Monday, September 30, 2019

Today's app... is all about Dungeon Monsters..

You can find out more here:

This is a game where you can create and play your RPG game. It's seems interesting...

Here is where you can get the app:

Be sure to read before you download since the app is still in development and it may be unstable.

Glad it's free...

There's no video but if you wish to play it... so go on that site and try it yourself.

That's all.

With love,


What I Dream Sometimes

Ok... instead of looking up a dream thing... I am going to tell a dream I had yesterday during my nap...

A super heroine fighting this villain who was blue... They fought long and hard... but the villain stabbed the super heroine with something... she healed... but didn't realized there was poison in her veins. After being defeated, the villain ran off... but he knew the poison would soon spread through the super heroine's veins... all it took was a negative emotion.

At home, the super heroine was scolded for letting the villain escaped... she felt anger and suddenly, her whole body changed... she turned blue... she jumped on her father and was about to hurt him before her mother stopped her and exiled her. While all of this was happening... the young sister watched it all... she knew she could save her but it takes disobeying her family in order to do this.

And now... that's the dream.

It's amazing what comes to my dreams sometime...

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, September 28, 2019

This Is Gonna Be A History Of Bikini

More info here:

There's always something about the bikini that changed the world.

When it first came out... people didn't dare to look at the women who wore them.

You really should read more into this history of this fashion trend.

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


All About The Bald Eagle Today

Today, we get to talk about the bald eagle.

These birds are amazing.

Here's some information about them:

One of those websites, you can listen to how these bald eagles sound. The other, you can tell what they look like... but all these sites explains more about the bird itself. So I may say that most of these sites might have the same information about them... but you can use them if you wish to do some research about the bald eagle.

Alright, enjoy learning about bald eagles yourself if you wished.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, September 27, 2019

Something I Hadn't Done In A While... Writing A Story...

A brother and sister discover their dad has been having an affair with their favorite counselor at school.

It seemed a bit odd to Chelsea and her brother, Robby that their father wanted to go to school all the time.

They never got in trouble but they were always bullied... so they went to their couselor for advice and much more. 

Chelsea was just 16 while her brother was a year older... but they shared their friendship more than a brother and sister... something that was rare for a young sister and older brother.

Bullied for being this way... they seemed to always hid in their counselor's office during lunch hour.

One day, Chelsea saw her dad and desperately texted her brother in secret... Robby texted back that he didn't know what was going on either.

Chelsea followed her father down the hall and noticed him walking in their counselor's office. She wondered for a moment and sneaked near the door... she placed her ears on the door... she suddenly heard a noise that she knew all the well... she slowly opened the door and saw her father kissing her counselor... just like he would with their mother... 

Chelsea gasped and snapped a picture on her phone quickly to send to her brother. Robby ran down to the office and stood there as their father and their counselor looked distraught. 

The End.

Hi, hope you enjoy the story... the prompt is in bold and you can tell by the way I wrote this... this was something different that I ever wrote... of course, I love cliff hangers so you just have to guess what happens next.

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Today in History... John Adams Sets To Negoitate....

More about it here:

This seems interesting... it talks about what happened on this day on September 27, 1779.

I think this happened just a few years after the decoration of independence... but not quite sure.

It's a good thing to enjoy history and learn about something you never thought.

What other history of the day do you have that you can share... remember... it's something that you want to learn more about.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 26, 2019

An Announcement About Random Article Challenge

I have decided to stop posting random articles on here... because I find it hard to stand. Yea... this means I am going to drop the challenge.

However, I am going to continue to do from 0 to 5 posts per day... randomly, of course.

I am only doing this because I wanted to have time to do something else and not just have that challenge be all of my blog.

I will make a formal announcement on my other blog next week since there's a challenge I am looking forward to do... Horror shows.

Now... I am clueless what challenge to do for Christmas... so I was thinking... We should do something with traditions and such... like the history of Christmas for my other blog.

So... no more article challenges... however, I will still do a random article only if the random thing says to do one xD

So... stay tuned... and also... can't wait to write more on my blog now.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Random Article 13: Joe.

Article here:

This looks like it would be a long read... but you can read it yourself if you wish.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Random Article 12: Can This Work?

Article Here:

This is about a guy who wanted to transplant his head... and the question... would it work?

Very interesting to read... so you should read it yourself.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Random Article 11: Frozen Fate?

Article Here:

This article is about the frozen embryos and what happens to them.

Something that is worth to read if you ever decide to freeze your embryos.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Random Article 10: Princess Myth

Article here:

A very good article to look at... just go on that site.

A princess is not always what you think. I think this article points this out a whole lot...

I enjoy reading this... because it told a lot about many truths.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Random Article 9: Protesting...

Article Here:

This is a good read... Standing Rock were protesting against pipelines.... and since this is an old article, things have changed, I'm sure. But if things did change... this would be sad.

I would've joined in a protest like this one... because land is sacred to most natives.

Go to that article and read it for yourself.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Random Article 8: Creepy Guy...

Article here:

This guy just done the wrong thing and now he's a whistle blower... really... weird.

My thoughts are that this guy is a creepy person.

Read that article if you want to do... it's a long one but you can about tell what's it would be about.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Random Article 7: Pretending To Be Alright

Article here:

A very long read about having to stand with a coach who has problems...

Seems like it's not too interesting for me... but if you like sports... this would be a good read for you.

How do I feel about this coach? Eh... no answer really.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Random Article 6: Water Is Your Worst Enemy

Article here:

From what I read... there's a dam that could be a danger to over 2 million people if it ever breaks.

It's interesting to read this... since it states it's a bigger problem than ISIS...

For now... I only hoped that this dam would stay safe... and much more.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

This Game... is SUPERHOT

First of all... what is SUPERHOT?

It's a game where that anytime you move... so does the enemies. It's very interesting and it does take a lot of thinking to do...

More info here:

Now you can get the game here:

The main website is here: 

Now let's watch a play-through of this game... 

Noticed the red figures? This is quite interesting to see... this looks like a fun game but I wonder if it would be something that I could play one day...

A poll will be up on my twitter asking this... This doesn't mean I would be buying the game but it could be something that I might do in the future.

That's all.

With love,


Now... Something That's About My Dogs And Cats

For those who are new at my blog...

Chloe and Susie are my dogs... they are both chihuahua mix. Chloe is brindle brown/red color... with white feet and belly... Susie is all white with a brown/red head. They both are spoiled rotten...

Right now, my dogs are asleep and won't be taking a picture... so maybe next time.

I have a couple of cats... Shea, Cheesecake and Tigga or Tigger... but yea..

There's one more dog that belongs to my mom named Yoyo. She owns more cats... as well as my dad... you might get to meet them too... their names are Poppy, Charlie, and Harley.

We would had more but we have neighbors that steal cats and kittens... so keep that in mind.

For now... all of the pets are laying about... so I will try to take random videos and pictures of them next time...

Until then... let's hope this comes up one day xD

That's all.

With love,


Random Topic...? Why Smoke Is A Bad Thing

I've tried my hand at blog generators... though they are not good... but they did give an idea...

Here's the latest topic about Pollution... Something we do have to think about a lot lately.

Smoke is a deadly thing... especially when you breath it in...

With the recent forest fires going on... especially in Utah... it's not something you want to be around with.

Read that article and you shall see what I am talking about.

That's all.


Random Article 5: Speech That Makes You Want To Take Risks

Speech/ Article here:

This is a good read... something that makes you want to think about things...

Life is meant to take risks... something you never thought you would do before...

Just read the whole entire thing and you might be thinking about it too.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Random Article 4: Tent Revivals?

Article here:

This is an interesting one... it talks about helping others by having these tent things for medical help and much more.

Yes, the article might be old but this is a good idea for those who can't afford to go to a doctor.

I feel like this should be continuing either way...

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Random Article 3: Baseball Time

Article here:

This was written in 2012... about a win in a small town that needed it.

I won't go into too much detail about this... so just go to that article and read it for yourself.

Also... I am not a big fan on many sports... so yea...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Random Game: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II

This game came out in 2006... so you can tell this is an old game already.

Have I ever played this game? Nope... do I want to? Maybe...

I'll share the official website here:

I did found a place where you could buy it... but for that price... not for me.

Here's the listing:

Now... I will view the game play which you could watch here:

This is a port version to the XBox 360... so things won't look too great. The gameplay looks more like strategy type of game. I would still play this game.

Like I said... there's no way I will ever buy this game... so yea... oh, well.

Would you like to see me play this game one day? xD Nah... don't answer that.

That's all.

With love,


Random Article 2: When People Are Still Waiting For A Crime

Article here:

First of all, I'm curious if this case is still ongoing and whether or not, the guy was set free for a crime he committed.

What's hard for this case... was that he's deaf and mute... so communication would be hard to do for him.

Since this was written in 2017, I can't say for sure any updates for this crime.

I just hope that justice was served either way.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Random Article 1: El Chapo Heading To Brooklyn

Article here:

This is an article about a drug cartel lord... and he is being moved to Brooklyn prison.

It talked about why he was moved there... talked about other things...

Really, it's not that interesting to read... so I'll just keep this post short.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 12, 2019

My TV Show Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

This show came on around the time I was in middle school... like... I've watched the first episode in my 8th grade class...

It sparked the idea around forensics... and I actually started watching this show for this purpose.

I loved the whole idea behind crimes scenes and how they worked so hard to solve a certain crime.

Now I only watched it until they switched characters around... it was kind of strange after that...

Nothing wrong with CSI...

The story goes... this guy who eventually became hard of hearing... was the big boss over his forensics lab... every episode, there was a different crime or two... They worked through many different methods... some real... some not so real.

You do learn a lot about what was used in solving these crimes.

The only thing... this was a drama show... so you have to deal with love, over dramatic scenes and much more.

I was thinking about going back to watch the show as a whole... even the parts that I've missed.

I do recommend this show... for it's something that you really couldn't miss out.

Just be warned... this was a crime scene drama show... so there will be a lot of death in it.

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


This Was A Long Article About Skiing...

Not just any kind of skiing... this is a mountain like course where you have to be the fastest and win it. It's a dangerous one.

This article, I'm about to share, is about how most felt going down that hill and celebrating soon after... if they made it.

It's an interesting read, nonetheless... but the article being that long did get boring after a moment...

I am not sure if this race is still going on but who knows.

Anyway, I am going to be doing this challenge starting tomorrow... so this is a preview of what it will look like... now, there's gonna be one on my other blog in the future but about games, tech, and anything related to the internet/pop culture.

See you all on the last post... which... is what number was randomly chosen from 0 to 5.

That's all.

With love,


Trying My Hand At Random Poems

I try my best to come up with ideas... but I should brain storm things first... sadly, I didn't with these poems... so enjoy these for a while.

Write a poem about one or all of the four seasons. (Some ideas for brainstorming: What does the season look, feel, smell like? What memories do you associate with that season?).

Spring come... a smell of flowers, 
Sweet warmth, soon summer will overpower,
Falling leaves, for what's all about Fall,
Winter is here, as we heard that snow can call.

Write a poem using three of the following words: expensive, lampshade, bruise, convincing.

Life can be expensive,
But love can be convincing...
When you sit under a lampshade...
You're left with a bruise to aid. 


9 Random Questions.. Yes... Something Different

Something a bit different... Here are the 9 different questions... Questions are in bold... answers in Italic.

What were the last two books you read? Beasts of the Frozen Sun by Jill Criswell and The Swan Riders by Erin Bow

What's the hardest lesson you've had to learn? Not sure if it means a class lesson or life lesson... but I learn that not everything is gonna be easy. Someday, I'll have to be on my own for real and be alone... I don't mind being alone... but I do mind about having friends that would come by to check on me.

What is something really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed they liked it? Ooo... this one is a toughy... I mean, there's a lot of things that are popular now... like today, I saw a pair of pants where one leg is flared and the other leg... straight... yea... I would see people being embarrassed over that in 5 years. However, there are things that will possibly never go out of the popular stage... who knows... maybe something would come to my mind in 5 years and I would be like.. why...

What simple change in your life would have the biggest positive impact? That would be my health... I'm sure that would be simple to do just by doing small things... it would be a big deal for me and my life.

What three objects you own do you value most? The fire tablet I won, my computer, my PS4... these are hard to get and takes time to get back.

What would you name your boat? Kairi, of course... it means ocean in Japanese and it would be a perfect name.

What happens in real life, but rarely gets portrayed in movies? Oh... everything. Life is never like the movies.. love is not easy like that either. There's always a struggle in how we live. We tell it in the books, but movies always try to skip that. Remember that folks, next time you watch a movie based on a book.

What is the most useful thing your mom or dad has taught you? My dad taught me that you should speak your mind. My mom taught me to never let any BS bother you.

Who's your favorite protagonist from an animated movie? Moana from Moana... There's more movies but that's only one for now.

Thank you all... I will one day have a personal question thing on here but for now... I will do a random one.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Let's Get The Day Started With Picture of the Day

Good morning/Good evening everybody. I hope your day is going better than mine xD

Here's the site to the picture of the day... then I will talk about how I feel about it.

This picture makes me feel cold... but seeing as it's summer here, I really do miss winter and warm baths...

This picture says a lot... a boy, taking a bath on a cold day.  Nepal must be an interesting place to go and learn about their culture.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finally... the last thing for today is a location: Maracaibo, Venezuela

More info here:

This is a city located north of Venezuela... looks beautiful in the pictures.

I don't know about ever traveling to this city but maybe one day...

I like to look at cities and this is no exception to what a city is like...,_Zulia,_Venezuela.JPG

One of the few photos of this city.

Now... all these posts are done... tomorrow will be a bit tough too... so seeing that this needs to be changed... I will only be doing 0-5 posts per day instead of 0-10. So... keep that in mind from now.


See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Today is... National Make Your Bed Day

More info how this came to be known:

Now... I have to admit... I don't really make my bed... mostly because I take a nap or two through out the day... so that's something to think about.

Also, if you have pets... it's useless to try to make up your bed for them xD

I think it's interesting that this is today... so... hope you are able to make your bed today.

That's all.

With love,


When You Get To Draw Again... But Your Feelings Are Triangle?

Yep... this is what my feelings told me today...

I guess the idea of doing 0 to 10 posts are short and interesting, eh?

Guess why I am feeling triangle then... because it's been an odd day and stuff.

What? You Dream of Ammunition?

You ever had a dream about guns going off? But don't see the guns and only see ammunition? That sounds creepy but finding out what it means is something that I wish to do...

A dream can mean anything and if there's a hidden meaning behind it... then you should find out.

Pay attention to what you see...

Now... back to ammunition...?

Go here and read it all and find out...

It's interesting to see different types of meanings for ammunition...

And why it happens... it could be stress... A need of help for something... And much more... go on that site and see the different meanings for each type of ammunition dream.

Maybe... next time, I'll do this one better and talk about only one type of dream.

See you all on another post.

Tap Dancing is Fun To Watch

Just read that article and I will give you a video to watch... I enjoy watching dances online and watching movies and shows that involves around dancing... something that I know a lot of people don't know about me. I really wish that I could go to more dance shows because I really enjoy any style... they are fun and stuff... would love to learn some of the different styles there are.

Sadly... there's no dance of the day so I picked Tap Dancing out of different styles...

Here's a video example of what tap dancing is:

The history of tap dancing is something everybody should learn about... It's more than just tapping the ground... there's a lot of movement involve with all those taps... of course, special shoes are required for most of these dances.

Enjoy it... like I enjoy it.

Today's Article Is Bad Enough... Praying For The Victims.

Normally, I don't talk about the news on here... but I think since I am only going to do this on random times... I will do one for today... Be aware, I will start a new challenge starting tomorrow where I will do an article per day for 30 days... this is not part of the challenge... for the challenge will be numbered... so if it's numbered... that's part of the challenge. Yea... I know it's confusing so... let's get on what's the article for today...

This is a horrible thing to read... I will pray for all the victims and hope they figured out why this person wanted to go and do this...

I'm not making fun of Florida or anything because of the memes... but seriously... Florida crimes are really the worst lately... even if some of them are silly... they are still something that needs to be fixed soon.

The terror is something that you can feel when you read this article. I do pray for the victims again. And hope for the victims to recover from this incident and the person who stabbed them would be punished.

My Favorite Names List

I always love making random lists of things I love... so why not now? I shall list names that I really love... but I love names as a writer... so here's the list in no order.

  • Chloe
  • Susie
  • Sora
  • Kairi
  • Jackson
  • Jonas
  • Ali
  • Hana
  • Sierra
  • Rain
  • Sakura
  • Aki
  • Angel
  • Micah
  • Dani
These are just my favorite names of all. I love more names than just these... so... keep that in mind.

This Is Why I Want To Keep Practicing Drawing

Today... I am going to show off a random drawing... the generator chose... Tattoo... so I drew what I always dreamed of having as tattoos and so forth... not too good at it so I titled it xD

I got other blogs to do through out the day since I want to do more for my personal blog and make it really random... See you all in the next one.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Some Changes Coming Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, I'm changing up my blogs... I just realize that because I'm tired a whole lot more... I just need to start taking more breaks from blogging and settle on topics and other stuff per blog...

I may also try to go for... 10 blogs per day but only by a random count... how... am I suppose to do that?

Well... I realize that I do make small blogs so I shall do that... and I want to talk about a different topic each day... as well as add more reviews and still do the challenges on my other blog... now... once those challenges are coming to the point where I run out of idea... I will do that blog random too... or rather... add it on the list with the personal blog.

I just want to do something different.

I did do a poll but I will delete those or let those run their course...

I love writing and just want to do something... different from now on.

I will add that I will do more blogging everyday even on holidays... because like I said... randomly pick 1 through 10. Muaha...

I am a weird person, okay?

So... let's get to being random tomorrow.

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Just Didn't Sleep Well Last Night

I hate that I didn't get to sleep that well last night... all because of a cough... it comes out at night and it keeps me awake all night.

Hoping that the cough is just a summer thing but you never know... you just never really know anymore.

Anyway, I am going to be watching some anime and stuff... then hope for a good day.

I am tired so I have to lay down at some point today xD

Alright, see you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, September 9, 2019

Getting Tired of Saying Tired

I am tired... again.... and boy, am I getting tired of saying tired... what.... a weird thing to put here in the beginning of my blog post xD

Anyway, I have to say that this day has been a long one... and well... not too bad.

But that's to be expected for Mondays sometimes...

I'm okay with the shows coming on in two weeks... so all my posts and my challenges will be rushed... and hopefully not too bad.

Just hoping that I can make it through since I almost got every single day planned out with shows... whoa....

Alright, I shall get to bed soon but that's another thing that will be changed since most of the shows I've watched comes on at... 10... at night. Just have to wait and see what happens then.

For now... see you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


When A Game DLC Excites You

I keep watching the trailer for KH3 Remind coming soon this winter... and I really want to play it all.

Anyway, I am going to get back with the day...

It won't be long until I get to take that nap... which might be a little earlier today xD

Ah, well...

I hope that I will make it through the day without feeling like crap... like I did this morning. Go me.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, September 6, 2019

Love Game Music And Background Music.

I love game music... especially when it came from Kingdom Hearts...

And what makes me think about this... was because the composer wrote a piece in the memory of a rapper who was killed last night. He was on the path of becoming a good person but things just wasn't planned out for him.

So... yea... game music is beautiful.

I will be excited on Monday when it comes... so keep an eye out for that... and what I think about it too.

Right now, I shall take a break... so I shall see you all on Monday.

That's all.

With love,


When Your Computer Fails You But It's Your Bad

So my computer likes to freeze up every once a while...

So far... it's alright... and might be my bad xD

Anyway, I am listening to some music on spotify... they have this thing where you can listen to some new music that came out this past week or Friday.

It's been quite a lazy type of day and it's because I really didn't feel too good... oh, well...

I shall get on with this day and see you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Trying To Do Something But Always Fail...

I have decided that it's actually time to start thinking about my health a bit more...

How? When being healthy is hard to get by locally... just have to wait and see.

Anyway, shall get on with the rest of the night...

Since I want to sleep soonish...

Not sure what tomorrow will be like yet... so will let you all know by tomorrow too...

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Just Playing A Game

I am just sitting here... playing a random game on the tablet.. xD

I am going to watch more Riverdale later today... so hoping everything will be alright for me.

I am also thinking about going to take a nap early today because my head hurts a little bit... oh, well...

I shall get on with the day and should get ready for that nap soon.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Getting Bored And Doing Something Else xD

I just got bored and decided not to all catch up with anime since yea... boredom did kind of set in xD

Anyway, I keep thinking about what I should write next and keep looking at my title of my blog...

A Faerie Journey could be me... but as a alter ego... somebody who I wished to be... going on a journey and finding ways to do something good for this world.

Yea... who knows what might come next.

Alright, I shall get on with the rest of the night and get to bed in a hour or less...

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Finished The Dark Crystal Last Night

I am glad to say that I finished The Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance...

It's like... the start of it all.

So if you seen the movie The Dark Crystal... you should see this one... because it's quite interesting and it tells the fate of... well... just watch it yourself.

I was going to watch the movie but then I remembered the ending... so yea... no need for that. 

Anyway, I am going to get on with the rest of the day by anime... yes... anime is my random choice of activity for today xD

I will get on with the day... in hopes that everything will be alright for me.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hoping To Finish Dark Crystal Soon

I'm trying to work on my timing but always seem to never get a show done xD

Anyway, I hope that I get to finish it tomorrow nonetheless... because Dark Crystal is a good show indeed.

Hope they will be making a second season for it.

I shall get on with this episode and then hoping to get to bed soon after...

See you all tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Tired From The Holiday Weekend

I am so glad the holiday from yesterday is over... I am tired...

We done a lot for the last few days... especially on Labor Day...

My dad is a wonderful person and we should be thankful that he gets in that mood sometimes.

Anyway, I am going to go take a nap now...

Hope that I will be alright for this nap...

Since I have been in a strange mood a lot lately...

Oh, well...

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,