Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thinking of Doing More Breaks

 I have been actually enjoying my break... and might do this again... actually, this week, I will be taking a break until Sunday xD

Anyway, I may do a poll about if you all rather see me do a weekly blog where I talk about the week and stuff... rather than doing random blogs for the week.

It's a choice that I must make up too for the new year... if weekly blog is all that I can do... then so be it.

But if I do end up doing that... I will pick a day that's different than Sunday to do my weekly updates so that I can actually have time to write stuff out instead of hurrying about.

I do enjoy the freedom of the idea of doing weekly blogs...

But before I make the final choice, I will do a poll on my twitter about it.

Alright, I will get back to doing other stuff and hope for the best.

That's all.

With love,


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