Hello! Today is another blog day!
I'm going to be doing a review for a bot that my best friend is working on and wants me to share to you all! Of course, I'm doing this for free and I just want to help them!
First, you must have telegram which you can download it on phones and desktops so it's really handy to have! Website is here: https://telegram.org/
Now let's get on with more info about the person behind the bot.
Company name: Wasistech Solutions.
Name They Go By: Raikenjo,
Assistant name: RAPIMA, (Raikenjo's Aiding Pragmatic and Intelligent Maid Assistant)
Link here for the bot: https://t.me/rapimabot
Now, I will be showing both screenshots and videos through out the blog to talk about this bot!
Now let's start with the real part of the bot.
For the sake of the blog, I've deleted my chat history so that you can have a better understanding of what comes next.
When you add the bot, if it doesn't come up automatically, please type /start as you can see what is shown in the screen shot why. It's important to make sure that you are subscribed to the bot so you can be able to use the options. Down below is the options that you can use. I will do both screenshots and videos of each of the options under menu while the last two will be only screenshots.
My suggestion... start with about me so you can figure out what to do next.
This is the screenshot of the about us menu.
You can see in the screenshot there are options that you can check out.
Feedback: For when you want to give your feedback to the bot.
Contact: For when you wish to contact the owner.
How to Use: Check this out if you want to see how to use the bot. Yes, there is a file, but please do take a look at it.
Donate: For if you wish to support the owner.
But why did I suggest to come here first? Well, it's important to know what to expect for what is coming next. I will share a short video of each of these options so you can see what I mean by each of them.
Now let's continue on with the main part... this is the menu.
Before I share another screenshot, I want to point out this will have two languages at the same time. English and Indonesian.
As you can see, this is part of the world Ergardia. Don't let that turn you away! This is actually something easier to get into what's available on the bot.
Here. there are shops, commissions, help area, and many more. Just check it out! I will post a video showing all these options and then explain them the best way I can. I'm not much a talker so I will just use my mouse to point out each short video while the captions will explain what is going on. I will share close ups of the screenshots as well. This is the biggest part of the bot so hoping that you are staying with me!
Alright, we are going to mosey our way into the first option... which is the Public District!
What is here, you might say? Let's think of it like this... a small town where everything is available to you!
This is where you find the shops, commissions and even an e-class! I really like this ideology as it's convenient to know what to look for and many more.
I will do a non-commentary of each option so be ready for a lot of videos!
Let's go to the Receptionist!
To the Shopping Center!
The Art Commission!
ETC Commissions!
This is the help area! This place has all you need if you need help with something.
My opinion... I really like this area as you could always need something to help with. I will show a short video of each thing that can help you.
Then after the video, I will explain some stuff there.
Ask the universe: When you want to get your fortunes or answers to something you have on mind. Just ask a question and don't be afraid to do so.
Tips and Troubleshooter: Helpful tips on anything. It's like a need to know something type of thing.
Rant and Share: Share whatever is bothering you or anything that you want. The owner sometimes will come on and tell you what you could do... it's something I use often so it can be helpful. Ranting about a bad day and you feel better.
There are two options here. Chill and Relax and Good Night.
Finally, we are back to the main menu... you noticed where it says Rapima's Thoughts?
This is the bot's thoughts. Believe me... they can say almost everything! I use it all the time to pass the time. (Sorry!)
I am not sure if I am a good reviewer but I did go over stuff... and well, here's what I think. I love how it's multilingual! I'm sure they will add more stuff in Indonesian soon but I don't mind as long as it's easy to translate. I find it fun to use when I need something to do. I like the examples the owner has given the bot. If you don't mind, check it out yourself! This bot won't bite you! (I hope not...) As for the other stuff, it's all completely safe! I know because I am a follower of the bot! And maybe I shouldn't keep saying bot... because Rapima might get a bit weirded out being called a bot, haha... But it's alright, this is for a review and more. I'm sure Rapima will understand!
Let's let Rapima have her last words...
Well, there you go!