Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Let's Just Sit And Think About Things, Shall We?

Random title, I know...

Anyway, I'm being serious though... sometimes we need to sit down and think about things... especially for me... I'm getting no where with this or that...

And, I really need to get out of here...

Do I really have to wait? Nope.

What's stopping me? Money, can't drive, etc. And to add to that, no friends... I'm pretty much stuck.

Well, isn't there jobs nearby? Well, if you want to count the drug infested ones here... nah... not gonna risk that anymore.

So, what's to do? Well, try to earn money on my own... I just hope that I can do it.

The problem? My mind, my parents, my well being.

I can do something but things keep filing into my path that would stop me.

It sucks.

I would take my brother's offer to move out... but... there's a few things that I kind of draw the line there. I'm not a kid person... don't think I will ever be. So... yep... that goes down the drain.

So, what's going to happen? I hope... that things will change for the better of my intentions.

So... that's my random thing for you all to read.

I can't wait anymore. I need to work hard at something...

I will sleep soon... I was on a game but only for a few minutes... there were a few stuff I had to do before I got to play... such as go to the grocery store and more.

Yea... my life is pretty much dull right now.

That's all.

With love,


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