Saturday, May 31, 2014

At my grandmas for a bit.

So I am at my grandmas house for a bit.

Anyways, I should be fine for tonight.
It seems to help me to be away from home and I'm glad to be away.

So... It's final. I'm going to be serious and try to get me a job. Then get the heck out of here.

It seems that my home makes me sort of ill.

So... I'll be back tomorrow and my challenge is starting a little early so I'll be reading all day and night.

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, May 30, 2014

Week Passed Off Quick...

Some reason the week passed of quickly this time.

Ah, well...

I'm kind of depressed some reason but I think I'm gonna be fine.

In all hopes... let's hope this weekend will be better...

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Wonders...

I'm just curious... why my right eye always seem blurry when I get new glasses?

Even my old ones are like that...

The need to wanting answers... has to wait until July.

But I need an escape from here and just... be happy again.

Ah, well...

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rain Come Back!!!

Well, the rain has come and gone... but it should be back later... not sure when.

Anyways, I moved my desk in my room so that I could have some more room... it helped that room a whole lot.

Well, today was weird... who knows what will happen next.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's Hot!

Well, in 3 weeks, it will be the offical day of summer... but it seems like summer is already here!

I am going to plan to go out and do stuff through the summer... even if I have to walk to them!

Alright, who knows what will happen next.

Anyways, I'm feeling a little better today... and realizing that I have a bunch of shirts with skulls everywhere!

It's crazy.

I'm going to take my chance and apply for one job for today. The rest, I need to work up and just ask for an application. IGA keeps saying that they aren't hiring but it's worth a try.

But just so you guys know... once I get my taxes... I am not going to be staying here anymore.

Alright, I'm going to end this now.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 26, 2014

Calmer Now...

It feels like things are calmer now.

Anyways, just so you guys want to know, starting June 1st, which is on Sunday, I will be limiting my time on games, anime, and social networking but my blog and chatting on line with my best friend. Why am I limiting my time?

Well... my book challenge will start on that day. So from June 1st to June 30. from the time I wake up, till the time I go to bed, I am reading. Yes, I will be taking breaks from reading to eat, shower, take the dogs out, and even work on some projects online. I will read while I am chatting with my best friend.

And my blogs will be morning and evening and if something happens, I'm sure I will let you guys know.

June doesn't have any holidays so it should be fine.

For now... that's all.

With love,


I'm Not Happy... Because...

Seriously... when you want to rest, somebody just has to keep bugging you. Every few minutes...

Seriously... stop.

So, my day just been horrible.

That's all.

with love,


Sunday, May 25, 2014

After A Busy Weekend... REST!

Well, I promised that I tell you about my weekend... so here we go.

As I warned you on Friday, that this weekend will have a short posts... and so it began yesterday morning.

Woke up early: Got my glasses, didn't like them. I hate them. So my mom wants to take them back but... I'm not getting anymore there. At least not until July which I found out that we are able to get one free glasses... so that's what I'm waiting for.

Then, we got our stuff at Walmart. Went straight home to get some flowers for all my family members that passed away... which are my grandpa, my grandma (both on dad's side), my grandma whom I never met (my dad's mom who passed away when he was a kid), my grandpa (on my mom's side), my aunt and many more.

First graveyard was where my dad's dad and his stepmom was buried. Then we went to the other graveyard nearby here...

Finally, we went to my brother's just a little bit. Then, at night, we went to a festival locally.

I was already tired and didn't felt like dancing anymore than one time... so I went home. Where I just literally kept falling asleep...

So that's what happened yesterday.

Today, I went to the graveyard located near where my grandma lives. Put the rest of the flowers on the graves there.

It's something that we do every year during Memorial Day weekend. Kind of like a tradition.

Then we on to my grandma's for the rest of the day.

Also... forgot to add that my dog Chloe ran out while we were out today... so it took a while to get my mom ready so we could come back to see how Chloe was.

When we did, I ate my food and just sat around, walked, then just got sleepy again so I went to took a long nap.

And that's all for what happened.

So... this will be the only post for today but I'll try to post more during the weekdays.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sleepy me...

It seems that I am not used to waking up early, then be busy all day.

Somehow I survived it.

For now... Super tired.

That's all.

With love,


Will tell what I've done this weekend either tomorrow or Monday.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Well, Unexpected...

For times are being weird. Just waiting for things is not working. Don't worry though... unexpected news is bound to happen soon.

Who knows... might hear my voice somewhere locally. Ah, well.

Just don't know what else to talk about. Since this is the start of the weekend, I might have one blog post a day.

So just wanted to warn you guys ahead of time!

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Internet Go Poof For a Brief Moment...

Well... after the small storm, I was surprise my internet didn't go off.

However, the block next door power went out.

So it's strange to see things go weird though.

Anyways, now my internet is acting weird and it's not storming now...

So don't know what is going on.

Alright, going to end this now before the internet tries to go off again.

That's all.

With love,


Noticed Something?

If you look on the right side, you will see the words "Influenster".

Well, not only am I part of that group, I am going to be doing some random reviews on my blog for you guys.

So... you could try to click there and join too!

All free. And you might get something free too!

Alright, that's all for today.

With love,


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You Gotta Be Awesome...

Life is not something to be wasted.

You just gotta be awesome.

People do things in their own ways.

So... it's strange.

Well... you are awesome.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I need Motivation!

Seriously... it seems that when I try or see a chance, my family does something to make that go away...

So I need something to keep them from doing that to me.

I have a very weak mind, ok? It's not something I can really do myself but I need motivation non the less.

So... if you guys have any ideas of what I could do... tell me.

I mean, it might help me.

Anything at all.

That's all.

With love,


Stupid stupid stupid...

Everything is just acting wrong with my life right now. It's stupid stupid stupid!

Anyways, not entirely sure what goes on now because I can't seem to get ahead in life.

All I want is an escape... but it's going to repeat again if I do not escape now!

Why must parents be this way towards me?! WHY?!!?!?!?!

Damn it all.

That's all...

With love,


Monday, May 19, 2014

Ready to Hide...

I'm not sure but I don't know either...

Lately, my mood is off because of my monthly period. Yes, I'm a woman and I'm sure ain't afraid to tell you guys that I am on it.

But I am never the bitchy type during this time... but more sad and more wanting to be by myself.

It's not really a good time for me so I try to avoid anything that is thrown at me.

So... really... I am ready to hide.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dang It All...

I really wanted to go to the book sale but my dad didn't bother to ask me if I wanted to go. And I asked but he never gave me a reply...

So I didn't get to go. It's actually the first time in 4 years since I didn't go to the book sale at Richmond. It's sort of heart broken, you know?

Anyways, I'm going to go and calm my head...

Also, will be watching the Billboard music awards tonight... so...

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, May 17, 2014


Annoy? Why? Well, it was just a bad today.

This will be a short post so I will post again tomorrow.

That's all for now.

Sorry about that.

With love,


Friday, May 16, 2014

I Could Make A Poll But It's Too Late Because...

By the time I do get to look at it, it'll be morning and by then, I'll be going over there xD

So... wonder what glasses they'll let me pick... hopefully something more comfortable and not cause me to sweat easily.

Anyways... I don't like big glasses because of my childhood so I'm gonna pick the same size glasses for me. Which are small and oval shape...

Well, time to go. Need to sleep soon.

That's all.

With love,


Friday Finally!

I don't know about you guys but it seems like it has been a long week.

Tomorrow, I will be going to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked. And of course, pick out glasses too.

I wonder... what glasses I should get? I want something that matches my face and kind of small like the ones I already have. The last time I got these, the people said it was impossible and I was like "Well, if my dad gets small glasses with thick lenses, then there's no reason for you guys to lie to me." xD

Besides... it's possible.

So, when I get them, I'm thinking of asking for my prescription too and see if it's possible to get any online... doubt it because my eye sight is severely nearsighted... yikes...

Alright, might post again tonight. If not, be paitent... some nights I forget so easily. xD

That's all for now.

With love,


Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Cool Thursday...

Today, the weather has cool down a lot. Not sure if this will last for a long time or a short time but hopefully not all summer.

Heck... I about really close to leaving town to go somewhere warm all the time.

But I guess the weather has been worse than what it should be.

Ah, well... hope we can figure out something.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It's Gonna Be Fine

My hearing is worse than before but it's gonna be fine now.

The doctor is leaving to go back to her home state and she told me that I just need a hearing aid.

So that's better than nothing.

Alright that's all for now.

With love,


Waiting For A Ride...

There's a local transit service that we are gonna take so that I can go to the doctor today. Basically, my ears always need to be checked on.

Anyways, while I'm thinking about it, I'm gonna get the dentist to look at my teeth (one of my teeth broke but it didn't hurt at all!) And also, get my family doctor to see about how my hips are doing as well as my back. Too many things to check out but it is necessary for me to be healthy before I pursue my dream travel.

Well, I will you all know how my hearing test and hearing doctor is going on.

The doctor though is leaving so... it's sad to know. But the only thing I don't like about her is she keeps asking me that I need more tubes that are twice as big than my ear... heck no.

Can't they just figure out if it's somewhere else that my hearing is bad?

Ah, well...

Dreading either way because I absolutely HATE those hearing test.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Theme for My 30 Day Book Challenge is.......

No theme. Just random. I buy books and I leave those books based on when I bought them so that I could know what I bought and what I already have. Now 30 books is a pretty good lot to start reading so I'm gonna keep reading each book from day to dark. Of course, I will let you all know if I finish the book or not.

The catch is however... I might not be able to read 30 books for 30 days. So don't expect this to be an awesome challenge, alright?

Anyways, today I am tired from walking almost all day yesterday. It might explain why I didn't post another entry yesterday. Sorry about that.

Alright, that's all for now.

Hope to post again.

With love,


Monday, May 12, 2014

A walk through a new medical arts building...

I was walking with my mom today and we decided to take a walk through the new medical arts building...

It's interesting and bigger than what you expected.

So, it's awesome.

Anyways, not sure what else to put besides wanting to watch some anime soon.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Epic Season Finale

Once Upon A Time ended for the season and I'm amazed.

And the spoiling for season 4 is gonna be epic... so if you guys know what I am talking about, I wouldn't have to spoil it.

But there's gonna be an epic reference for Frozen next season... and it made me like giggle all over.

Alright, I am going to sleep once the movie ends.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, May 10, 2014


I am not sure what to post but hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, May 9, 2014

Internet Go Poof Then Appear Again

I think my internet just farted...

But it's fine now, it appears.

Anyways, here is a new straw poll for you guys!

So vote vote and that will be my 30 day book challenge that I'll be doing!

Alright, this will be a one post due to the weekend but hopefully all will be fine.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, May 8, 2014

That moment you begin to wonder...

The mind is just an amazing thing.

We can control the fate of our lives if we just set our mind to it.

I'm always scared of being alone... but you know... maybe it's about time to not be afraid anymore.

Anyways... that's all for now.

With love,


I Made A Poll!

So for the ideas that I made for my 30 day book challenge, I made a poll so you guys can vote without leaving a comment.

So take your time and choose one or more.

The most votes, will get me the idea of what to do.


With love,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So, I am planning something for this summer

It's gonna be a 30 day book challenge. Yes, I am blogging twice a day about one book per day.

However, I am not sure if I'm gonna do just different books or books based on a theme. So... I still need to decide that.

All of this won't start until June 1st. So I should have time (as well finding a job which could hold a potential change to this challenge)

But for now, it's planned until further noticed.

I would like to do a theme based on what books I could find based on a title or certain idea or sub-genre on a genre.

Who knows.

So, I'm leaving the ideas to hopefully gain more audiences to my blog. Yes, you guys get to decide.

That's all!

With love,


Breaking Down Mental Walls

I keep getting these so called walls thrown up in my mental mind. And it makes me want to give up.

I really need to break those down and just do things. Take the risk.

Anyways, not sure what you guys are doing today... I am tempting to download No Game No Life now and watch it since it's my favorite anime of this season xD

But I'm gonna wait a bit.

That's all for now.

With love,


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to deal with people who don't know how to do their own work?

Block them.

Yes, it's another long title but I am slightly annoyed right now and in a bad mood.

So... going to go to bed soon.

That's all.

With love,


Internet Always Be Imperfect

For those that have internet service should know how I am feeling...

My internet was out for most of the day and it's still acting a bit weird.

Anyways, I'm gonna start doing a 30 day challenge thing starting over the summer. Since locally there is a summer reading program which lasts for 30 days or so, starting in June... I'm gonna do a book a day challenge. I use to read books in a day with no problem. So... I'm gonna start doing that again for a whole month.

Then I'll list the title of the book at the beginning of the day (you guys can join in if you want), then at the end of the day, I'll give me insight of that book.

But it doesn't mean I will just only read books... I will be reading anything that I pick up.

Since the book sale from another library is May 18... I will be getting random books that fits in a bag for $2. So it's a deal to steal, you know?

I just hope... that I get to go to that book sale. It'll be kind of strange if I don't show up.

Alright, so I will use one of those bags with books that can inspire me.

So... It's just a plan for now. And if I can find a place with manga, I want to do a challenge of those on another month.

I really need a challenge to do for this blog.

So it's up to you guys!

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 5, 2014

My Day!

So if you guys are wondering, I made a frame of all the items I got. :)

There's the card, my friend got me.

A drawing my very special best friend drew for me (he's gonna try to color it in later).

Three things that I bought for myself.

So it's awesome!

Also, to end it all... Ice cream. :)

So thank you all for a wonderful birthday. :) :)

That's all.

With love,


Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, I had a good day and bought myself some goodies with my birthday money (I'll make a collage of some sorts and show you guys then)

Also, got a surprise of my life from a friend locally and he's such a sweetheart for thinking of me as a friend of course but for my birthday xD

Thank you, you know who you are xD

So, all in all... I still have money to spend and really wanted to go to Fayette Mall but you guys should know by now how my dad is.

I don't know... there's something about malls and stuff that my dad doesn't like.

So maybe another time.

For now guys... have a piece cake from me for it's my 28th birthday!

And also... the collage will have presents as well stuff I bought for myself so you guys will see it all~

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Almost Forgot To Post Here!

So I went to my grandma's today and had a little fun  too....

Though I am still sort of with money atm...

Anyways, I am going to watch this movie and then go to bed soon.

So, hopefully... my birthday will be the best ever.

Except from a dad fussing all the time and such xD

Well, time to finish the movie now.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Glad to made it on time for you guys!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

When Your Day Passes Fast With Walking And Lifting And... You Don't Know What Happened.

Longer title this time. But yea, today had been pretty much tiring...

Walking through the store, lifting stuff. And then walking back out of the store.

But there was good things that did came out of this.

One: I may have a job.

Two: My dad caved in and bought me food at Cracker Barrels.

Three: Cake.

And finally: Four: It won't be long until I'm 28.

Anyways, for a while now, I just don't know what happened but it felt like my mind was somewhere else for a while. Almost felt faint but when we finally got home, all was fine.

Except... we have three new neighbors. And one neighbor is not as bad... while two of those neighbors... have kids that literally run amok.

Although I don't have a thing against kids, but when you see kids running in your own yard and eventually running in the road in front of vehicles... well, you know that these neighbors are not good watchers at all.

So... since it's not midnight here yet... 2 more days until my birthday FTW.

That's all.

With love,


Nap Attack

I am going to be bored today.

But who's complaining for today?

Anyways, going to keep this a bit short. So... nap attack.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, May 2, 2014

Dancing Memories!

So it's summer again. And I can start back to walking and other things.

And I have dancing memories. Which I am gonna work on this summer so that I can get back in the mood.

And of course, still trying to find a job. I am going to start making flyers on Monday (yes, on my birthday) but hopefully things go well by then.

Anyways, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


What The...

I felt like a day and night just passed by too quickly. I guess that is what happens when you're expecting to be in a rush for something.

Anyways, I am still dreaming of going to Indonesia.

Also, had another dream about my bestie's book idea. Seriously...?

I want to write again but for now I am stuck with nothing.

I mean, I have good ideas and my stories were actually good back in the day. But some reason after the deaths of my close family members, things just haven't been so inspiring to me.

I love the idea of traveling for a reason. It gives me joy.

But I just hope to experience it soon and without an annoying dad.

So... that's all for now.

With love,


Thursday, May 1, 2014

The mysterious mind.

Always curious now. Since watching the first episode of Black Box, I begin to understand the reality of mental illness is all about.

It's not something that you can make fun of anymore.

And my aunt DOES not have bipolar... from the looks of it, bipolar literally makes you a different person. A complete different person. As long they stay on medication, they can be alright. But her condition makes her impossible to keep on her medication. It's so strange but yet... mysterious.

So... yea...

So in the main character Catherine's words "Our brains are like black boxes."

Alright, that's it for now.

But... I am not afraid of mental illness. I've learn to accept it.

That's all.

With love,


It's May Day!

Today is the first day of May. In a about 4 days or so, it will be my birthday once again.

Anyways, not sure what to say since today is a bit cooler day.

So I applied for another job online. I can't lose doubt just yet... since it's a job locally and at the bank.

If nothing else fails, I will be having a home based pet service job. So... no stopping me.

Alright, let's get to working!

I'm giving the bank job two to three weeks... if they don't call... then I'm making flyers for this pet service.

That's all.

With love,