Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Slow Slow Day

So, after some debating with my own dad, he finally got that $5 pizza as long as I don't go out to eat tomorrow. xD

I think... I really should stop eating out. At least until I am able to get some moneys for myself.

Well, it's not a New Year's Resolution to stop eating out, it's more... I'm tired of hearing my dad fuss about it. xD

Anyways, I am not entirely sure when I am going to be getting the service for my phone... I will have to wait until I get more moneys saved. It will happen possible in the early months of this year.

So, yea, for it to be the second day of January, it has been a slow slow day.

This is going to be interesting to see what happens this year.

I'm trying to be more adaptable to cold weather, especially since I do have a dream to live in Japan where winters are even more crazier than here xD

I must get my notebooks out and start planning things... like make a quick script on what I should do for my first video... Any ideas? I know it will just be a just talk type of video xD

I guess I could end my blog for tonight and plan on heading to bed. I want to get back to sleeping at midnight and waking up at 8. You can count the hours there.

So... When I do plan for a video of the year, I will let you guys know... I have some sort of idea in mind... so we'll see.

Alright, time to go...

Also, I am watching "Ultimate Otaku Teacher" right now... I am not sure when I will complete it because at the same time, I am watching "The Kennedys" on Netflix. I finished a movie on there that was called "Homefront" which stars Jason Statham. It's interesting, because he's from the UK and he played as this southern American guy on that movie xD No judgement there because he did really good with the accent and more.

Alright... now it's time to go. Night guys.

That's all and until then.

With love,


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