Sunday, October 13, 2019

What To Expect In A Few Weeks

Oh, hey... it's my second personal update...

And it's late... well, it's just perfect timing because I am always napping late on Sundays... always a busy weekend....

During the weekday... I only nap once and not very long... during weekends... my nap lasts from a hour to two... so yea...

I should say.... I finally went to Five Below... a store where everything is below 5 dollars... and that store has become... my favorite. Just like Ollie's... it's a store with random stuff...

Also... they have Japanese stuff at Five Below... I may take pictures of those items one day... but nah... too lazy.

I did finally got my planner... only to find out, they had one cheaper at the local Dollar General... wtf... but I did get a pocket planner because I like to have those around whenever I need something in a hurry.

In two weeks, I will have my doctor's appointment... I will ask for a check up on my lungs.

Not sure if you all know... but I have been coughing really strangely lately... almost like my mom does when she has an Asthma attack... but I don't get choked up for very long... very strange... and need to get it checked out,

As for my health... well, I'm alright but I still think they need to raise my medication... all I can say... have to wait until after the blood test in a few weeks... possibly next week or so.

Also... three weeks, I will be going to the hearing doctor...

Something that is needed but I couldn't make it because of stuff...

Yea... things are happening in the weeks ahead and I will continue to talk about it next Sunday...

Keep an eye out!

That's all.

With love,


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