Thursday, May 23, 2013

143 of 365: Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

I know I have a weak immune system but seriously... When will it go away?

Anyways, I have been making these updates on my phone so some words may get affected by the auto correct. So please be kind and ignore them for the time being.

I guess you're wondering how my life has been. Well... Here's some good news... I am moving soon so that I can start saving money to move to Indonesia. I know it won't be easy and I know I have to take my time to do so. But why am I moving? Simple. My family are money crazy... Therefore they do not know how to save money very well. I have seen money get gone because of some sticky finger person.

So... Wish me luck. I don't need somebody negative telling me otherwise. I don't really need negative honesty either. Maybe you will realize that life isn't full of doubts and regrets and slow is a good thing.

Next two weeks are gonna be a tough challenge for me... Since my mom doesn't seem to want me to live on my own yet. As my cousin's wife pointed out, I will have to live on my own eventually. So choosing to move to another country might be a big step but it's a challenge I'm willing to take on.

So how am I getting the money? You won't know. And you don't need to know. After the first week of June, I'm going to start the process. Visas, passports, getting my dogs to the vet (animal doctor), etc. I won't move there automatically because finding a place takes time too, you know? A traveler's visa can only last 30 days or more with extra money.

Anyways... I learn something else... In which I wish people of America would open their eyes to see... We can't force foreigners to get jobs here. We can however start building up ideas that would accumulate both Americans and foreign welfare. So... Let's hope they don't be stupid and pass a law against foreigners on getting a job here. It would be kind of... Saying we don't allow freedom here.

Anyways, everybody is entitled their own opinion and so that was mine.

That's all.

With love,


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