Saturday, January 24, 2015


Yes, I am excited to finally get my keyboard in today. It's actually quite nice. O_O

Here's the picture of it with lights on:

Anyways, I'm not sure what we are doing today but we'll see...

Alright, that's all I want show...

Oh, before I forget... ISUCA came out finally last night. It's actually a good anime (it's for more guys but still... I don't care :P)

That's all for now.

With love,



  1. yay for the Logitech gaming keyboard! \:v/ <- don't blame me, blame the Logitech icon :v

    1. Ikr? Logitech has the best icon ever. :v eating a lightbulb xD

      But yay for gaming keyboard!!!! And I don't have to miss a letter during the dark now! Because I can see while I type now. :P And typing fast makes it easy now. xD


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