Wednesday, November 20, 2013

324 of 365: Dreading Holidays

I agree with a Facebook friend last year how everybody should just shut up and just understand that the holidays should be about caring about each other.

It's a week before Thanksgiving and already, I'm hearing disagreements. Really...

If I live alone, I have my own Thanksgiving with these rules and the reasons behind them:

1. Eat anytime you want. If you're hungry, grab the plate. Don't worry about waiting at a certain time. Why? Because it seems that every year, there comes to a person in the family that wants EVERYBODY to wait. But here's the thing... not everybody has the same stomach time as you. If you're getting hungry... some of us actually have are that well at not holding off food.

2. Don't start asking for gifts a month early before Christmas. We know what you want. But if we can't get it, don't expect us to bust our damn butts off to get anything.

3. We don't lie. What we say is true. I don't care how much this pisses one person off.

But the most important part... don't SAY THAT YOU MIGHT NOT DIE. We don't know our death clock. We will never know. We could be walking out and get shot in the head for all we know. There's nothing to worry about what is going on. So, we cannot assume that we are going to die. This annoys me.

Sure, the last part is true for me but I don't go on and on and on and on and on... I really want to smack my family member for saying this.

Really, right now, what's important is health. Not death.

Seriously... I am tempted to move to a country that DOES not celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas... so thanks guys... thanks... =_=

Really... I'm just thankful that I'm alive and that I am happy. I am thankful I have a home and have a family that I love.

But I am not thankful for how they act. Seriously... get over it.

That's all.

With love,


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