Thursday, August 13, 2020

Worship With Caution Seems Weird For This Title

 We all know people who worship somebody... or something.

There are anime, game and more fans that literally worship a character or idol.

But since I am not going to talk about those... maybe on the other blog, I would... let's talk about worshiping in general.

Where I think it's okay to worship? Churches, places of worship, stuff like that.

Where it's not okay to me? That's a hard question to ask... but rather let's ask what is not okay to worship...

Leaders in political should not be worshiped. They are not a god. They are not something you should go around, begging people that this person or that person is awesome and they should be worshiped. I mean... it's okay to idolize them but to go beyond that you would literally pray over this person is a bit... crazy. I mean... you see dictators who are being worshiped. You see these false prophets being worship... you know what I am talking about... There are cults out there where the person that makes the rules that are being worshiped.

It's okay to worship religion and more. But... be sure it's not the one that restricts and makes strict rules... like many types that are hidden.

I have no doubt that... worshiping should be something that should be tread lightly...

What's okay to worship? Preachers, real prophets, pope... etc.

But with that idea in mind... it's okay to worship people as long it's not for the evil or... as long as they are looked at like a god.

Do you worship something? If so, what is it?

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