Tuesday, September 29, 2020

These Are My 10 Commandments (Sort Of) Of Writing A Blog As A Hobby

 There's a post idea that says... "what is your ten commandments for your career?" And I was like... I don't actually work but doing everything else... sort of is...

What do I mean about everything else? Well, I am doing this blog... even though as a hobby, I still consider it as a job.

So... here's my commandments on... well... my blogs.

1. Don't Worry About Anything... I mean it... don't worry about anything that you do. If it seems weird, don't worry about it.

2. Try To Get Ideas... Just so you can be inspired to write more.

3. Don't Have A Set Schedule.... since you are writing the blog as a hobby... if you are like me.

4. Short Posts Are Okay...Especially if you are like me... who sometimes don't know what to talk about all the time.

5. Be Ready To Be Criticize With No Problems.. I mean... it's okay to be criticize as long it's not in a rude way... I had been rudely told that my way of words are not okay... and I was like... you know... you could just say that... I need to fix a problem instead of telling me how my writing style should be.

6. Don't Stress... I mean it... don't stress if you don't or aren't able to post in that day or length of time.... just explain it in a personal post that you have been busy or you just didn't know what to talk about.

7. Not Everything Is Gonna Be Perfect.... You are reading that right... not everything doesn't have to be perfect so don't let that get to you... perfection doesn't always have to be you.

8. If You're Ever In Doubt, Just Write It Out.... Sometimes, if you don't know what to talk about... you would like to write it out... and then you can figure out from there whether or not to post it.

9. One Failure Is A Lesson Learned... I usually just get some ideas out of the way if I know that I don't like it.

10. Don't Be Like Everybody Else... I mean it... you are you... My blog is all over the place and you think that I care? Not really... I like to try something new a lot of times.

And so... you get the idea of what my commandments are... I don't think it's what I think of... but they are good to follow if you want to write a blog as a hobby.

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