Friday, July 31, 2020

Random Writing Prompts To Write or Practice To Write

Languages are full of surprises... but writing... English is kind of weird... even though I am a native speaker of it.

But right now... let's share some prompts that you can use to write or practice to write.

What Do You See Yourself As A Person?
What Are Your Goals or Dreams?
What Do You See Yourself Doing in 5 Years? 10 Years?
Do You Have A Bucket List? If So, What Is On The List? If Not, Why Not?
What Do You Think About What Is Going On Right Now? (This Can Be Anything)
Where Do You See Yourself In Life Right Now?
How Do You Feel Both Emotionally and Physically?
Do You Have Favorite Foods?
Who Is Your Favorite Idol? Real or Fictional Are Okay.

Now I could go on but my mind is a blank right now. So which of these prompts are your favorite? Or do you have a prompt that you would like to share yourself? Just write and practice to write a lot of stuff.

Writing can be everywhere and anywhere... just as long you're careful where you are writing at.

So... write. It's like a virus to some of us... we just can't stop writing a lot.

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