Saturday, February 28, 2015
Finally... A Day Out...
I did get my toothpaste, and some other stuff. Mostly soap type of stuff.
Anyways, my jaw has been hurting since I ate this morning. But so far... I realize that I can't gnaw hard on food... so slow steady chews from now on.
My jaw still hurts but hopefully it's just a spell... I will keep a watch of it for a while because of what the hearing doctor told me once.
My jawbone is small so it hits nerves every once in a while causing my jaw, my teeth and my ears to hurt... A lot. The only solution is to go to a specialist to see about my jaw... which I can't seem to find a doctor to do for me yet. Here, you can't go to a specialist on your own unless your doctor recommends it. Tough world, right? I have to see what happens and hope my jaw gets better with the pain.
Alright, that's all for now.
With love,
Friday, February 27, 2015
Sometimes... I Want Things To Be Different.
And today, nothing seems to make it any better...
Seriously... I want to get away from it all.
I really do.
I just don't know what to do anymore if this keeps up... I just don't know.
I just have to figure out a way to get out of here before it's too late... really...
Anyways, sorry for the gloomy post... I shall be heading to bed in a few...
At least with my dreams, I can escape the world for a long time... I sometimes wish that I was in those dreams forever... not wanting to wake up.
That's all.
With love,
Very... Interesting Internet Trend...
It's called "What color is the dress" trend... oh, come on!
And science proved that it's actually black and blue... and upon taking my glasses off... I see that. I really do.
Mind blown.
Alright, enough of that. I am going to keep this short and be ready to go get dog food and other stuff soon.
At the while, being an awesome friend to my bestie.
That's all.
With love,
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Our Internet is Safe... For Now
Anyways, not sure what will happen next.
You ever have that moment that you want to hit your head on the desk or wall or something because of something annoying going on?
Yea, I do.
Well, I'm gonna keep this blog short because of my mood... but hopefully either later or tomorrow, it will be better.
That's all.
With love,
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Protecting Our Internet...
The congress are actually trying to pass a law that let's cable companies do as they please with the internet. Meaning, the websites that doesn't pay for that extra cost will be slower than usual. Think... Netflix: You're watching the first few minutes of the movie, suddenly... it stopped. You have to wait for a freaking 30 minutes to a hour for the movie to finally start going again but for another few freaking minutes! Nope... nope... Say no to these cable companies that want to strict the access. They also want to charge extra for having instant messages, social media, and much more. Nope. So... yea, we need to protect our internet.
I already signed my petition but so should you. Oh, fyi, some countries should already know how strict their internet are... and America is suppose to be a free country...
If we lose our freedom to our internet, then who knows what else the government would try. Maybe even tell you when to go to the bathroom! So... we need to fight for our freedom of the internet as much as we can.
So Americans, go to this site:
And yes, sign it! We are on the winning side so far but it's not over until we see what happens tomorrow.
Anyways... that's all for this blog post.
With love,
PS: Say No To Pro Cable!
I Wonder If It's True...
What is it? Our internet. My mom said something about soon that the government would control our internet. There are countries that do... and I am wondering if it's true for here...
Whatever happened to our freedom? Things are changing so much that what we fought for free is now being taken away.
It's just the truth...
And I only want to go into a world where that truth is not real.
So... that's all.
With love,
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Things... Just Things...
Then I wonder...
Does things happen for a reason? Or do we ask if this is real or not?
Because I always wish for a world that magic exist... there's a world that has such as that. To you, as a reader, you would think that this is crazy. But to me, as a writer, it's my world.
Anyways, I'm just blabbing... I am tired of staying inside all the time, you know?
Playing games, I'm ok with it. But after playing games, I'm always bored. x.x
I'm jumping the walls, trying to figure out what to do.
Alright, that's all for now.
With love,
Monday, February 23, 2015
Into the Darkness... o.o
What is your favorite shows to watch on prime TV weekdays? :o
Anyways, I'll be going into the darkness so that's all for this short entry of my blog.
With love,
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Another Long Boring Day!
It'll take over a week for all this snow to go away... maybe I'll take pictures of the snow melting as the days go by... And just put it here only instead of my facebook so you guys can watch the progress of melting snow... nothing special but yea... just something xD
Anyways, I did took a picture of my dog looking out, like she was suffering cabin fever... but it started out with two dogs and three cats... then slowly just her looking out xD
I'll post those so you can see too.
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Two dogs and three cats... look out. |
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Then one dog and three cats (Chloe) |
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Up close to Chloe, who seem to notice me taking pictures. |
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Then it's just Chloe, sitting higher to look out while all the rest at the time. |
Yea, it's in that order. And read the captions so you know what happened. But as for the idea... we opened the door one day during the snow week and since it was sunny, it was a good day to let some heat go out... when we did, every single dog (except Susie, my other dog) and cat (except for a few) went to the glass door and just looked out... I think they were suffering cabin fever.
Yea, winter is just not hard on humans but also on animals too. Hope spring comes soon so I can happily take the dogs out on their walks and more.
But... another boring day for me.
Anyways, that's all for now.
With love,
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Freezing Rain Does Not Mix Well With Snow...
So been stuck inside all day long... almost out of my mind.
Seriously, yesterday, couldn't build a snowman. Today, can't even go out because of freezing rain...
Snow isn't gone yet but they are giving floods for later. Meaning... all of this snow is gonna melt and go somewhere... x.x
This weather is crazy but hey... at least it's better than last year. Last year at this time around, we had tornadoes... this year snow...
It seems that each time spring comes closer, we have at least one big storm of something to come... whether it be huge snow or tornadoes... Kentucky weather is just... so messed up.
So for now, I'm trying to survive with a sane mind but again... my mind is insane... yay.
Alright, wanna go finish some shows and watch a movie that came in from Netflix...
So... that's all.
With love,
Friday, February 20, 2015
To be...
That is the question. Sorry xD
Anyways, I am not sure what to do... I wanted to build a snowman but all I got was a ball. x.x My fingers literally turned red when I realize that I shouldn't stay out there too long. Right now, one of my fingers is just numb but so far not frostbitten... but seriously... I wanted to play in the snooooooooooow!
So I decided to not touch the snow anymore. My fingers are more important than snowman.
Alright, I am going to end this blog now... hope to find something interesting to talk about soon...
Yea... I just hope that I can keep you all updated at least once a day... x.x getting harder to do as the month is almost close to the end...
Blah... that's all.
Trying to keep my promise to write everyday!
With love,
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Oh... Forgot about Something...
So gone with the horse and hello with the year of the sheep.
This will be a shorter blog but I would like to wish everybody a good year and good fortune.
With that note... that's all.
With love,
Below Zero Temperature...
Anyways, today has been mostly stay inside at all costs type of day.
I learn a few things today... both good and bad.
I learn that Eden is merging servers at some point this year.
I learn that my great uncle Estill Kirby passed away today.
I learn that a police officer here in Kentucky wants Queen Elsa arrested (not a lie!)
So... my emotions have been a big mess today.
Anyways, short blog for today.
That's all.
With love,
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Windy And Freezing Cold!
So I'm sitting at home and getting ready to watch a few things on Netflix. I completed one Korean Drama called The Great Doctor... thinking of starting another one... not sure yet.
But I think I will take a break after this other show and play games for a few days.
Anyways, this might be a short blog.
Tomorrow, hopefully me and my bestie will be playing minecraft or something... he said he's got something awesome to show me... so yea.
Well, wanna go now and btw... it's cold but my mom is hot... o.O Weird...
That's all.
With love,
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Closing My Eyes...
Always, wondering if I can get to that world one day... and stay there forever.
I sit here sometimes and get visions of sword fighting... dang... I really love swords that much, you know?
I see myself holding a sword and a bow in another world... crazy, right?
I can't help it... I love the historic side of the world... no matter how bad it was. I would love to live in that world like that... always having a sword or a bow in hand... ready to fight...
Then there's another world... where magic is real. Then I can be a wizard or a sage... who knows...
I love to try my hand in writing again but... since I had a bunch of ideas... I want to try... to just work on one idea.
It will be starting soon... I can't tell you what the story will be about anymore but you know... I'll be happy to start working on it soon... hopefully very soon.
Winter drives me insane... so just closing my eyes and imagination works for me... I see myself... with a sword in hand... ready for anything.
Oh... why wasn't I born in another world where such things exist? Then I wouldn't have to deal with feeling sad all the time...
I'm sure somebody else feels this way too... always wanting to be in another world... and yea...
I'm writing this story by hand. At least until I figure out where to start. I don't want to stop. Not until I get over 100 pages.
Anyways... I feel my mind wandering off to another world... so... that's all.
Closing my eyes now.
With love,
PS: A poem for you guys.
Closing my eyes...
Floating away...
Opening my eyes...
Staring at the day...
Making a fist and release to my palm...
Knowing that I am in a different land...
Feeling the wind slowly becoming calm...
A silence rose around me...
Reaching for my sword to wait...
For there's nothing yet to be...
As I knew it's time to fight for my fate...
A swing with one hand, I unsheathe...
Reaching high, the sword must go...
As I slowly take in a breathe...
The air is full of cold snow...
Holding my sword with my hand alone...
I point it at my enemy ahead, ready to fight...
I am ready to let myself be atone...
As I took the sword with all my might...
Two hands at the hilt, swinging fast...
A strike, a gasp, a fall...
As I wait for my breath to go at last...
I slowly let my sword stand tall...
I swing once to my right...
I swing high and low...
Each time... an enemy was left without a fight...
I cannot afford to be slow...
Soon, a swing at my shoulder came...
I fall to my knee...
I reach up and reach for my aim...
For my sword was able to agree...
A hit to end the three enemies...
As my sword agree with my melodies...
Slowly, I let my sword back into the sheath...
I reach for my shoulder to see the wound...
But then I saw nothing underneath...
As I fall towards the ground...
Closing my eyes...
Floating away again...
Opening my eyes...
Realizing it's a dream.
Day 2 of Snow Storm in Kentucky 2015
Dad went out for a bit to get some more food for us to eat. Yay. o.o
Yea, dad didn't get to go to work because it's bad where he works at... well... he couldn't make it there.
Anyways, we'll be staying home for a while and I decided not to go out to take pictures because of the cold temperatures. I was sharing to my bestie of how cold it was out and yea... his words were "Freezer!" Yep... like a freezer.
So no going out for me. I wanna wait until the temperature get back into the 20s before I head out to do anything.
So what will I be doing while I'm snowed in? Well, enjoy the warmth... and watch Netflix all day long.
With that thought in mind... that's all.
With love,
Monday, February 16, 2015
State of Emergency For The Whole County
So... kind of feel bad for those who can't even get out at all. My grandma's live in one of those places where it's impossible to get in and out during a snow storm. So hope that she'll be alright.
So... I didn't do anything after my bestie went to bed. We did play a game for a little. Except his keyboard ended up hating him. ._.
Anyways, I've been watching the snow come down all day and each time they scrap the roads, more snow would soon cover that road up. I think they finally gave up.
Might be seeing the National Guard come in soon... not sure yet. But wow... tomorrow I plan to stroll outside and take some photos... I did took a photo of the highway below me... but will not post it here.
For now... I just hope the electric stays on and we stay warm... same with everybody else. Because if that happens... we're all screwed, ok?
Well, that's all.
With love,
Sunday, February 15, 2015
It's Cold! And Big Snow To Come.
Then there's snow... yep... huge snow heading this way. Btw... it might not seem huge to northern states but here... it's huge to us. From what I recalled... it's been 15 years since we had a huge snow storm locally... so... you know... bring it.
I went to my grandma's today and the roads over the hills are... wow. Just wow. The roads go over these hills where the sun doesn't hit them so the ice is still on the road there.
I sure hope they cancel school tho because this snow is not a joke.
I'll try to take a lot of pictures for this snow storm... be interesting to see again but with pictures xD
I was a kid when I last saw a big snow, so in a way, I am excited but in a way, I am not.
So... bring it, Jack Frost. Bring it. Or rather... bring it Elsa. ;)
Alright, that's all for now.
With love,
Saturday, February 14, 2015
What A Day!
We decided to stay home due to the weather and the wind and the snow (more snow to come later on around Monday night) but yea... stayed home. I did went out to get something to eat but that's all.
But... the water went out for almost all day. Literally, no water running. And toilets couldn't be flushed... so it's a struggle... :/
And the toilet in the small bathroom in my room... it made this weird noise that hurt all of the dogs ears. Good thing they are fine.
Finally, about a couple of hours later, the water began to work again. At first, it was a lot of pressure but then it finally calm down... but knowing this... we'll have a boil water advisory (basically, boil water before using it for anything at all.)
Then, Chloe got cold and decided to sit by the heater twice today... Susie got cold and went to bed. So... yea... very cold day.
Tomorrow is going to be even a colder day... not even sure if we're going to my grandma's just yet due to the weather.
But I will let you guys know tomorrow.
Anyways, that's what happened today.
That's all!
With love,
PS: Watching Netflix for the rest of the night... until I sleep... yippie! Oh... might watch Log Horizon in a moment tho... love that anime!
Happy Forever Alone Day!
Anyways, I'm gonna be staying home because of the weather... it's too cold to head out anywhere...
Plus, it's suppose to snow too... so talk about a cold day for couples xD
Alright, this is short because my bestie is asleep now. <.< We were talking about glasses for no reason at all xD
And then I mention that his face look like a Youtuber's gf... >.> My bad. xD
Alright, time to go...
That's all.
With love,
Friday, February 13, 2015
Funny Feeling...
Yea... been sitting here and keep having this fluttering feeling every once a while x.x
Anyways, tomorrow is finally Valentine's Day... or to many Forever Alone Day. xD Or Happy Single's Day, if you want. :P
What am I going to do tomorrow? Well, mostly stay home. Because the weather is gonna be cold as ice... Sunday being worse for being close to 10 F. And snow... lots of snow.
As I was watching Hawaii Five-O, I was like... what fun it would be there... then I realize... don't we all complain no matter what the weather is?
The only thing... I rather stand hot than cold because of my ears. I hate earaches and they are usually trigger by cold weather x.x
And back to the funny feeling.... I really just hope it goes away soon. I've been breathing calmly all day and it just pops back... Ah, well... I'm gonna go now and it's already close to my bed time... O_O
Alright, that's all until tomorrow.
With love,
Happy Friday the 13! Number 1
Anyways, so I am here wondering what to do for Chloe, my dog. Since today is her birthday!
6 years ago, she was just the cutest little pup I ever had... now at 6 years old, she's still the cutest dog ever!
I saved her life and always be with her whenever because she's not just my best friend... she's my family.
Alright, I'm gonna go now and find something to do now.
So that's all.
With love,
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Cold Day! And Snow!
When it stopped snowing, I watch mostly Korean dramas on Netflix.
Weird... yep... they are weird.
Anyways, I am getting sleepy so I am typing this so I can go to bed around 10 or 11.
I am not sure what to do next... besides awaiting for my bestie to be awake... wonder if he is awake yet... >.> If he gets the chills or something, he would know it's from me thinking about him xD
Alright, time to go.
That's all.
With love,
I'm Awake! But Not For Long xD
Talk to my bestie since I woke up but we didn't get to play games... but hopefully whenever he gets a break we will. :3
I hope that one day I get to go visit him and we can play other games together like arcade and maybe some other random games xD
Alright, I woke up to find a box of fortune cookies beside me... dunno why or how... but they gave me a back ache. x.x
If I was dreaming of fortune cookies, I wouldn't know. xD
I have a stiff neck and upper back for today... so think I need to take it easy until the stiffness goes away... stiffness... hurts a lot fyi.
Well, I'm gonna go now and my bestie is asleep so hopefully he sleeps well and stuff.
That's all.
With love,
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Distracted By... What's That?!
Anyways, I was suppose to sleep and yea... got distracted by... oh, what's that?! Songs. xD
And of course, wanted to make my bestie feel a bit better since he seems to have a bad day... well a bad start for the day. Hopefully, the rest of the day won't be too bad... just hopefully.
I decided to come up with an idea... that if in case he does have a bad day, to remember that Kirby is there to fight it off. As you can tell... my last name is Kirby... and Kirby likes to eat stuff and become stronger... yea, you get the point now xD
Anyways, before I forget what sleep is... I should go now. xD
That's all!
With love,
Yikes! Sleepy!
Anyways, tomorrow to Monday, the weather is going to be crazy cold... The coldest day is gonna be on Saturday. Hoping to stay in and sleep the day away on that day... but it seems like my dad has other plans on that day. Great.
So... that's too many days of cold weather for me.
And to tell you the truth... I haven't been in a great mood to take pictures of snow... it's just all blah...
I'm just tired of winter... and each year, it's getting worse for me hating it more.
Think it's time for a move.
Anyways, I am going to go to sleep now.
For the things I planned yesterday... didn't happened yesterday xD
To sleep!
With love,
Headache Go Away!
Then he went to sleep. <.<
Anyways, I stayed on the game a little longer but got tired about a hour after he left... and got off to take a break.
I wanted to read for the rest of the day but this headache is bothersome x.x
Anyways, I'm gonna go take a nap and hope that the headache will go away... shoo shoo headache.
Alright, this is a short random blog... so that's all.
With love,
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
A Different Plan... A Different Story.
Tomorrow, I hope we get to play GF (Grand Fantasia) if he's not busy at all xD
Anyways, he's sort of busy because of an upcoming holiday there.
A holiday that I really love to celebrate too... So if anybody knows where I can celebrate Chinese New Year... let me know, ok?
I'm a bit hoping that I won't be sleepy until past 11 and towards midnight but because of these soft lights, it makes me sleepy some odd reason... great. o.o
Alright, I'll end this blog and find some crafting ideas... might plan a small decoration for my room. I have these old ugly walls and I can't paint on them so I'm gonna find some crafting ideas to do at home... And make my wall into an art.
I have posters too but I'm not gonna risk putting them on the wall after what happened to my past posters... x.x
So... I want to design my own butterfly paper things and stick them on the wall everywhere... Yea... gonna search them and get an idea of what to do. I got the paper. (I use to get construction paper all the time and do some cutting pictures and pasting them on that paper) xD
But I really need art and paper art ideas... something to do with crayons, pencils, and markers... so if you know anything... tell me.
I wanna make my wall interesting while I'm still here (I wanna leave from here one of these days xD)
Anyways... gonna go now... still awake... hope I don't get sleepy until closer to midnight xD
That's all.
With love,
Another Book, Another Day, Another Game
This is what the book looks like... Yea, it's got a guy on it. And as you can tell, the book is about a guy xD
Anyways, I'll be reading it tomorrow instead of today...
Because I want to sneak on grand Fantasia and play for a bit.
So... for now... that's all.
With love,
Monday, February 9, 2015
Only to realize that it's already night.
There are moments... that I think about who I am as a person.
Then I realize, I live in a world that I wish to go away...
There are moments... that I feel that I am just alright...
But I am not as a person.
The truth is there.
I just hope it goes away.
But it's there.
So here's to wasting my day away...
There are moments... that I sit here and just let myself dream...
To a world that is not like this place.
There are moments... that I wish I was in a game.
For the world is not always what it seems...
So I wish to always give myself a little space...
And hope that the world would day know my name.
Because the truth is here...
Shouting out in the words I type.
So, take me anywhere and I'll be there.
And let myself always type.
Yea, I get these moments of being sad so I just write what's on my mind. And sometimes, they end up in a poem. I write this blog in order to ease my mind and hope to have an audience that enjoys reading my blogs.
I have dreams still despite of my age. I'm not giving up. So... I'll keep writing and dreaming.
That's all.
With love,
I Don't Know What To Put As Title... But This.
Anyways, as I wait for the day to end... I ended up reading the rest of the book. The book is called The Gray Wolf Throne. It's a good book if I say so myself.
I love these type of books since they are like... history mixed in with fantasy. They are good and these series had a bunch of emotions tied in...
Since I finished this one, I want to read the last book to the series to find out if she ends up with him or if they parted ways... >.<
Anyways, I am going to go play games but seeing that 8 is around the corner... I might just have to settle playing Torchlight until 10. I have two shows to watch around 8.
Alright, that's all.
With love,
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Oh, There's Always Wind This Way!
While it has not rain yet today, the weather will turn cold for the next few days and even colder by next weekend... great...
I am really tired of winter and just hope it goes away in March...
Anyways, I was at my grandma's and only read up to chapter 6 in the book... it's gonna be a slow read because I ended up sleeping at 4 and woke up at around 6:30ish x.x
I should try to read tonight and hopefully get the book done soon.
Since it's dark now... and my lamp in my room likes to flicker on and off... (do not trust it when it does that). I will leave to reading another day. Maybe when I'm awake in the morning or after I talked to my bestie tomorrow.
Alright, I am going to go play some games now. I've downloaded some in hopes to figure out what I would like or not like.
So... here goes nothing...
With love,
Strange Dreams... Uncle?
I said that I was going to post about the dreams I've been having so here goes...
Today just before I woke up, I dreamed of a girl talking to what seems like her uncle. She was telling him of her day and how much she hated hearing her parents argue. I did learn more about her through the dream. She is part Asian. Her real dad is dead. So she lives with a step father and they argue all the time. So on days that they start arguing, she gets on Skype and talks to her uncle. Her uncle was telling her of his projects. And she was telling him her plans after school. Just then, the girls mother came in during the chat. Turns out that this was the sister to the uncle. He asked the girl to ask her mother if she would like to move back to their home country. So the mother and uncle were Asians. She said no. The girl waited until her mother and uncle get done talking so she went back to talking to him. Now here's where it gets strange... She said that she was going to get a new game... And she was going to be the first few to test it out on a new gaming system which was a vr gaming system.
But then she heard her step.father that she needs to clean her ceiling fan. So she did while still on Skype with her uncle. Then suddenly she fell down from the step ladder and hit her head on the floor and then I woke up. Not knowing if the girl is alright or not.
I don't often have these type.of dreams. But they happen... And they sometimes freak me out. But I wish I knew who they are... And wish I knew if the girl is alright...
For now, I just hope it was only a dream.
That's all
With love,
Saturday, February 7, 2015
What To Do For The Next Day?
Anyways, I am sitting here... wondering what to do next. I keep getting inspired to write a story.... just one story this time. I am inspired by anime because of it as well as games that I play often.
Here's the thing... I don't really want to follow the whole entire idea of Sword Art Online and Log Horizon... so... it'll be close to it but more Americanized and well... just like me inspired by anime to become a gamer. xD
Basically... the character is part of me and will be only based on the anime and gamer part of me. It's as real as I will go. The game idea... I am still having trouble with the title. I already know what to add within the game story... to make it interesting... I will include quests (even though the locals of the game call it something else).
The idea is also inspired from another book series that I actually read irl. It's called the Stravaganza series. It's a really good series if you want a good book to read. Especially one about alternative worlds. Hint why I wanted to add the irl world things into the story that I am writing.
I'm gonna start reading every weekend since those times are extra busy for my bestie and sometimes me... I have extra time to kill at night and all day Sunday until my bestie wakes up on Sunday night (morning for him and the next day also) xD
I think... I'll come up with the title of story as I begin to write it. It will not be a fast pace story... this work will be slow for a purpose. I want to really take my time into this story. Which is a second time since I wrote another story called The Mountain series. Another story... Another time.
It's been years since I wrote a good story, you know? So this will be something I want to be special for myself and for my bestie and for hopefully an audience that can get into it.
Alright, I want to go now and actually get started in reading this book... that means, getting off here and publishing this blog and other things.
Also... I have two dogs that loves to play and poke me xD I don't mind... I'm a reader with two dogs and cat. :D
Well, that's all for now. I hope to get started with my story one day.
I also decided to start with my videos possibly in March or later... whenever spring rolls around. Hopefully, my mom doesn't decide to join in (Kind of want the video to be special, you know? Also, learning more how vlogs work... so hope that this works out for me!)
For now... I want to really write this story with ease and no problems at all. And the thing is... it will be handwritten as well as typed... so if I suddenly get an idea while I'm anywhere... I will be writing it down. So... traveling with a notebook once again. xD
Alright, alright... gone too long with this blog now. That's all. Off to read... and sleep soon!
That is... if I don't get into the book... because I really love this book series. Will tell more later.
That's all.
With love,
Shop till I drop... and only got a pair of shoes xD
So I ended up getting a pair of shoes. They are gray with blue.
Also, got some food. I wanted cake but it was too expensive to get... :(
I also completely forgot to look for any crafting items... dang...
Maybe next time. I still kind of want to learn more of what to get in order to craft things...
Alright, you know... I realize that I still have construction paper so I'm gonna craft some hearts. :D
Anyways, I'm gonna go now and find something else to do.
That's all.
With love,
Friday, February 6, 2015
Argh... Going to be another strange day...
Anyways, as I sit here with aches all over my body, I've been thinking of what to do next...
So when I go out tomorrow, I wanna search for ideas for projects to do weekly. So, I'll be searching DIY ideas and then I'll be doing those every other week. And of course, take pictures of them.
Since V Day is coming up in over a week (alas... my dog Chloe birthday is on the day before!) I wanna do something for singles out there, ok?
As a gamer and otaku and reader... I will be finding ideas of what to do on that day... a dull boring day for me xD
And if you really are curious... I was never given a gift on Valentine's Day or never received a gift. xD I am such a sad case... but it's alright! I don't mind it at all. xD
Oh... and some of you are wondering what ever happened to my video idea? Well... you see... I only have a webcam and I don't really want to film in my living room only... I want to film everywhere! Sadly, my phone is not enough... so I need a camera that would help me with that. A good one. Not one that blurs or only work sometime... So yea... I wanna be good at making videos.
So, readers, if you got ideas for any DIY projects, let me know. I might post pictures on here so you can see it.
I am not sure what I will be doing tomorrow but I do know that right now, I want to get ready to watch a movie called Cloud Atlas. Yay!
That's all for now.
With love,
Thursday, February 5, 2015
What Games Should I Play Next?
Anyways, while I'm taking a break, I just wanna figure out what else to do next. I guess you could say it's video games and stuff related.
And now I want to get back into playing Torchlight again in a moment xD
Really... it's addicting. Thanks for the link (despite it's the wrong link but it's alright!), bestie!
Well, that's all for now.
With love,
Sleepy But Need To Stay Awake... xD
Anyways, I am going to catch up with some anime before I play anymore games... really really behind xD
Not sure what else to put here but I am going to figure out what to do for the rest of the day.
Alright, this is gonna be a short blog and I'm kind of waiting for my bestie to get done with whatever he is doing.
That's all.
With love,
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Video Games are Awesome!
Although... he sent me the wrong link for a game, it's alright xD
I'll get the second game whenever I get more money to put in the steam wallet...
So... like... I'm sleepy... and like... I don't know why xD
Who wants chocolate? Me! ME!
Alright, that's just random xD
Anyways, my bestie is asleep... <.< I think he's asleep. *poke*
I'm gonna go back to playing the first game and stuff... yea... alright, that's all for now.
With love,
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Seems Like A Strange Day...
And time felt weird... and wow.
Anyways, I had fun playing a game with my bestie.
Now that he's up... <.< He's busy. xD
Basically, my aunt and grandma came up, stayed for a bit. Then I had to go to the store for food... which I eating chips right now... Yes, not healthy but it's a snack. xD
Then helped put up my clothes...
So... yea... very busy day.
Plus my back is hurting all over from lifting... x.x
Alright, wanna go now...
That's all.
With love,
Monday, February 2, 2015
RWBY Forever.
Such sad news... at a such a young age. His dream made him go far. And his family only wishes for people to keep creative something new that would make the world a big difference.
So... R.I.P. Monty Oum
For now... that's all.
With love,
PS: RWBY forever... because... it's awesome to watch.
And even more awesome... it's actually cheaper than the other places... So guys... I am going to do it... sometime this year. Maybe.
Anyways, not sure what else to put here today because it's cold... and kind of want to warm up xD
So... that's all. :P
With love,
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Getting Ideas
I am inspired by Sword Art Online and Log Horizon to write this story.
As for starting... I will try to begin someday and only write a few pages per day or per week. Depending on my mood.
If nothing happens, I might wanna save my money to get me a laptop so that I can write this story anywhere I go.
Anyways, I just finished watching another episode of Log Horizon 2 and it just gave me an idea about an object on there. I won't tell what it is because... spoils, heh.
As for the whole plot of the story... it will be like Sword Art Online with VR and stuff... and it will be like Log Horizon for being trap inside a game but where everything comes to life... except one thing... all the NPCs will be like... different in some way.
It's still a work in progress but it'll be interesting to start it... Also, I might try to add more irl moments with the story basically for example: the character wakes up and everything is a blur but she sees a bright light above her... she couldn't move or say anything but she knew that she wasn't in the game anymore. She tried to yell out but as soon as that happened, the blur disappeared and she gasped into the darkness... She rubbed her eyes and realize that she was back in the game again.
Not exactly like that but something like that. Like I said, it's still a work in progress.
I always like the idea of using fantasy into games and this story will be Sci Fi and Fantasy combined. What's that called again?
Anyways, you guys get the point. But I am not entirely sure about how to make this into a story just yet... I want to work on another story later on, but I will not write more than one story at one time again because I literally was left with incomplete idea drawer full of stories.
Alright, as for what I did today, I went to my grandma's for a bit. she ate all my bag of popcorn but I am glad she's eating. Should buy her some more popcorn and let her eat all she can again.
When the weather is not rainy, I will be going to London to some stores there.
But... the sad part is I want everything xD
All the while, I still have to save money for my dog, Susie, eye drops and salve. I'm trying to keep her eyesight for as long as I can. So the medication is a must. It hurts me that she has to have it for the rest of her life.
Also, I want to mention that this year is my high school reunion. Yippee. I'm not sure what the plans are yet but when they come up with anything, I will let you guys know if I go or not.
Alright, I'm gonna go now.
That's all for now.
With love,