Sunday, April 5, 2015

Headache... And So On.

There's a time when I just want to be alone... I mean really alone. I don't mind the slight chat online but being able to talk for real with a voice... does not suit me too well.

I grew into being an introvert because of my dad. As the years pass, having not a lot of friends kind of settled into my life. When I lost the only friend in high school, it was a bit heart breaking. Until I made my best friend almost 3 years ago, I felt better.

I don't need thousands of people on a friend's list. I just need me and my bestie to help me be awesome.

Lately, it has come to my attention that I think it's time to move out. The problem to me is... I hate talking to people... that kind of... goes for job interviews too sadly. I really do want to take the time to think about what to say before I go on to say something.

I just... like to be alone and online. And only have that one friend to lean on. Parents don't really count because I have a mom that loves to talk... And a silent dad that kind of gets a bit annoying because it makes my mom talk the more. Talk talk talk talk talk talk... I don't really want to hear what she has to say because it's just... not something I want to hear about constantly. She needs a friend to tell gossip to. Just not me.

That's why I get these headaches... because my body is so used to silence or less talking, I get headaches.

And  I can sense tension between a lot of people so I do try to stay away from arguments.

Now if those are wondering why I am single still... it's part of me being introvert. I don't really like to talk about certain things... but I do tend to read so I just sit and listen. And calling me names just because you think that it would make me like you... nope. I'm different, ok?

My life just wants to be alone with my dogs... alone away from any annoying conversations like gossip or so forth.

I can't even put both of my headphones around my ears without my mom yelling at me for something... I mean... what is up with that?

I just want to be alone. In my own little world... away from the annoying talk. If I don't get out of here... it would just make me more depressed and annoyed... And yes, stressed. And mom keeps asking me why I always seem quiet... It's because I WANT to be quiet.

I really want to do something alone before my mom even knows about it. Because if I mention anything like traveling or getting a job... my mom likes to say she'll join me. Oi.

So... I'm done venting... hope that my mom just goes to sleep soon after she comes home.

I love her but sometimes... she needs a lesson on when to leave introverts alone.

That's all.

With love,


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