Monday, April 25, 2022

Finally Getting Stuff Done

Well, my homework assignments are due this week and I'm out of college.

I am still keeping up with my plan to do stuff for YouTube and podcast. Can't wait!

Alright, I am not sure what to do as I am going to do a few final touches to my website for homework. And fix up my flash fiction story as well as the script.

I hope that next week, I can tell you all about the stuff that happened with college and more.

I may even tell you my opinion for it... Just wait until then.

For now, I am going to enjoy the last day of summer preview as there is a lot of showers coming in later and cool weather are coming around.

Until Then!

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, April 18, 2022

Getting Things Ready And Put Together

Well, I have been sick for almost a week.

I am doing better so I should get back to normal with stuff. I am not behind with letters and I've done all my homework assignments on Friday and Saturday.

This week, I am going to catch up with getting my website out and stuff. I got almost everything fixed and done. I just need to put it all together now.


Alright, I shall get on with the day now.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, April 11, 2022

Getting Stuff Done Soon

Well, last week sure was interesting...

I went to Lexington with dad for work. I went to Corbin for my brother.

So yea.

Oh, I figure out the website deal. I am going to be back to doing homework tomorrow and so forth.

I hope that all will be well for me and stuff.

I am going to try my best with making a website and more. I got the whole design down. I might just add a good quote that comes from books so yea.

We shall see what happens next. Until then...

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, April 4, 2022

Busy Month Ahead

I guess class is starting today and well, already I'm a bit dumbfounded about one part of the homework...

What website? Did I made a website in the past class? I really have to go back and search for it just to see what she is talking about.

Other than that, I am going to try my best to make it to class but since it's so hard to do... I have no idea if I can do 5PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays... We shall see.

I am going to try to figure all of that stuff out through out the month and get some stuff done. First of, I am going to start making my own website since I sort of... did it... here.

Well, shall see you all next week and hope that I am not that busy.

That's all.

With love,