Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tired From Shopping!

So I got 6 pairs of jeans... and got rid of some old jeans once I got home.

Also.. I somehow ended up with 7 olaf shirts... yep... you're reading that right... 7... Olaf... shirts... from Frozen... How that happened?

Anyways, my friend said he don't mind if I share his blog so... here it is:

Oh, I bought two anime magazines... and a Sailor Moon blind box (ended up getting Sailor Venus or Minako Aino.) One of the anime magazine is from UK... which is odd to find at Hastings, you know? But I got it anyways since I want to see what it had it in. No free poster like the US magazine does.

Different names too. Otaku USA and Neo UK.

Alright, time to go... really tired now... and might be going to my grandma's tomorrow.

With love,


Friday, January 30, 2015

Having Fun!

Well, I was having from with my best friend, Rai, on Minecraft. He uploaded a few pics on his page. <.<

Anyways, I am about to take a long rest for the rest of the day... I have a show at 9. Maybe at 8 if it's on tonight.

I will be busy tomorrow, but will come home to tell my tale.

I hope my friend would do the same since I asked him to go to bed early from Saturday to Sunday. xD

Alright, time to go... gonna relax now.

With love,


PS: I have three movies to watch on Netflix so I will do those tonight and tomorrow night and Sunday night to detract myself from being bored. Those movies are being taken off Netflix in a few days...

 PPS: I wonder if Rai would let me share his blog. >_> He will see this and let me know.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Grow... My Saplings... Grow... Aka Minecraft Joke xD

I dunno... While my bestie was in the mine, I decided to put saplings all around the entrance of the mine... now the trees are huge xD

Anyways, he's gone to bed so I will get back to watching Netflix for the rest of the day... >:D

Chloe is a bit hyper today... She keeps trying to play fight with me and my other dog, Susie xD

I really should get on GF at some point but with many things to do at once... I'll eventually get back to GF xD

Alright, you know... I'm gonna go now.

So... update either later or tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sleepy... Where's The Bed?

I'm getting sleepier by the minute and yawning each moment.

I hope me and my bestie get to play games again when I'm awake. If not, I'm sure we get to chat at least.

I want to buy myself a bow and arrow set... I really want to learn how to shoot an arrow, you know? I tried back then but then they took it away from school because it was a danger... then out of school, they brought it back... wtf.

So I want to buy a set and learn at home. I love ancient weapons some odd reason... swords, bow and arrows, etc. I guess it's something about my other self... another story.

I love magic too... it makes me feel awesome when I'm playing games. :o

Anyways, my yawns are taking over me more and more... so I shall sleep now.

That's all. Until tomorrow. Night now.

With love,


Minecraft fun!

Me and my bestie decided to play Minecraft for a bit and we were awesome! Actually, we built a house, farmed, and chopped wood... all in a day's work xD

Anyways, I had pizza today for lunch... kind of full so I might take me a nap... not sure yet.

I don't usually take naps during weekdays... but since there's nothing else to do...

Alright, well, I hope to have another post today... if not, don't fret... there'll be one tomorrow!

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Another Time Playing Games...

This time it's Minecraft... and we had fun chopping and building stuff xD

We had to stop after 2 hours of play time due to my bestie having to go to sleep. He's been staying up late helping his dad.

But we did had a lot of fun playing games together xD

Hopefully his internet will be good for a while since he has a new one.

Anyways, I'm going to go watch some videos and maybe sleep again at midnight.

I want to level on GF but I also want to take a break too.

Maybe another time, yes?

Nah, I'll get on there when I get bored xD

Hopefully level up to 32 soon.

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, January 26, 2015

Sleepy Attack...

So... instead of staying longer on GF, I ended up getting sleepy...

So I will head off to bed as soon as I get this done.

Anyways, I enjoyed skyping with my bestie today. Wow... it's been so long since we last done that, you know? But we have fun. Mostly laughing randomly and watching dogs and cats and people walk by. <_<

Then a burp... and he saw me eat xD I'm strange xDDDDD

Anyways, hopefully his internet will be good so we can play some games and might even record. I have no echo probs... hopefully. :o

I just hope my dad doesn't all of a sudden say we're going to go somewhere... because I love playing games more. Although... my mom thinks that I want to spend my money on all jeans... (I have too many as it is but there's a few that I want to get rid of because I hate them.)

I do want to spend my money (if I get any) on some techie stuff. Say... mouse. I need a new mouse. Speakers are a maybe... a mic for just in case. And I really want to buy me a digital camera for to take with me when I go places. I mean... who knows what you might see!

But I doubt I'll get much money if I get any... so I'll be sticking with lesser things.

Alright... time to go to sleep now.


With love,


Just Wanted To Update...

Well, today has been an odd day.

My dad is off for the week... I think. Anyways, this keyboard is so quiet.


Too quiet.

The blue lights are on while the lights are on... alright, this is a random blog, you know?

Well... not sure what to say... but... that's all.

With love,


>_> At least no farts on skype now.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Level Up on Grand Fantasia!

While I'm a slow leveler on most games, GF seems to be awesome. I think I got up to level 31. But for now... I wanna save the gaming on certain times.

My bestie helped me get to level 30 and complete a dungeon on that game. So thank you.

Also, something awesome happened to me... An act of kindness. Basically this guy behind me helped me pay for the rest of my food. So, guys... understand, do an act of kindness whenever you can. Doesn't matter if you know the person or not.

So, that's my blog for now... right now trying to decide if I should continue on the game or just watch some shows on Netflix... ah, well... I'll figure it out when I get this blog done.

That's all for now.

With love,


BTW: Blue lights... pretty blue lights... *stare at her keyboard*

Wish I Wasn't Annoyed...

I mean... it's ok that I get to see my grandma's... I love her so much...

But then the part that gets annoying is having a mom trying to make things seem worse... wth...

I just wanna hit my head on this desk so many times... especially when I got home a few minutes ago.

Please... if you have bad news... tell me the right way. Don't start predicting somebody's death.

Alright, time to go eat... very hungry now.

Also... I miss talking to my best friend... really hope he gets a break and get his internet back to working... still waiting for news from him about him testing some internet out.

Alright that's all.

With love,


Saturday, January 24, 2015

This keyboard makes it easy to see in the dark!

Yep, just like the title says xD

Anyways, The Interview finally came on Netflix. So I watched it. It came out awesome in the beginning until... well, don't want to say until you guys watch it for yourself and see what I mean. I'm quite surprise this movie even came out after the ban... Just wow.

Alright, as much as I wish to try out my keyboard on games... I am still going to take a break until Sunday night. I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow yet but I will post that tomorrow.

For now, I will be watching some videos on youtube and maybe watch some shows on Netflix. Also, Crunchyroll is taking most of their K Drama off and moving them all to their sister site SoompiTV... so if you are big on those, just know they are not going away completely as they are not only on that website but also on other sites that shows Korean dramas too. I will go to those sites once Crunchyroll takes their K dramas away. So I'm not worried about it.

Alright, time to go.

With love,


PS: If you see a comment from my friend, Rai... well, it's how we communicate when he can't get online. So don't be surprise then. :o


Yes, I am excited to finally get my keyboard in today. It's actually quite nice. O_O

Here's the picture of it with lights on:

Anyways, I'm not sure what we are doing today but we'll see...

Alright, that's all I want show...

Oh, before I forget... ISUCA came out finally last night. It's actually a good anime (it's for more guys but still... I don't care :P)

That's all for now.

With love,


Waiting for Keyboard

So today, I am waiting for the keyboard to come in. I just received an update that it's waiting at the post office here.

Then it will be delivered here!

Anyways, there's snow everywhere here... No pictures because of the neighbors here... they have these kids that doesn't know how to behave or stay out of other people's yards... yea... don't live in trailer parks.

Well, I'm a bit hungry and want to eat something. So... that's all for now.

Might update again since I will be home today.

With love,


Friday, January 23, 2015

Might Take a Short Break From Gaming

Only because of this keyboard that I have right now. I want to be able to chat well enough and type fast and stuff...

Really, you can't on this keyboard because it's small and the keys don't press when I'm a fast typer.... so it makes my fingers hurt... like  a whole lot.

So... yea... hate it.

But I'm waiting for another keyboard to come in the mail. So I will be glad and just hope this keyboard now... goes to someone that can use it.

Alright... gonna rest my fingers... and I might be busy this weekend... so I will tell you all about it... might try to take pictures too.

Till another time.

With love


Thursday, January 22, 2015

I want stickers!

Suddenly, I just want to collect stickers... glorious stickers of all kinds... :o

Anyways, my head is hurting a bit today so I will play games tomorrow.

Right now, I will be watching anime until I get bored...

So... that's all for this short blog tonight.

Until tomorrow,

With love,


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Favorite Song... From an Anime.

First, the anime is called  Akatsuki no Yona aka Yona of the Dawn. 

Anyways, I am not sure of the title yet but here is the video:

As for why this is my favorite.... I like traditional Chinese and Japanese.... this is more Chinese with Japanese lyrics but still... I love it.

Not only is that type of music is my favorite, so is Irish, Bluegrass, celtic, gaelic, new age, etc. Anything to do with less electric is my favorite. Now I do enjoy EDM a lot... but I still got taste in the old.

So.... enjoy that small clip.

And now back to anime.

That's all.

with love


A Break! And Wow...

I decided to take a break after I got to level 28 on GF. x.X

Level 27 thanks to my bestie. Level 28 took me a while. Never go after something that turns you into a freakin' deer! WTF...

Though.. I have been turned into a unicorn, a monster, and everything else on other games.. so I guess it's fine.

Except when you die... yep... don't die.

Anyways, I took my break after I leveled up to 28 finally. My fingers need a break after I get done with this blog...

I found a keyboard that I want to get... now... how to get money...

Well, I'll figure it out eventually. I'm close to $30 on a website but that might take another month to take to get there! Opinion Outpost... takes forever. I'm just not sure if I'm going to do another reddit gift for this round. Maybe next round.

Oh... If I wait for more than 2 weeks... I might be able to buy that keyboard. So... yay!

Anyways.. gonna go let my fingers rest... r.i.p. my fingers.

That's all.

With love,


Not A Morning Person

I don't like mornings. That's why I don't wake up so early in the morning xD

Anyways, my mom is home for those that thought that she stayed in the hospital yesterday. She does hurt in her back so I hope that she feels better soon.

Also, I want to play a game at some point today... might do some quests, but then again... ah, heck... quests until I get tired xD

I still need to watch some anime so I will take a break later tonight to watch them.

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bed Soon.

So, I spent 6 hours on Grand Fantasia... now I'm sleepy.

Anyways, I will keep this short and simple.

My bestie finally came online and helped my leveled up to 25. Yay!

After he went to bed (He will be sleeping for a while xD), I stayed online and completed some more quests. I am now level 26 xD

Well, since he's gonna sleep, I took a break. I will head off to bed myself and sleep... so yay...

Not much to talk about right now but I hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

Night guys. Hope to have good sleep.

With love


Morning Blog Readers! Quick News And More...

And so I woke up thinking my dad was fussing but it ended up that my mom had to go to the hospital again.

My mom had pneumonia and that was why she was in the hospital on Thursday through Saturday. Since coming home, her back started to hurt a lot. Not sure why until today she started hurting so bad that she ended up going to the ER (Emergency Room).

She didn't had to stay but she did find out that she had a bladder infection and something from taking antibiotics that caused her back to hurt a lot. They told her she needs to stop taking the antibiotics and take another type to get rid of the infection. I hope this time she will feel better.

My mom is 58 years old. She was born with Asthma (still have it to this day). She also has COPD, a degenerative spine (Meaning, her discs are being eaten away from another diseased called osteoarthritis), and she does have severe scoliosis which seems to be running through my family since both me (Not so severe but then again.. I haven't checked in a while and I should because of shoulder pain) and my brother have it (my brother had surgery at 19 for it). Anyways, my mom is really having it hard right now because winter doesn't do her justice.

Alright, let's move on to me. I have been wondering why my phone was on last night for no reason at all. I mean... I had it on airplane mode but it somehow let my wifi work... strange... right? Well, that caused my phone to drain so I woke up with it coming on... now it was fully charged when I went to bed... turning on airplane slows this process down.. but some odd reason, it left my wifi on when that should've been off too!

So I plugged my phone up and turned off the wifi.... only to find it early this morning that the wifi was on again! WTF... So I unplugged my phone and just restarted it... After I restarted it and put it back on airplane mode... and waited a hour. Good no more weird wifi coming on again...

But what made my phone act this way? I do not know... but I do know that my phone is getting old because the next best thing keeps coming out! My phone: Samsung Galaxy S2. The New: Samsung Galaxy S5. x.X

Until S5 goes on sale, I'm due for a newer phone.

Alright, I will eat now and might post another blog later... Also, I will play Grand Fantasia with my bestie later. He's busy right now because in a month from now, it's Chinese New Year and yea... so many things to do for the both of us.

Well, that's all for now.

With love,


(I am so not used to typing slow because this keyboard is just.... bah blah~!)

Monday, January 19, 2015

When a Rock Band from America meets J-Pop? What We Get?


Anyways, I wanted to play games today but sometimes life seems to sidetrack me. I don't mind... but I really there's more time during the day or night... Ah, well...

I want virtual realty to happen... like something that could take somebody away for weeks at a time. Maybe years...

I sometimes wish to escape the realty of the world around me because it really stresses me out.

And this keyboard is driving me nuts right now.

Alright, time to go play.... At least I can play now.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, January 18, 2015

And So You Wonder... What?

I was going to get back online to play Grand Fantasia but I ended up napping, then going out to a local shop, then watch anime, then took the dogs out, then... well, completely lost track of time that I didn't get to play the game xD

Anyways, so you now wonder what?

Well, I just don't know. I will try to play until midnight so I will keep you guys updated tomorrow, ok?

Alright, that's all for now. Also... trying to be patient for a new keyboard.. I want to look into gaming types or types that glows in the dark... any suggestions?

With love,


It's Magic!

Actually, it's magic if you're playing games xD

Today I had a break from going to my grandma's. Mostly because of problems going on there.

Then they try to get me into their business.

But that ended soon.

I've decided to try out something different. Since I love taking photos... And maybe try to do something more of those lines...

I have a picture blog called A Faerie View and I might actually get back to doing that.

I will find a small cheap class that will teach me basics on photo editing and such...

For now.... that's all.

With love,


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Good News! And Game Addiction!

The good news? My mom is finally home from the hospital.

So that's wonderful news!

Anyways,  not much going on but I have gain another game addiction.

I am going to get on and play this game in a moment. But I just wanna finish up Sailor Moon.

So that's all for now.

With love,


Friday, January 16, 2015

The Days Are Different Than The Nights...

Really, when I wake up, I get this vibe that I am going to completely messed up. Seriously...

Then when the nights come, I'm all like... "You know... Let's go!"

And so I sleep at midnight xD

Anyways, this will be a shorter post because I kind of want to log in on Eden for a few then head on over to GF.

That's all for now.

With love,


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Well... Some News... and Possible Delays

So, my mom was admitted into the hospital today. Her doctor said that she might be staying for up to 3 to 5 days, depending on how she does while there.

She has COPD and Asthma both. So she literally has double the breathing problems. When she gets sick, especially when the weather changes, it gets harder to breath for her.

Though I hope that she feels better soon, I do kind of wish I could take her somewhere near the ocean or somewhere that has no humidity. Maybe one day she will get there and be better at breathing.... though COPD and asthma can only be controlled, there is no actual cure for it. And it's not catchy but it can run in the family if it wants to be. Just depends on the mutation of the genes.

I refuse to smoke and refuse smokers to be around me because of my mom. Even the smell can drive her to have breathing problems. So, yea... I hate smokers, no offense.

Anyways, there will be some delays with my life until she gets better... but it'll be alright, I'll keep you guys posted.

More anime and games since I'll be home while she's there. I won't forget her, don't worry.

That's all for now.

With love,


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Crunch Crunch... Then Boom.

Yes, random blog title post xD

Anyways, I was going to play online games but my stomach decided to do something else. Pain galore...

And so I will play a hour per game just to see what's up. Maybe not a hour... xD

Well... I'm not entirely sure what I'll be doing besides crunch crunch and boom.


That's all.

With, love,


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So.... I am getting back to story writing...

The thing is.. I want... well, I need at some point... to get into the feel of games in order to do this.

That is why I wish to try out anything VR related. The anime is not enough so any ideas are welcome.

I wanted to do a guild type but the story is different and not related to SAO at all. Because when the character wakes up, she is still in the game but the NPCs have a mind of their own.. just like Log Horizon. So.. that's just the plot of it.

Alright, I shall go now.. I want to take a break from anime tomorrow and play some games... Get the feel and get some ideas because I want to make this book interesting and something to look forward to.

That's all.

Night for now.

with love,


(btw... my mom bought me this new keyboard and it loves to do things that I don't like... Basically... it's a keyboard not made for a fast typer like me... Blah...)

Why do I fall asleep so easy during the winter?

I mean... come on... it's just a bad day as it is... and I sleep more often than usual. x.X

Anyways, I'm closer to my goal on completing certain anime.. once that is done, I'm gonna be free to watch anything. Yay!

I'm not sure what the year will bring though because a neighbor that is an old friend to my grandma and her kids (my mom and my aunt) had passed away today. I didn't know him that well but still... the old country life is just going away like it's the end of country life...

While life is special to all of us, most of the others are not so lucky... so we stand and just hope that they had good times at least.

Now... that's all.

With love,


Monday, January 12, 2015

Why Blog This Late?

Well.. I'm always finding something else to do during the day... that I forget that I have a blog to do sometimes xD

Sorry, sorry, sorry. xD

Anyways, I want to find a way to get a job to travel the world. But there's one small catch.. or two... My dogs. I can't leave them behind... so it might pose a problem when finding a way to travel the world.

Ah, well. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Well, I am waiting for one more anime to watch. It's called Iscua. Heard it's good... not sure yet.

I guess this blog will be only for today... so enjoy, ok? I will get back to normal pace once this dreadful period thing is over.

That's all.

with love,


Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Anime of Winter 2015 Are Actually Good~

And so the long awaited list for this week of Winter 2015 anime is here.. I will only list the anime that came out this week. Oh... and it seems that it's all that's out but still... it's a good season, this time. So here is the list:

  • Absolute Duo
  • Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!
  • The Testament of New Sister Devil
  • Magic Kaito 1412
  • Kancolle
  • Tokyo Ghoul Root 2 (season 2)
  • Saekano
  • Assassination Classroom
  • Jojo Bizarre Adventure's Stardust Crusaders: Battle in Egypt! (Season 3)
  • Death Parade
  • Aldnoah.Zero 2 (season 2)
  • Shounen Hollywood: Holly Stage for 50 (season 2)
  • The Rolling Girls
  • Gourmet Girl Graffiti
  • Maria the Virgin Witch
  • World Break: Aria of Curse for Holy Swordsman
  • Samurai Warriors
  • Fafner Exodus
  • Unlimited Fafnir (two different anime... xD)
So that's the list. I am going to enjoy this season. There's two others that I wish to watch the other seasons first. Those are Durarara and Dog Days. Of course, maybe Kamisama Kiss. But for now, I will watch those later. I will enjoy the new anime that I have listed first.

Alright, time to go. I have other anime to watch still so I will be busy for awhile.

If there are any anime that you are suggesting, please do comment me and tell me. I will give it a try. There are a lot that I did watch and they are listed at Anime Planet. So you can check that page on the right, thanks.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


3 hour naps... wow.

Anyways, I have this new keyboard and it loves to not work for me.

So next time, don't let your mom get you a keyboard xD

So I am awake from a 3 hour nap... wow...

I will be a bit delayed on that list but it will come either tonight or as soon as I can. I have new anime to watch for today so that will take a bit longer to get started.

The list is pretty long though but I'm sure you guys would like to compare too!

Alright, time to go. I will be watching some shows until 10. So that's why the delay will be there.

Also, period decided to come visit me for a few days, so I will be off a bit... only short posts. Sorry.

That's all.

With love,


Need to Stop the Temptation...

Not many knows this but I'm not a normal person. I've accepted who I became through out my life but there are moments there are people that wants you to become a normal person. I always ignore them.

I live my life in trauma. I can't explain most of them because my childhood was strict. I wasn't allow to have friends or have fun. When my dad moved out when I was 16... I started to change myself. I was already traumatized from the death of my grandfather at the time. I was so excited because I wanted to do so much before that time. When that fall came, I became depressed. Basically, I changed. I never talked to anybody about it.

Once when I was a child, I met a psychic  at a carnie. They just grabbed my money and looked at my mom that I have a hearing problem. Somehow, I was surprised because I was just a child, you know? This opened my world up into something new for the rest of my life.

Guys came to me later on my life, telling me that they were sorry for making fun of me. I literally was like.. I don't recall that you did. It's true, I never paid attention to what was around me as I grew up. The world, the humans... they didn't matter at the time. Only those who were really close to me matter. I became a loner for a reason, you know?

I didn't know who to talk to. I didn't know how to make friends. I was scared to even introduce myself to anybody because I wasn't allow to bring them home with me.

It's why I didn't had dates. I did had only one friend. We were awesome. Then when high school came, we drifted apart. I needed him but he had other people... so I dealt with sadness on my own. Sure, I wanted to tell people about what was going on at my home when I was in high school. And if you said that I could've just got help... I was scared to death, ok?

Now, I have a really close friend that I can talk about anything to. Rai. He listens to me thankfully. It makes me happy.

But we live a world apart. We could only talk whenever he's able to come online. I don't mind that at all because when I have time or when he does, we talk and play games together (if we can xD)

I was asked once if I wanted children.. I don't. I love other children but only if they are well mannered. Loud, screaming kids sort of annoy me. I have a hearing problem, I sure don't want to hear screams all the time.

I just want to fight this temptation of the darkness now. I know if I don't fight it this time... It would have a bigger impact to my life.

So, this blog.. just points out why I am always sad during the day.

With family having more health problems... it scares me. It scares me that I am closer to that temptation again.

As I recall my trauma in my life.. I realize that I am fighting to stay strong inside and out.

I needed to tell the world this. My life is not the only one that's not imperfect. But each have a different reason.

And now... as for guys... well... I keep thinking more about it.. I am still not ready to go out on a date again... Or even have a relationship. Heck... I might stay single forever. I don't care... I like being alone with my dogs. xD

Anyways, something is bothering me again... so I must fight this temptation again.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Yum Yum Crunchwrap!

Crunchwrap Sliders from taco bell is awesome!

Anyways, more anime came out today so I will be watching those for today.

The list might come out tonight, but I will wait for the full list tomorrow, if you guys don't mind.

I'm a bit worried about my dad atm. He's too stubborn to go to the doctor to get himself checked and stuff.

Alright, time to keep this short and find something to do.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, January 9, 2015

A Very... Unusual Day.

And so, I just found out that my favorite store is closing down. Nooooooooooo!!!!

So I gotta find jeans somewhere else if I need anymore. I actually do need to get some since it's been 2 years since I bought newer jeans... I need to change my style a bit and yea... you know how that goes.

Anyways, I am still watching new anime. I will head over in a moment to do that. Right now, I am watching random Japanese Lucky Bag openings on youtube. It's so interesting. And I really want some of the cute items from Japan, you know?

Well... I will try to update again today, but if not, it's because I didn't feel good.

All of this cold weather has been giving me too much headaches. I think winter is over for me because I'm not a big fan of cold weather like I use to when I was a kid.

Mostly because of my ears that I hate to go out into the cold weather. I get earaches really easy so yea...

Anyways, that's all.

With love,


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Seriously Cold Day...

Today has been really cold. Well, so was yesterday and last night. And today. And tonight. And so forth.

But seriously... makes me wanna go somewhere warm and stay there until Winter is gone.

Anyways, I'm about to head to watch some more new anime and finally get back to watching Your Life in April.

So... this blog will be short but don't worry... I'll keep you guys posted each day!

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What Day Is It? Hump Day! O_O

So, I've been sitting here, watching new anime... and the list is so far short.

And weird ones are out too... Like Yuri Kuma Arashi. o.O It's a yuri anime up straight... but the bears... the bears, really?

Anyways, that anime is not part of my list but if you're interested, go for it.

I am completing more anime as the days go by. So far, I'm at the L's of anime. xD

That's not many. Still got a few to go.

Alright, till Sunday, I will have this week's list of new anime.

So keep an eye out for them!

That's all!

With love,


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

As the Days Go By...

I'm looking for ideas to do unboxings for you guys through here and maybe on video.

Anyways, I'm getting the new anime in to watch so I will be watching them and hopefully be able to list then as the weeks go by.

I will not list the anime until after a week so be expecting a list every Sunday until the list is done.

So keep an eye out.

I will be going now and hope that I can post another blog post before the day ends... if I don't just be glad this one made it!


That's all.

With love,


Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter 2015 Anime Coming Soon!

I'll be busy starting later this week and so forth... with... new anime.

As far as I am concern, there's only a few that I am looking forward to. However, after this season is over... I must find a place that shows Digimon Tri... because that is coming out for spring! I hope it does that is.

Anyways, I'll be making another list for you guys but I'm skipping the ones that I haven't seen the first season (i.e. Kamisama Kiss and more). So don't expect me to put that in the list even if the anime is awesome and stuff.

Alright, I am keeping this post short and gonna catch up with more anime... FYI, Netflix is cutting a lot of shows off later this month and next month, so please do watch those.

With love,


Internet and Cold

The internet has been acting a little weird for me lately. Just last night, I was opening up a page. Then the internet went off.

So, I am curious why my internet is going off for just loading pages... browser ones too.

Besides that, today is officially the first coldest day of 2015... yay.

Just wait until the teens come around... now that's cold. Too cold.

I'll be cuddling a load of blankets during that time. I'm sure my dogs will be doing that too.

Alright, that's all for now.

Might update again later.

With love,


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Made My Day... Chick Video.

Wait, what?

I never laughed so hard in my life until I watch this video... *point down*

I thought Gangnam Style was good, but that one... That just takes over it all xD

Anyways, I went to my grandma's for a brief visit but didn't get to stay long so we decided to come on home.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing for the rest of the day... But I might be watching Gaviant (?) tonight. Heard it's a comedy with music... so that's gonna be interesting to see.

Alright, that's all. Enjoy the video.

With love,


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dull Boring Day But It's Alright

So, I was rudely awaken by my mom this morning. Nearly went into bomb mode... but after some sleep, I got over it.

Anyways, we went to Walmart and got some food.

Though I didn't feel like looking at anything so we were just in and out of that store.

The rain is what makes today a bit boring. So I decided to catch up with some anime and stuff.

Well, going to go and wonder what time I should go to bed tonight. Also, I might be at my grandma's tomorrow. But they are starting on the other bridge there now... so it won't be long before they start taking it out and travel will be harder to get over there for the next few weeks.

However, the bridge above my grandma's is open now. I'm gonna try to get there on a day that's not cold or rainy. So, if you guys want pictures, let me know.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, January 2, 2015

I Really Want To Do UnBoxings...

I mean it. I really want to do one.

Anyways, as it gets closer to midnight here, I am getting sleepy.

So I thought that I would just leave a post for you guys.

Yea... I want to do unboxings sometimes... So hit me up... I mean it. ;)

Alright, time for bed!

That's all.

With love,


Just Been Thinking...

It seems that everyday, I have to sit and think about something even though I don't have to.

Anyways, besides the thinking part, I have been playing games with my bestie more often. And we have a good laugh each time xD That's an awesome friend, you know? We find something we both enjoy and talk on our mics and we make each other laugh. :P But have fun at the same time. So, it's cool, you know? Yea... awesome and cool.

Today, I helped my mom look through some old papers saying goodbye to 2014 bill statements and other less important documents that we sort of gathered through the year xD

I got lots of things to plan through out this year... so I hope that I get things done at the very least.

It's time to take a step and be happy.

Also, I learn there are more judgmental people out there so... don't be judgmental or you'll learn that people are gonna start ignoring you more.

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Catching Up on Anime...

I've been busy trying to catch up with a lot of anime. I still had to catch up with Summer and Fall anime.

By next week, the fall anime that didn't end will return. They took a two week break so I had plenty of time to catch up with most of the anime. Really, I'm just slow at catching up xD

Anyways, Winter 2015 anime is coming up. So far, Crunchyroll and Funimation has an interesting line up. I will post what I want to watch later... because I am making a list for that.

Also, I made some more changes to my blog so if you look down below, there's a donate button. You are welcome to only donate if you want to. Think of it as a way to support for my blog. Again, only if you want to. You don't need to and I'm not forcing you. This blog is free so you are fine. :)

To the right, there are added more pages that you can go look at. Good Reads, anime sites, etc. So enjoy those. Follow, whatever. Up to you.

Alright, back to whatever I was doing xD

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Back From Walmart and Resting

I'm gonna try to be more productive with this year... Earning what I want and enjoying what I need.

I went to Walmart to get some stuff that I need. I always try to keep things a month ahead because you never know when you're gonna run out of something.

I found a couple of survey sites that does pay me so I will enjoy doing those. I also want to find that one site where you get paid for scanning receipts... :o

Anyways, I'm gonna try to save all the money I can for 2015 because I have a feeling that I'm gonna be having a bumpy road ahead of me.

Alright, gonna rest now and watch more anime before they start back up after this weekend.

So that's all.

With love,


Happy New Year's!!!!

It's finally here. And I am finally gonna... well, not exactly sleepy but I should sleep xD

Anyways... here's to hoping for an awesome new year! Yay! 2015!

That's all for this lovely short blog.

With love,