Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Where Did You Go, Blog?

Well, the title is what I'm gonna call for today.

Alright, you know... it's getting closer to 2015 and I really hope that next year isn't so bad like this year.

Anyways, I'm alright. Just been stressed out as well as emotional.

Just too much has been going on. Too MUCH.

It has been 11 years since my grandfather passed away and 4 years since my aunt and my grandma (my dad's stepmom) passed away. And my grandma (my mom's mom) is badly depressed.

As the month of October goes away, we begin to wonder about a few things...

Life isn't fair. And it's not suppose to be.

But for me... I want to enjoy life just a bit longer.

And so... that's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Um, Nothing To Do But Update!

Alright, the title sounds like I'm being lazy but I am not.

Anyways, I am hungry... so I am going to eat after updating this blog.

Also... who knows what will happen next?

6 days until Halloween!

Also, my best friend, Rai has made me a logo with my initials BDK. Because it's kind of my trademark thanks to a friend who suggested it when I was in high school.

Well, that's all for now.

With love,


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Good News for my Mom!

Alright, I know I kept my promise about keeping you all updated about my mom... well...

The doctor finally told her that she can walk with normal shoes. And she may need physical therapy (which my mom still not sure if she will go but that's her choice.)

Anyways, so that's the most awesomeness ever! I'm glad that she is doing well too.

So one more date to that doctor and then she can do whatever she wants.

It seems like that we may be leaving afterall... I am not sure if it is true yet because so many times we had chances and those chances always end up badly.

So here's to being hopeful!

That's all for now!

With love,


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Collaborations NEEDED!

I'm not begging but I am asking for anybody who is interested. If not, that's alright too!

So looking for collaborations for my youtube channel. I can do anything you requested. So just hit me up! Comment or go to my YouTube and send me a message! If you have my email, or ask for me it, I will be there too!

Any ideas are welcome too.


That's all.

With love,


Two More Blogs Besides This One! Also, an IDEA!

One is basically a picture site which I haven't updated in a while but since the app is broken on my phone, I can't upload anymore for a while but the page is called A Faerie View. A Faerie View

And the other is a fictional blog with the idea of random stories and poems from a character that I have no name for. So you guys are welcome to name her or him, you choice... also this blog is an interactive one so you comment and make suggestions for what will happen. And guess what... anything you say may come up in the next blog! It's called A Faerie Dream: A Faerie Dream

So, yea... those are my other two blogs. I'm seriously thinking of having one that's a bit more than this one... but I don't know yet.


I'm thinking of opening up two NEW channels on my YouTube. One will have my irl name and the other will be xxx which will be mostly a gaming channel. While Ankisal will be the other channel.

So now for the channel with my irl name... I have no idea what to put there. For I am not good at making videos. At ALL. But I can learn, right?

Alright... I am going to continue on with my life and do what I enjoy. So... that's all.

With love,


Friday, October 17, 2014

I Have An Awesome Friend!

Yep, you know who I am talking about. :P

Rai! You're awesome!

That's all.


Do You Think... Topic That's Personal but Controversial.


Well, how many of you heard of Assistant Suicide?

Do you guys know the terms of that?

It's not something that you can imagine... it's basically a medical procedure that you can choose to help you die. But only if you have a terminal illness like brain cancer, etc.

Now it's been a huge fuss about it, ok?

But here's my opinion...

I support this idea. ONLY because I hate the idea of seeing anybody suffer or having to go into chemo or even go to the point where you are literally brain dead.

Here's the thing... I may don't believe in suicide but assistant suicide comes to my mind as something that should be a thing. I mean, really... it's something that should be given a choice when you're dying or know that you're dying.

So, it's strange thing to say but seriously... when you have been like me and see people suffer... you be thinking the same way.

Not a lot of people wants to suffer through anything brain related.

Let me tell you a little secret... From time to time, I told my mom that if I ever get to the point that I don't recall who I am or where I am or even to the point that my brain is literally dying... that I wish to be overdosed on purpose.

Now you're thinking "WHY?!"

Because I hate to suffer through something that is literally nothing... meaningless. I don't want to be the one who just melts away... literally.

If I were to ever get brain cancer and only have so much to live on... then yes, I would actually choose to do assistant suicide.

I just... don't want to deal with that type of pain. That type of loss. And I'll be sure to have my family know. And so far, I told my mom about it and she supports me. Because... you know... I don't want to suffer. Nobody does. Even if you say it's God's Will. I'm not religious and this is my final decision in case I ever to terminal ill.

But everybody may have their opinions but they must understand, you cannot stop a person's decision once it is final, ok?

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Really Want Something Different...

So... I'm thinking of getting a bit more personal with my blog.

As well with the reviews and such...

But sometimes I can't get too personal because of family. I just can't talk about them without somebody getting mad about it... really?

But instead, I will skip the family part and just talk about a topic that focus on what is wrong.

Really... everything in my life in this present day is wrong.

So... what should I talk about tomorrow?

I will figure out sooner or later.

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blah Blah Blah... Almost to the Point of Wanting To Go Away...

Really? It's just hard enough to deal with loud, boss mouths... but to hear them fussing over and over...

It's enough to drive me to the point that I really want to go away from here. Anywhere but here.

Ah, well...

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

So... Aggravated

Aggravated  about what?

Well, for a long time, I thought I was gonna have a peaceful day...

Then boom, family drama...

Wow... just wow.

When does drama stop ever? Anybody knows?

Ah, well...

Anyways, I am not sure what to say but... hope that tomorrow will be better... if it ever will.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 10, 2014

Well... gonna read over the weekend...

Also, I'm very late on vlogging... very very late.

Anyways, I really do need a break from the online world just for a little bit.

Because soon I'll be reading my favorite books... Yay!

Alright, don't know what else to put here...

But sorry about having no Halloween stuff for this month...

Since you all just have no idea how stressful my life can be.


I think I wouldn't mind living on my own right about now.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

So many things happen and you don't know why...

Ok, ok, I know that I was gonna do a Halloween month blog challenge but things happen, ok?

Anyways, I'm not going to go into detail what happened but I do want to say that eventually, I will have an anime list for you guys!

So yes, do keep a watch for it.

That's all for now.

With love,


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Who is Afraid of the Dark? Not Me!

And so you guys are wondering why I skipped a day?

Well, many things happened. And I really don't want to talk about it.

Alright, just wondering how every is doing for this Halloween season?

Me... well, just waiting for my items to come in.

That's all for now.

With love,