Sunday, October 18, 2020

I Learn To Take Breaks When I Am Not Feeling Good

 Well, it's to be expected that I actually skipped this week...

Mostly, it's hard to do anything when you stayed up too late xD

So it's mostly, my bad...

Anyway, I can't always promise whether or not I'll do more than one blog a week... so you all just have to bare with me.

I want to plan out to clean out my room out soon... mostly getting to some books so that I can be ready for them when the time comes... so yea...

I got too much books but I am reading more... except, I gotta learn to stop reading bad books...

Oh, well...

So if there's less blogs for one week or more... it's usually because I decided to take that break.

Alright, I got lots to say for my other blog... so if you want to learn more about what I'm playing... you just scroll over there.

That's all.

With love,


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