Thursday, October 5, 2017

Fifth Night of Ghostly and Urban Legends: Albania

Nobody voted for tonight's post! Ah, no... that would mean there won't be one...

Just kidding! I usually pick by random if nobody voted. Tonight's winner is... Albania!

There's not much I know about Albania but I just figured out there's creepy stuff in this country! Somewhere online I've read that Albania has something that's best kept secret of Europe... I hope it's not ghost stories. O_O

So here's my search so far of creepy stories and legends. And maybe some folklore and myths.

 Nuclear Ghost Island that can be a Vacation Island?

Different folktales and stories to read:

Baloz, a sea creature from folklore:

A poem that became a legend:

A winged warrior from mythology:

A crafty fairy... that is both good and mainly evil:

Creatures that ride on the back on butterflies?

Don't be a wasteful person with bread with this mythological creature:

A castle in Northern Albania:

A vampire witch... that could be real or legend... creepy to read though:

An interesting story of an eagle:

Most other folklore or myths are Gods and Goddesses. I mostly shared the ones that seems more scary or reasonable. I think most stories in Albania are folklore but that's alright. What I did found is more creepy than these... and it's based on real news... I didn't share it because it's more real than a legend.

Anyway, that's it for tonight's ghostly and urban legend for my 31 days of Halloween. Vote for tomorrow's post. If you don't vote, you might miss out on something! Yes, I am only sharing sites but I think this appears to be easier than to type out longer posts of each story and legend and folklore.

Until tomorrow.

That's all.


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