Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Had A Long Day Yesterday

I didn't even had time to write a blog yesterday...

It was a long day.

I mean it...

I went to Lexington, had to wait a long time for my blood test... then had to wait awhile before I had to go see the doctor.

Got to tell my formal surgeon goodbye since he's leaving the state for another job. He had a going away party so that's interesting.

Then my mom had to go to the ER... and that took almost two hours itself.

But we had to made a trip to my dad's work so he could do something...

Then by the time we got home, we all were just too tired for anything.

All in all... glad to be doing okay.

They did had to upped my medication so just hoping that all goes well for me when that time comes.

Anyway, I am taking a break from my second blog's challenges... only because I need to think for the month ahead... hopefully, next month or in October will be different.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


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