Monday, April 10, 2017

Nervous About Today

Today, at 1PM EST, I am going in for a test called HIDA scan. It's an advance type of ultrasound but the only catch is how it does.

I won't go into details about the test but if you are curious... they give you a very tiny amount of radioactive material and then they flush it out with a serious of shots... Making you feel like you have to pee and more... It's not a pleasant feeling but this has to be done.

Anyway, it's not that bad once you get done with it because it's just one of those type of tests that you would be glad to be over with.

I'm just waiting right now since I am leaving at around 12:30pm est... so... I gonna catch up with some videos on YouTube until then.

That's all.

With love,


PS: I'm gonna say something about my bestie... he just needs prayers right now. Things happened, not going into detail of what but he really needs the best of luck and prayers.

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