Monday, March 1, 2021

A Very Interesting Week

 While I'm taking a break from talking about my past... let's just talk about the past week...

Tuesday sure was eventful. I went to my doctor for that day and learned that everything was good... but I still have to be monitored for any type of cancer... because it was on my thyroid... so yea...

Later that day... my dog, Chloe decided it was a good time to run out... About 2 hours later, I finally did caught her... though... coaxing her with hamburger was the only way to even get her in...

During that time... I accidentally put the bag of fries where our snacks usually go... just not where it's supposed to be xD

But... it's all because I was really tired... after I got Chloe in... I took a nice deserved nap.

Wednesday, we went to the store and got our groceries like always...

Thursday, I was able to write one letter... though I decided it would be better if I only wrote one letter a day... since I've started doing penpaling as a hobby... and it's a good hobby because I enjoy reading letters from others.

Let's skip to Saturday then. We actually went to London, KY to shop a bit... actually bought more envelopes and they were so colorful and bright...

Sunday, we went to see my aunt... and well... it started to rain a whole lot... so we came home before the floods started... and sure enough... it flooded around that area and so much more areas around my hometown and stuff...

Right now, I just hope that everybody is alright and staying safe... the floods are horrible and much more. We are safe, thankfully... but I am still hoping that others are okay.

Kentucky is just weird... it's not long ago that we had a bad snow and ice, you know?

Alright, I'm just hoping that the weather for a while will get better... but... it's starting to be close to spring and you know how that goes around this area...

Well, I shall get back to my life...

See you all next week for a weekly update of my life... xD

That's all.

With love,


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