Thursday, October 31, 2013

304 of 365: Watch Dog

It seems that I have to be a watch dog over my dog. My mom keeps running in and out of the door and it's raining outside...

Why? I don't know.

Anyways, not a whole lot to talk about but Happy Halloween! I think it's over across the ocean but it's still going here... but today is a rainy day so no trick or treat for the kids tonight. However... it will be tomorrow night.

Alright, I am stuck inside for the rest of the night so... book list update! Yay!

With love,


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

303 of 365: Not Giving Up

First and foremost, this site I am about to share is only a test to see if it works. I am not forcing anybody to donate or anything. Thank you:

Anyways, not sure what to expect for the next year... just a bit tired though.

So I'm not giving up on my dreams just yet. I think... something will happen that might just surprise everybody.

We'll see.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

302 of 365: My Complicated Gaming Life

So, you're curious about what I did today?

Exactly as that video says down below.

So keeping this short and going back to the world for a moment...

That's all.

With love,


Also, it is a very awkward moment on the video. xD

Monday, October 28, 2013

301 of 365: Internet Always Cray Cray

I know I just used strange words in my title but really, my net is acting crazy today.

Anyways, I am not feeling too well right now so I'll be silent until I get sleepy..

So this will be a very short post again.

With love,


Sunday, October 27, 2013

300 of 365: SPARTA! Wait... what?

So, I went to my grandma's today and stayed away from everybody and talked to my cousin. You know... he's a geek like me. xD He may not be a geek in anime but he sure is into D&D... So... you know... I hope we get to play one day! I've been wanting to try out D&D for a while now and who knew my cousin is into that?! I talked to him about games, anime, and other stuff. xD

We are cousins and like close friends... because we talk really easy about things. xD

But I don't get to see him a lot so it's only sometimes that we get to talk like this. It's alright though... just hope one day we get to play D&D together xD

Anyways, 300... reminds me of Sparta some reason. Dang movies.

I need to take a break from anime and watch movies on Netflix. So I might do that soon after I finish two other anime. I don't binge watch them even though I would like to but I want to take small breaks between the anime. xD

Alright, time to go and get ready to watch some anime... but first, survey...


Happy 300 guys!

With love,


Saturday, October 26, 2013

299 of 365: A Week Before Daylight Savings

November 3rd is Daylight Savings. So guys don't forget to set your time for that if you follow Daylight Savings. If you don't then you don't have a thing to worry.

The only thing I hate about it? I have to readjust my sleeping habits for the next 5 to 6 months. And that's just so annoying... How can anybody stand having Daylight Savings?

There's just two states here in USA that doesn't follow it... Hawaii and Arizona. So... I would love to live in those states and not worry about having to deal with Daylight Savings.

So yes, this blog is me complaining about Daylight Savings time. xD

Sorry about that. But one day, I need to save all the money I can and just go away.

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, October 25, 2013

298 of 365: Otaku Moment

It occurs to me that I have been told once that I should stop watching anime once. It made me mad. You can't force a person to stop watching something they enjoy and love. Seriously?

Anyways, I guess some people don't care. So haters gonna hate.

That's what my video says that is listed below.

It is something to make you think about what you should do at some point of your life.

Alright, time to go now... 30 minutes until a show come on. (8:30 now)

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, October 24, 2013

297 of 365: When is Daylight Savings Again?

I always forget because it seems like they switch dates on us every year on when to turn back time... I really don't wanna switch time a hour over and over... so maybe I'll move somewhere that doesn't use it xD

Anyways, not a whole lot to talk about... just been a really odd day.

Alright... that's all.

Sorry for it being short.

With love,


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

296 of 365: Cold Day

Well, today is a cold day... not used to it yet...

Anyways, I found a browser that seems to be faster... hopefully it'll be good while it lasts.

Not sure what to talk about though because I'm trying to keep my fingers warm... oh, well.

Alright back to being busy... that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

295 of 365: Being Weird

Above is my video for today. It's just me being weird. Anyways, not sure what to do but I do have to catch up with my book... so I will get off before midnight and read that book.

Although, there are a few things to talk about, I am not in a wordy mood? I was right there is a word for wordy... why is that?

Anyways, that's all.

With love,


Monday, October 21, 2013

294 of 365: What is up with my mom?

She's embarrassing me xD That's what.

Anyways, I'm watching anime at night while I'm busy with things during the day. Tonight, The Voice comes on but I'm sort of skipping it for now.

Alright... gonna go now... that's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 20, 2013

293 of 365: Memory Fake?

I had to figure out why my life seems fake right now. I need a full support for the next few days.

So... I'm gonna plan some things out so that I can travel. So...

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 19, 2013

292 of 365: Gloves, Hats, Coats... Winter Already?

It seems that I have to get all those items in the title ready for a dreadful cold winter. I knew this would happen... dang.

Anyways, not sure what to put here because my mind is blank atm.

So... for today, I'm gonna keep this short. So... ta!

With love,


Friday, October 18, 2013

291 of 365: Seriously, What is Going on?

Seems there seems to be rumors going around about a few things... and it's bothersome.

Actually... more than anything I want to escape from here... in all seriousness... why haven't I done it a long time ago? Because of my family. With everything going on, I really don't want to see them get hurt.

But I'm getting tired of broken promises.

So that's just how I am right now.

That is all.

With love,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

290 of 365: All Seriousness

All seriousness happened.

I keep having multiple dreams last night. Starting with a building being on fire. Then a person or creature jumped at me. And just before I woke up, I saw my stove being haunted.

So what does dreams mean actually? Well, it seems that there will be some changes in the future for me. Because when I woke up the second time, I was wide awake and realize that... you know... something is changed.

Anyways, I should go now and get ready for a hour of OUAT:In Wonderland. (OUAT is Once Upon A Time).

So that's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

289 of 365: Weird Sleeping Habits

It's been a while but I really want to type this out here instead of going on Facebook. Sometimes, I get these things on my mind and lately... it's making me think about about what's happening around me. So... here goes nothing:

As I grew up in this small town, it made me think about how imperfect it is. Many people always take pride for this county but I tried so many times but always end up being hurt inside. Something always tell me to escape and leave from everything. I will maybe one day leave.

But who knows what will happen if I do. I was told to go to Lexington but it doesn't take a hop and a skip to get a job anymore. Maybe in your mind it is easy, but it's not actually. With the government being strange, it's hard to trust anybody.

I can't do interviews. I tried... but when I got there to speak, I went blank. I had to realize... that what they taught you... they never done a hand on hand version of it. So, it was nearly impossible to figure out what to say. I was like "What should I say?" Then he asked the bombshell question... "Why can't you drive?" I was like... "Well, nobody has ever taught me." Then they said "Thanks." Of course, what am I suppose to say? It's not easy as 1, 2, 3.

Then a person asked me to get my permit... but you don't understand... even if I somehow get that... what am I suppose to do next? Learn to drive? How? It's not like anybody is going to step up and offer me to drive. Oh, ask my dad? Ha... That's a laugh. I asked him ever single day of my life to learn to drive. And so far, he has not say anything about it. He's always quiet about it.

It's a struggle. It can't be a struggle but yet, it's a struggle. It's not easy. Nothing is easy.

So being bullied almost because a truth that I already know well of doesn't mean you make me feel better about it.

So why am I talking about this? Because I am well aware that this year will be over. Am I happy? No. But it doesn't mean I can complain about it anymore. Why not? Well, I think I learn something...

Anyways... I'm still scared to take my hand on being alone... but I will have to one day. So I want to be ready.

So... I just wanted to get that out of my head now and go back to what I want to make a reality about... I want people to stop using the truth to hurt others. Tell them that it'll be alright. Just be brave and stand up.

Say no to bullying.

And so my weird sleeping habits will be back again tonight. Hopefully I can sleep before 1AM... hopefully.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

288 of 365: "I am the Immortal King."

I really love that line now. Especially watching the anime K today. So, what are my plans of this week?

Well, you see... I know next year is coming closer and I know some of you might think that I have been lazy doing this or that...

But here's the thing... I have a hobby that I want to turn into a job. So I am.

So maybe next year, after this yearly blog is over, I am going to make 2 to 5 posts a day.

Then also, I will add more pictures as well. So, it'll be an interesting blog... I hope.

The more followers that I get, the more happy I will be.

Also, more readers. I want more readers...

Alright, this has been a weird format of my blog but it'll do for now.

Enjoy the video below.

With love,


Monday, October 14, 2013

287 of 365: Almost forgot this

But many things has been making me forget things... hopefully I won't forget anymore.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 13, 2013

286 of 365: My Grandma has Freaky Dolls

So, you know how elders/seniors collect strange things? My grandma collects these dolls and each time, she sees a doll, she gets it. And makes me afraid of them every single time I'm at my grandma's. xD

Anyways, so I am back home and just doing this early before anything. Why, you ask?

Well, I'm not entirely sure.

But I am super tired and want to eat now. So that's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 12, 2013

285 of 365: Off to my Grandma's

Anyways, I'm not sure what to expect but I will be heading to my grandma's for the day. So, yes... this is early.

I will try to make a vlog at my grandma's home to post for tomorrow on YouTube... I will walk around and stuff. I won't be able to take Chloe (Sorry, Rai! My grandma is weird like that. ;_;) but Susie gets to go.

Chloe usually a good dog while I'm gone but she doesn't eat at all. Hopefully, my dad would take care of her and make sure she eats... ;_;

Also, soon the internet will be running through where my grandma... so hopefully soon I'll be on there.

Alright, time to go... that's all for now.

See you guys tomorrow evening.

With love,


Friday, October 11, 2013

284 of 365: Prayers Needed...

So much has been going on and it's been both stressful and annoying.

But I can't say much. So please prayers are needed.

And happy birthday dad.

With love,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

283 of 365: Looking Foward

I am happy to be looking forward to a few things. I'm gonna plan to travel next year, maybe.

So, I'm just looking ahead of me. I hope that all is well...

And with neighbors that are being weird, I can't figure out why.

So, I'm looking forward to two shows tonight. So... let's go... that's all.

With love,


PS: Sorry about yesterday... just too much going on right now that I don't really want to talk about it here. I need to sit one day and just tell my friend what's going on. Just not here...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

282 of 365: Not Happy But Annoyed

I can't help it when I can't hear worth crap... if your voice is low, I can't hear you!

Not in the mood to type anymore...

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

281 of 365: It's Been A Fall Day

So today has been a cool day. I've got my long sleeve shirt on and been trying to figure out if I should keep going out in that wind. Because I know very well how my ears are.

Anyways, on a side note, I made another vlog today. Since it is Tuesday Vlog Day! I still haven't come up with any Halloween ideas yet... but I think I'm gonna get a Huntress outfit. All I need is leggings... which I can find online as well.

So what do you guys think of me dressing up like a huntress? Awesome, right? We'll see.

So for now... that's all.

With love,


Enjoy the video.

Monday, October 7, 2013

280 of 365: Toothache?

I am like curious why my jaw feels funny. I don't feel pain until I move my jaw. So is it a toothache or something else entirely?

Anyways, I am bored so I am keeping this short. Well, another thing, it's hard to type long posts on my phone. Not that I mind but right now, just trying not to worry about the pain in my jaw. It's hurting now because I ate dinner.

Alright, time to go. That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 6, 2013

279 of 365: I tweet for fairies.

I am typing this on my phone which is close to being dead so I have to keep this short.

Anyways, I went to my grandmas, stay hid from my mom xD

But it was an ok day. And now it's raining so I am sitting here on my phone's service, trying to figure out why my net is out. Oh, well. Hopefully, tomorrow everything will be alright.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 5, 2013

278 of 365: Down at the Bittersweet and Random

So we (me and my mom) went down to Bittersweet Festival and we walked around. A little tired though but I was able to do a little vlog for youtube. So it's down below if you guys want to view it.

Anyways, I'm like my mom atm... we both are tired and we both don't want to be in a bad mood. Just personal problems atm.

Alright, time to go now.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 4, 2013

277 of 365: Bittersweet Festival and Vlog 17.

I am going to head on down to my town soon but I do hope that we stay for a bit. I'm not tired but I am kind of sleepy... if you know what I mean. xD

Anyways, I am doing this as an experiment... so you guys let me know if this shows up. If not, I will edit this post to make it work.

Alright, enjoy the video.

With love,


Thursday, October 3, 2013

276 of 365: Sleepy Me Wants Sleep

I've been sleepy all day but not sure what to say about that.

Anyways, I really need to figure out some things about my computer. Although, I think it'll be alright.

Well, I may have to keep this short but I am alright though. I do want to get ready to sleep later... not sure what time yet.

So that's all.

With love,


PS: Sorry that I skipped yesterday.

275 of 365: Why...

Did I missed this yesterday? Well, I was distracted.

So, I'm adding it so you guys know that I'm still here.

Back to sleep... I think.

With love,


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

274 of 365: October Madness (Literally)

So, a lot of things happened. Making me stress a whole lot.

And having a dad that literally fusses doesn't help either.

So I know that I said that I'll do a video today but with all the problems going around and the stress it caused... there won't be a video. So... Friday will be a special video!

That's all.

With love,

BDK (stressed so sorry for the short entry)