Saturday, March 28, 2015

Changing Lifestyles to Chasing Dreams

Soon, the weather will be warm again and it's high time that I do something to my life.

Firstly, I am changing my lifestyle... no soda intake at all. Just water. All water. Also... slowly lower my sugar intake... Then lastly, my fat intake. It's a slow process because I'm addicted to chocolate and chips. (sorry!) But cutting the soda out of my life made me feel 10 times better than before. So... it would help a whole lot for having no sugar and bad fatties in my life.

Secondly, put more exercising to my life. Essentially, I hurt really easy... so I'm gonna do more exercising such as dancing, walking, and many many easy exercises... especially any that does not require a twist... or else, I'll be yelping in a thousand wonders of pain in my right hip. (It hurts even when I'm on my period... so a must on not twisting on my hip... even if people does say it helps in certain exercising... just twisting is really painful for me.)

Thirdly, trying to get the heck out of here before something else in my life brings me down. Seriously... having a dad that tries to control your life is really bad. I mean really really really bad. I dealt with as a child and I don't want to deal with it now. Having controlling parents is almost the same as abuse but more mentally.

I might talk more into what controlling parents are later on in another blog... Just depends on how I feel about it.

Actually... there are many things that I felt like I need to talk about... so a topic would be interesting.

Also, I'm planning to do a separate blog for nothing but anime... so... kind of looking forward to that. That doesn't mean that I would add it here... It just means that the anime blog would be all reviews, opinions, and spoilers... Which I would add before each blog. And the anime that I do happen to watch will also be listed here. So... just an eye out for it sometime in the future.

For now... I want to make my journey and my life better... one slow step at a time. One step at a time...

That's all.

With love,


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