Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sleepy... Where's The Bed?

I'm getting sleepier by the minute and yawning each moment.

I hope me and my bestie get to play games again when I'm awake. If not, I'm sure we get to chat at least.

I want to buy myself a bow and arrow set... I really want to learn how to shoot an arrow, you know? I tried back then but then they took it away from school because it was a danger... then out of school, they brought it back... wtf.

So I want to buy a set and learn at home. I love ancient weapons some odd reason... swords, bow and arrows, etc. I guess it's something about my other self... another story.

I love magic too... it makes me feel awesome when I'm playing games. :o

Anyways, my yawns are taking over me more and more... so I shall sleep now.

That's all. Until tomorrow. Night now.

With love,



  1. yay for bow! \O_O/ But but but, should rethink about it because of the environment. Here, use this instead O_O *give her Hunting Bow @Skyrim* O_Ob
    I was about to bought it too, but it requires license here O_O and I am unable to shoot anywhere due to the crowded yet dangerous environment. O_O

    1. I know. O_O

      And really? Well, it's alright here as long as we don't hunt with it. It's illegal to hunt with bow and arrow here.


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