Sunday, February 9, 2014

Don't Fret, Flappy The Bird is Here~

Um, yea... with a small help of a dear friend of mine...

Well, enough of that, who all wants Flappy Bird?

*imagines hands being raised*

Alright, here you guys go:
Password: afaeriejourney

And you happen to come back here with question... did you get the password to unlock it? That's all you gotta do. Go there and be sure to use the password to unzip it. And... well, you get the rest.

So... thanks! And enjoy a Rage in Peace with Flappy... the... bird... xDDDDDD

With love,



  1. At least, beware : don't broke your phone or your friend near you when you get lost :P

    1. Um, yea... should we add the warning video? Just in case? :P


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