Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Closing My Eyes...

There are moments... that I always dream of those fantasy worlds that I read, see, and play...

Always, wondering if I can get to that world one day... and stay there forever.

I sit here sometimes and get visions of sword fighting... dang... I really love swords that much, you know?

I see myself holding a sword and a bow in another world... crazy, right?

I can't help it... I love the historic side of the world... no matter how bad it was. I would love to live in that world like that... always having a sword or a bow in hand... ready to fight...

Then there's another world... where magic is real. Then I can be a wizard or a sage... who knows...

I love to try my hand in writing again but... since I had a bunch of ideas... I want to try... to just work on one idea.

It will be starting soon... I can't tell you what the story will be about anymore but you know... I'll be happy to start working on it soon... hopefully very soon.

Winter drives me insane... so just closing my eyes and imagination works for me... I see myself... with a sword in hand... ready for anything.

Oh... why wasn't I born in another world where such things exist? Then I wouldn't have to deal with feeling sad all the time...

I'm sure somebody else feels this way too... always wanting to be in another world... and yea...

I'm writing this story by hand. At least until I figure out where to start. I don't want to stop. Not until I get over 100 pages.

Anyways... I feel my mind wandering off to another world... so... that's all.

Closing my eyes now.

With love,


PS: A poem for you guys.

Closing my eyes...
Floating away...
Opening my eyes...
Staring at the day...
Looking down at my hand...
Making a fist and release to my palm...
Knowing that I am in a different land...
Feeling the wind slowly becoming calm...
A silence rose around me...
Reaching for my sword to wait...
For there's nothing yet to be...
As I knew it's time to fight for my fate...
A swing with one hand, I unsheathe...
Reaching high, the sword must go...
As I slowly take in a breathe...
The air is full of cold snow...
Holding my sword with my hand alone...
I point it at my enemy ahead, ready to fight...
I am ready to let myself be atone...
As I took the sword with all my might...
Two hands at the hilt, swinging fast...
A strike, a gasp, a fall...
As I wait for my breath to go at last...
I slowly let my sword stand tall...
I swing once to my right...
I swing high and low...
Each time... an enemy was left without a fight...
I cannot afford to be slow...
Soon, a swing at my shoulder came...
I fall to my knee...
I reach up and reach for my aim...
For my sword was able to agree...
A hit to end the three enemies...
As my sword agree with my melodies...
Slowly, I let my sword back into the sheath...
I reach for my shoulder to see the wound...
But then I saw nothing underneath...
As I fall towards the ground...
Closing my eyes...
Floating away again...
Opening my eyes...
Realizing it's a dream.

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