Wednesday, September 11, 2013

254 of 365: Sinus Infection of Hell

I knew I was getting sick the very moment my head started to feel funny yesterday. Then I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night with a tummy ache. But after I woke up, it went away.

Right now, I have a sinus infection. So, it gives me the worst headaches and makes me very sleepy. Ugh... I get sick so easy. Anyways, I was expecting to get sick soon because this is the type of weather that changes always.

As for people who are waiting to get Kingdom Hearts 3, you're in for a surprise. Because it won't be coming out until later! Ha, I knew it wouldn't be out this soon. Also, I need to play Dream Drop Distance because it says that it will take place right after that! Dang it... I need my 3DS now!

Alright... time to go. That is all.

With love,


PS: Just a reminder to like until Sunday:

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