this weekend... my mom wants to go over to my grandma's while I kind of want to stay home... so it's all a bit confusing. I will figure out what to do later but I kind of want to take a pen and paper to write down some stories. And yea... take a break of some sorts... but I can do that here too... so again, it's all confusing x.x

I will get to bed soon around 10 or 11... and hope to dream of a pleasant dream tonight.

Tomorrow will be a nicer day so I will take a walk more and hope it helps me a lot.

That's all.

With love,


Trying To Find Peace of Mind

Here I am... trying to find peace of mind.

And there I go... running away from the things that makes no sense to me.

Someday soon, I will gain what I earn.

Life is just something that you can't blame for being alive.

I am in pain a lot. :D

I ignore pain a lot because I try not to complain about it. I do not believe in medicine so that's why I don't complain a lot. Mom wants me to go to the doctor but not the doctor she goes to.

So far... applying heat helps me a whole lot.

Anyway, I am being random today... so welcome to today's random post.

I will update later... no video for this week for reasons unknown.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

When You're Trying Not To Be Sad... But...

When you're trying not to be sad but something keeps making you want to crawl up and cry.

Anyway, it's that time of the night again to type this up before I go on to bed... which would be in a hour or so...

I am going to play Blade and Soul for about a hour... just to see what happens next and what's changed and more.

My facebook is acting weird tonight with all the names disappearing each time it shows up at my notification feed... strange.

I will get on now and play for a bit... then go on to bed at 11... I have to be careful because... well... games are addicting to me, ok?

That's all.

With love,


Voting Happens Here In KY?

Today, people are voting here in KY. Hope whoever wins has the best of luck.

Anyway, I might not be able to vote because I haven't had a way there in forever... ever since I was 20?

It's mostly because I got pissed at how my county treats people. They want everybody to turn Republican and I'm a full blown liberal Democrat. Basically, I don't like the ideas of people whom are conservative. They really want to try to change things back to old times...

And with the way it's going... we might not get a president. I keep hearing that this would be the last time we have a president here in the US. So who wants to go here now? I want out of this country but I am too poor... I don't want to stay poor anymore... sorry, mom.

I am going to find something to do later and might end up taking a long nap by then :P

Alright, enough of that, will go now.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 16, 2016

Got Lost, Then Found A Way Out, Minecraft Love

I decided to go find a cave and just keep going and going... until I got lost xD

So, I found a way out finally... it seemed to took forever... and I did paid the price for it.

But it's all for the love of Minecraft.

I watched Gotham and it's gonna be a war next week... and that, my faeries, would be the last show of the season to watch...

So, yes, I do need to plan out my days better so that I could sit outside when it's not rainy and get a little bit of sunshine... Then rest and read more... and still be able to come online to watch stuff online towards the night. It's an exception during the day when my bestie is online to chat or play games :D

Anyway, I will watch a few YouTube videos and go to bed soon... hopefully with this, I can sit back and realize more.

That's all.

With love,


Plans For Summer?

Since summer is in June and could start early by being warm anytime...

I will be making plans on taking breaks during the day and get online more during the night... so that I could do more stuff in a day.

Anyway, I will still make videos once a week... and I want to do a creative thing of what I learn from my bestie today :D

Hope he doesn't mind xD

I am not sure when to do that video yet but hopefully soon... and maybe make it longer... well, it might be long because I'm always careful at what I do. :D

Alright, I will go for now and practice some stuff on Minecraft... so I have something to tell my bestie when he's awake :p

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 15, 2016

When There's Nothing Else To Do...

When there's nothing else to do... might sleep soon xD

I will watch a few stuff on YouTube then go on to bed. I guess that's all for Once Upon a Time until in the fall... who knows what will happen next... we got two evil people... that's all.

I should find something else to do during the summer because there's not hardly any shows that I would be watching on the TV... most of them are on Netflix so I will be watching them for a couple of episodes each other day.

Anyway, I will do this or that for a bit and check out things for a bit... should sleep by 10 or 11... depends on how sleepy I get before so.

That's all.

With love,


It Was An Interesting Day At Grandma's

One thing: I found a deep fryer finally. YAY!

Anyway, I am now but I am going to get this up and go eat.

I am tired some reason so maybe after I eat, I might feel better... then again, might end up sleeping a lot.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


PS: Yes, short, but I will write again after I watch Once Upon A Time.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

There Might Be A Rat In My Bathroom?!

There might be a rat or a mouse in my bathroom and it's chewing into the wall... we are not sure yet.

So... just a moment ago, there was some cats fighting on our porch xD

Anyway, I didn't do anything else for the rest of the day. So this post might end up shorter than before.

I did watch some strange movies on Netflix... not really going to go into much more detail other than that they were the strangest things that I ever seen on Netflix.

Alright, I will play Minecraft (mostly fishing) until I get sleepy...

That's all.

With love,


Forgive Me For This Late Post

I know it's a late post but it is the weekend.

I finally got the memorial flowers so that weekend is set. It's not until the 27th through 30th for Memorial Day Weekend.

Today, I went to the grocery store this morning, then to get the flowers at the family dollar store... then finally went to Taco Bell to eat out.

So, after all that, I didn't do anything else. About time I got back, my bestie had passed out asleep xD

I'm not sure what to say but I need to plan what to do later and all through the summer. I don't want to sit at the computer all the time.

I spend too much time as it is.

Anyway, I'm just sitting back right now, thinking about what to write as a short story... maybe... I should try a "Decide Your Own Adventure" type of story.

I'm not good at those so who knows...

I really want to try to write an "end of the world" type of story... like living in a dystopia world and stuff.

Alright, I have no ideas right now... but who knows...

That's all.

With love,


Friday, May 13, 2016

A Late Time For A Show But Early Blog

In 10 minutes or less, there will be a show that would be season finale... meaning it won't come on again until Fall 2016... so wow...

Anyway, I didn't really do much today... yesterday, I got a free head and shoulders shampoo and conditioner and today, I've used the conditioner.

Since the weather is going to be a bit stupid this weekend, I am not sure what exactly what I will be doing... might be stuck at home like usual... why do my dad not go anywhere much on every weekend? Because he claims that gas is too high and bad part... me and my mom both have complaints against my dad's truck. We are getting older so our bodies hurt more... my mom is going to be turning 60 in August after all...

So... not much to put on here because the show will be two hours long for tonight... that's why there's an early blog.

I think tomorrow, if dad doesn't decide to go anywhere, I will be watching anime on hulu.

Alright, should get off now and wait for that time to come.

That's all.

With love,


Alone Time? Not Forever~

Right now, I am alone because my mom went to her doctor's appointment for the day.

I'm just sitting here debating on what to do next. Since I won't be alone forever because eventually, my mom will be home.

For now, I guess I got a movie and anime to watch... before watching the season finale of Hawaii Five-O tonight. To me, I think this one is better than the old one... but who knows how long this show would last because if there's ever another writer's strike... then... yea... that's when the shows would suck again... just like what happened to Heroes, Lost, etc.

Anyway, I will get back to you guys later and let you all know if I did anything today.

Just talking to my bestie until he sleeps. :p

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Oops... A Mistake on Upload!

Yes, this is the title so my bestie can see this too and know that the video that was suppose to came out today... well... here's the story down below:

I uploaded a video, good... scheduled it, good... thought it was suppose to come out today, good... checked on YouTube, good... It wasn't there, not good.

So I went to my video editor and found out why it didn't appear like it should... Apparently... when I schedule it, I thought I pressed the 12th, it ended up on the 19th instead... A whole week away...

So... oops, a mistake on the upload!

Don't worry though, I had fixed it today... it was too late for him to see it, but it's fixed.

I will add the video below so you guys that are reading my blog can go check it out:

So, enjoy that video... same goes for you too, you-know-who-you-are.

Anyway, I might be doing random videos at certain times of the day and hopefully... be alone tomorrow to do a few recordings to upload for the 19th and so forth... looking forward to that.

I wish I could do more vlog style videos outside of the home but not sure when I'll be going on a trip ever again. I really need to learn how to drive in order for that to happen.

Alright, enjoy the video... and I will get off to watch some YouTube... storm might come in later like usual again xD

That's all.

With love,


What To Do Today?

Simple title today... but what am I going to do today? Well, movies and more... Tomorrow will start off another show to watch before the 22nd.

Anyway, I am going to get this up before 12 here... and get started on those movies... Netflix has so many movies and shows to watch but I'm saving the shows last because the movies are fairly short...

Later on, my video will be uploaded on YouTube so you guys will get a taste of my new skin on Minecraft... might do some adventures or story mode type of thing on there so that you guys can see my creative side a bit more.

Well, I should get the day started for today and hope today will be a good day... despite all the storms that are rolling in again for tonight... boo...

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hump Day = Dull Day

Today has been a slow day... I did however record a video for tomorrow~

I might be recording more videos throughout the weeks to come... so that I could have another video for the next week... It's just a bit slow on doing videos weekly... If I don't get any interruptions... I finally have a program that works!

I will be using it from now on so that I could have videos up and running for game plays.

So, you guys can enjoy it too!

Anyway, I won't be releasing the video early tomorrow... so if I don't forget for the second post, I will add the video for you guys to watch.

I will try to lower my distraction to record a full game play to upload daily for a bit... then skip that week for a weekly update... so, if you all would like that, just let me know!

It's gonna storm tonight by the time I will sleep so... it's gonna suck a lot.

Good thing, I can stay up a bit longer... maybe... I usually sleep by 11 or 12 now... so yay...

Alright, just being random again xD

Look for the second post tomorrow for the video... and hope all goes well!

That's all.

With love,


It's Humid For A Reason!

Today, it's gonna be hot hot... but only for a little bit because it looks like there's gonna be more storms coming in for today and tomorrow.

I might be doing a short recording for showing off my skin on Minecraft :D

So... you guys just have to wait and see.

If you all wish for me to continue a series playing Minecraft, just ask me.

I hope that I get enough time to record a video because the weather might prevent me from doing anything today and tomorrow... so if there's no video, it's because of the storms.

So, look for a blog update tonight if I had any video done or not... right now, I am not entirely sure if this other program would let me do one yet.

Alright, just rambling on now... so will end this post now.

Also, the admins made a deal with my bestie so no more afk fishing on that server :D It'll be alright.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Storms Rolling In This Night!

Storms are coming in tonight so I want to get this blog up before it does anything worse than what it is doing right now... which is mostly rain and a little lightning... not bad lightning...

Anyway, I am just going to get this up so that I could go to bed in case it storms... so that this won't be rushed to type up.

I was playing Minecraft with auto fishing mod on... and this guy... I guess were people who watches over the server started messing about if we were using the afk fishing mod. I didn't reply because if somebody starts asking, it's usually mean that it's against the rules. So I just went off since I didn't trust that.

I will use afk fishing on another time, another moment. So, yay.

I might record a video tomorrow... but not sure yet at the same time... sowwy.

But one bit of a good news? I finally stopped the cat from putting her kitten behind the desk! So... I am proud... for a little bit.

I might go now and rest in a peaceful mood... with the hopeful mind that tomorrow will be better... also, it appears the storm has decided to get worse now... good timing.

That's all.

With love,


Fishing All Day~

Today, I have been doing nothing since I woke up... but fishing all day. :v

Anyway, I am not sure what I'll be doing for the rest of the day... I might take a break in a moment and do some stuff.

I guess I could fish the rest of the day on Minecraft. Then find something else later.

I really need to catch up on anime but... I don't want to deal with pain a lot so yea...

Alright, just gonna be random now so... should end this now.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 9, 2016

Fighting With Our Cat and Her Baby

Our cat just wants to keep putting her kitten behind my desk where all the wires are and where they love to go and poop... literally.

The thing is... I don't like this desk. I didn't buy it... my mom did. I wasn't gonna use it but she insisted on buying it... after we brought it home... and few months later... she hated the desk. I was like "I told you so." Desks that are built heavy and tall are not good desks to have in this household... I mean seriously... it gives more room but not enough to move around with.

The type of desk I wanted was smaller and it was lighter or would had wheels... but nah... mom wanted what she wanted at the time.

Biggest regret she ever made.

Anyway, right now, we're stuck with this desk... and we're busy trying to keep the cat and her kitten from going behind it. So far... it's doing ok... but it's sucks when you have to keep putting boards and traps and more to keep a kitten from going behind there.

Eventually, I will get a better desk... one that's not heavy and has a door built in to keep cats from trying to get behind the computer tower.

I am too poor for anything so yay...

I finally got my skins working on Minecraft. So, thanks to my wonderful bestie for taking his time to fixing it. Sowwy tho.

I might be recording a video from Minecraft for this week's video... so... look for that, guys!

For now... I will go.

That's all.

With love,


Master of Ideas? Nah...

Master of ideas has come... but nah...

Anyway, I am not sure what to put here but since it's Monday, it is just gonna be a slow odd day... which is why this post is not here right now instead of earlier.

I might be resting in a few but again, I am not sure yet.

My mom did broke her toe on Saturday night. I forgot to mention that. She's alright, just have to keep her toes taped together until it heals in a month or two.

I will end this now and go rest for a bit.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Surprise! I Am Sleepy!

Surprise, surprise... I am sleepy xD

Anyways, my bestie made a good skin for me but... there's a problem... It's kind of complicated so here goes nothing...

The one he gave me ish all black but with the design all in the wrong places. Not sure if it came out that way when he designed it or maybe a saved error. So when he's awake or when I'm awake, I have to explain to him and possible try to show him what is wrong xD

I put in the design but it makes me... well... like batman with no face. Trying not to be offensive about how to describe it. Black seems to be offending people just because it's simply a color to describe how the design turned out to... Yea... there's just nothing to say about that except... sorry if it offended you.

So, the right design is like this: The face is suppose to be on the left if you're looking at the screen. And the body and legs are suppose to below it. There's really nothing suppose to be at the bottom... or at least, I don't think. If designing, turn off all hats before going on.

Long story with a long explanation... I might have to show him on paint or something... >< He might not have time to fix it but if he doesn't have time, it's alright! I can always find one online somewhere.

Anyway, I will go now... spend too long figuring that out that my head is about to explode.

That's all.

With love,


Happy Mother's Day!

Today, I went to my grandma's to celebrate mother's day with my mom and my grandma. It was a good day.

Yes, I know this blog was late but I needed to take a small break...

I am not in pain as of late... just a small dull ache so tomorrow after a certain time, I will rest from the computer for a couple of hours just to finish a book. Each day, I will take off the computer for a couple of hours just to read only.

Then get back on to watch some shows on Netflix or watch anime. I might even try to play games from now on too.

Oh, I forgot to check something so I will get off this now... will be back with another post.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, May 7, 2016

It's Gonna Be A Stormy Kind Of Night! Ah, DANG!

Alright, I got minecraft downloaded and stuff... still have to figure out how to get customized skins working. I won't reveal too much about it since it's gonna be a bit of surprise. My bestie made it for me so you could tell it's gonna be special.

Anyways, it's gonna be a stormy night so I hope to be able to sleep tonight.

I am tired and so and so...

Also... Also... my mom did broke her toe. Good job, mom... not really... but still.

I haven't talked about anything serious on this blog in a while so tonight, I'm gonna talk about something important.

Tomorrow as many Americans would know is mother's day here. I hope some countries celebrate this too. And well, this is not for my mother but for my grandmother. She has been a wonderful mother to my mom and a wonderful grandmother to me. She's the only living grandparent I have right now. I call her Mammie.

Just last night (two nights for those who are reading this later), my grandma had to go to the ER because my aunt couldn't figure out why my grandma had bruises around her eye. The doctors done some tests and come to a conclusion that my grandma may be having light mini strokes. She has been passing out randomly and just wakes up...

The part that scares me... my grandma told us months ago that she had a dream that she passed out and never woke up.

So, these passing out spells... they are not good. And she doesn't need to be alone.

My mom is trying her best to try and find a way to stay with my grandma more often. After all, this is my mom's mom... so you can see her view about this.

Right now, many prayers are to be requested for my grandma. For life is too short and there's nothing we can do to extend a life but for now... to make a life enjoyable.

So... ah, dang to the storm that is coming.... And... to always cherish those who are around you.

That's all.

With love,


A Day At Richmond, KY... Well, Hastings

Today, I went to Richmond, KY finally... but came home with less than what I thought.

I did buy Once Upon a Time POP! figurines. Emma Swan and Hook. Just because they were the awesomeness couple on that show. The sad part... is what will happen on that show tomorrow. Not gonna spoil or anything...

Then my mom found a coloring book that was inspired by Japan... so yea, had to get it.

I did get some free comics so that's a double plus! Glad Hastings had that too.

Then went to Walmart and bought some small stuff... but had to wait until I got to Berea to get Minecraft card... finally... I will get to play it. Have not download it yet.

Anyway, right now, my mom seems to think she broke her toe so she wants to go to the ER... not sure when she's gonna go yet... so will let you guys know in the second post!

For now... that's all.

With love,


Friday, May 6, 2016

I Watched A Sad Movie... Now To Cry... Not Really.

I watched a sad movie today... called "Fault in our Stars". Now I have not read the book for this movie but after watching the movie... I think I want to read the books.

I mean, I wanted to cry but mom was like "Let's eat now!" because it was around the time food was ready xD So, I held back the tears like a... wait... no... really? Ok, you get it.

Anyway, I want to go lay down and take a break from the computer... might be falling asleep too...

Since I do not know what time I'll be leaving to go to Hastings tomorrow yet...

So... late post tomorrow, ok? If you want pictures... just let me know somehow?

Alright, getting random now...

So... that's all.

With love,


PS: I want to try to remember to post something that I had been talking to my mom about... life is short and I really want to experience things more since I've chosen to not get settled down and other stuff that is called life... well, I meant... boring life. I want to get into more... of an active life?

So... here's to hoping for a better tomorrow.

It's Just A Distracting Type of Day?

Today, I have been distracted by what to do...

My brother brought my steam card finally so if any sales start around memorial day weekend... Yes... I will be buying more games. :D

I have been watching the bundle sales and waiting for any that would strike an interest to me xD

And thus... I am just a tiny bit lazy today...

Good news: My back is not hurting. It's sore but not enough to bother me constantly.

Anyway, yes, I know this is a late post but I will go now. Movie time. I would take a nap but trying not to lay down too much.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, May 5, 2016

It Was A Good Day

Today was a good day. Although, I never got a cake or never got to do anything awesome... I just had a good day.

I think I am going to start planning on how to earn money for a new desk chair... the one, I have is broken because of all the noises it makes... when chairs makes noises in this home, it only means one thing... they are broken. So, dang me.

Right now, I don't have enough money to even afford a new desk chair... really wish I could afford one of those awesome gaming ones.

To add on the more problem with this chair... it hurts my back. It's not because I'm sitting too long but because of how the chair sits right now... it literally feels like I'm going down hill. This chair is over 5 years old? Because it wasn't mine in the beginning... so... to me, that's a good enough life expectancy for a chair that's in this household because of everybody else wanting to just lean in the chair so far back... yea... no... I hate chairs that lean at desks because to me, chairs are meant to sit up straight so you have a straight back.

So... that's that.

This weekend, I will be going to Hastings finally... I don't know if I get to look at stuff carefully because I want to see what Hastings actually has got to offer. I have been going to Hastings ever since I first discover it in 2003? Maybe later... but yea... they moved but have been striving for that long.

I don't know what I'll do if Hastings ever closed down at Richmond... I mean, seriously... I could always go online and buy books... but you can't find a place like Hastings that sales decent prices on their used books and anime.

Alright, I will sleep and tomorrow would come... I be at home all day for Friday but Saturday will be the day, I'll be outside. :D

For now... that's all.

With love,


PS: Oh, yea... my video should be up on YouTube. It's short because my mom decided to interrupt me like always. xD

Video here:

I Leveled Up To 30!

So, today is my birthday. I've leveled up to 30... and it marks the journey of starting a new life for me.

My mom keeps saying we shouldn't worry about getting off this hill so I won't worry... but more like plan how to get off this hill and move to another place. :D

Anyway, I am still hurting in my lower back because of this chair... Yes, I am going to keep complaining until 1.) I find a solution that the chair would stop hurting or 2.) Be able to find a new chair somewhere but not broken.

So yea... don't wanna complain that much today. :D

I am not celebrating my birthday that much but my bestie said he would try to stay up a little to hang out with me for today. :3 Thanks! Just hope he sleeps by a certain time because life and such xD But I think it will be alright. :3

Alright, this post would be short but I'll let you guys know if anything good happens in the second post later today.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Last Day of Being in My 20s?

Today would be my last day of being in my 20s. Although, in other countries, I would already be 30...

Life is short but it's not something you should rush. If something happens or meant to be, it will happen at the right time. Nobody is perfect and nobody can predict the future as is.

Anyways, I have a video coming up but sadly, it's not a long video because my mom decided to interrupt me... So, you guys will see that in that video. Yay.

I am in between being sleepy and not being sleepy... I guess I took too many naps today...

I must keep doing things to earn... must try to get out of here... must try to...

I seriously need to figure out how to find a part time job. Most jobs here are well... hard to find because most of them expect you to give away your money to the county. Thanks Rockcastle.

Anyway, I will wait for midnight like I usual do for my birthday then go on to bed. :D

For now... that's all.

With love,


PS: No midnight post because I want to wait until tomorrow to give out a post about my birthday... but... if you want to wish me happy birthday, you got twitter for that! Also, if you want to help out, you see that donate button... click it. :D

It's Just May the Fourth... Whoa... Star Wars Day?!

Today, it is literally May the fourth... so you all would be saying "May the force be with you."

Anyway, I am not sure what to put here because it's a bit slow for me and I wanna record a short video about something for tomorrow... gotta figure out how to transfer the video somewhere else besides using the app... the app sucks a lot... so yea...

Alright, I will go and record that video on my phone since my webcam is out of service for a moment since I can't find a perfect software just for the webcam only. Yikes...

So... video doesn't come out until tomorrow since tomorrow is my birthday. :D

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Change To Blog That Me Didn't Do?

So, apparently, I just went on to update and this thing said that blogspot has changed so that anybody can view my blog using http thing. So... good job, I guess?

Anyways, my bestie got my birthday present early! I already had them downloaded. They are called Lifeline. Two different stories but they are basically "make your destiny" type of games. This one is simple... because you have to make two choices for this character that's named Taylor. Right now, just waiting for this character to get back to me.

Not gonna spoil it much on the game but it seems like something to do everyday until the game ends :D

Thanks to my bestie for this present! :D

I keep hearing people outside but I don't want to open the door because so many dangers been happening here and around here lately... it's sad.

I might be going to bed towards midnight... which is a good thing because it's getting me back in track with my sleeping patterns. Yay!

I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow since my birthday isn't until the day after.

Sooo... for now, that's all.

With love,


Finding Wonderland And Adventure Awaits

I am just trying to get myself to get this blog up so it won't be late tonight.

Finding wonderland and the adventure just awaits for me... with new stories xD

Anyways, I am not sure what to do today because I am well... not sure how I am feeling. xD

I would take a nap later but I would find something else to do.

I am just being random right now because in 2 days, my birthday would be here. Yay!

I need to just take a break from things and just rest... maybe take a shower and see if it makes me feel better xD

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Monday, May 2, 2016

Why Are The Blog Posts Seemed Late?

So, like I promised, I wanted to explain why I haven't wrote a blog early in the day lately... and sometimes even almost forget to do the first post of the day...

Well, in case you all are wondering, it's because my day in life is pretty much stuck at home. I try to go on daily walks but when it's raining outside, it's hard to even go outside. So, in return, I get into these moods where I could just slowly not to the things that I enjoy doing. Writing blogs is part of my enjoyment and it's dwindling down because of my mood.

I hate feeling like this but when you start to stop doing the things you love, it's not right. I stopped playing games for over a while... well, since Blade and Soul came out. I stopped then. I have been trying to get back into playing games but some reason, my mood just wouldn't let me. So I get distracted by something else entirely that I know by heart that I shouldn't be distracted by it.

Like lately, I have been having some back pain problems... so I have been taking hourly breaks from the computer. I really want to get back into gaming full time but that has been hard to do. Now, my blogs are getting affected because of my mood.

I am not happy but I am trying to stay positive about things going on and stuff.

Hopefully, things will turn around once the rains stopped coming down 24/7.

Right now, it's getting close to my bedtime and I don't really feel too good...

My solution, however, for my back pain problem is a pillow in the chair. My chair is broken now. Because too people kept leaning on it... my dad was just leaning in it earlier... so what does that tell you?

I can't afford a new chair... not for a long time. I really wish people would stop leaning in my chairs every time. I really love to sit in them straight with my legs crossed.... Yea, I can't sitting with my legs down on the ground. I feel more comfortable if my legs are closer to me. Because of my hip, I like it this way.

Alright, I have been going on too long about this... but just know, it's to be expected from here on and out for later blogs... or blogs that are written in  a roll.

That's all.

With love,


Always Forget To Do This Early

As you all would know... I always forget to do this early in the day.

I won't say much in this post because there's a show that's coming on right now in a few...

So... it's short. I will make a second post before I go to bed, explaining why I have been making late posts.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ideas That Jump Around

My bestie gave me the idea for the title. Yay!

I can never figure out how to finish a story so I ended up getting ideas and newer ideas for newer stories... so basically... like he said, my ideas just likes to jump jump. His words, not mine :P

Anyway, I have been a little ill all day long but seem like I figured out the cause of it. My stomach didn't really start hurting until after I started taking it... so... nope to that thing. Although it's just apply cider vinegar supplements, they kind of hurt my stomach in a huge way.

I was watching these people on YouTube about them going to a nutritionist to see what nutrients that they needed just by taking a small test... made me think that maybe that I need to do this too... but here's the thing... I do not know if I can take many supplements because of my stomach... so somewhere along the line, there's a health problem there. And I really can't get any doctor to listen or figure out what's wrong with my stomach. For now... as long as I watch what I eat and not take the supplements that hurt my stomach... I'm alright.

That was a bit off topic but that's how most of my blogs are. They are always off topic.

This week is my birthday week so I will be making a video on YouTube about it.

Also... my phone seems to keep saying my video is "Uploading" despite that I already uploaded it. Darn YouTube App.

Alright, enough of that, I will get on with my night by watching the rest of a movie I was watching before I got ill... and hope that tonight will be a better night.

Sorry for being weird earlier.

That's all.

With love,


Not So Great First Of May

My lower back has been nothing but pain to me ever since I woke up this morning.

Now I'm worried about my bestie right now.

I had been at my grandma's. Had a good time with my cousin and his wife.

Came home, ate pizza, and took a nap. Really don't feel good still...

But we will wait and see.

That's all.

With Love,