Monday, January 29, 2018

My Future Lifetime Goal

I am sort of depressed... because of a call that's dragging me down... The calling is from outside of my home. A place out there wants me there. But it's not here. My home is not my hometown anymore. I know this doesn't make any sense to some.

I was sort of triggered when somebody comment on something I posted about if I had money, that I would be in a different place and with peace. I really want to complete my urge to move at some point in my life.

I love Kentucky as my home but like I said... I want to complete my call on finding a new home.

I think certain people don't have the urge and that's okay. But they should not comment on somebody's post about wanting a new home and be at peace. They don't understand that person and therefore, should not be a good friend to be with.

I made a post on my FB that when I do get the money... I am leaving my hometown. I might come back but I will never stay. My home will be somewhere else.

I'm just tired of everything that has been going on here.

I have this urge to travel too but I don't want to do that just yet. I want to make my new lifetime goal... finding a new home somewhere else other than my hometown.

I feel like it is time, you know?

Of course, this will take time and money but I believe in myself 100%. I'm not giving up on finding jobs that are suitable for me (Meaning.... I can't work in fast food resturants or anywhere that requires lifting a lot). I already made that choice because I do have a hearing problem and I can't lift.

So... when that time comes, I'll be moving away from my hometown and to who knows where.

And yea... things kind of sucks right now. Because you never know when things will go wrong.

The year of the Dog is going to be a good year but not so sure for many others... But you can't help bad things from happening.

That's all.

With love,


Also: My brother had a mild heart attack this morning but he's fine... just has to go see a heart doctor soon. Now you know what I mean by you can't help that things happen.

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