Sunday, September 30, 2012

An idea

I'm thinking of a story that I was going to write but never got to the whole entire idea of it. It's the story of Talulah. Her name literally means Leaping Water. And thus... she is a water faerie. The most dangerous kind too in fact.

Right now it's just an idea... so I'm not going to say much until I have my complete focus on it. So for now... I want you all to meet Talulah, a dark blackish almost blue hair, with blue eyes faerie that has clear wings. And her power can control water.
Ysabel: Why can't you just go attack his ex?
Me: I'm not like that, ok? Stop being angry... you're letting it slip out to me.
Ysabel: Well, too late.
Me: Damn it, Ysabel... I don't want to be snapping off all day long! >_< Ysabel: Well, if you don't go attack her, I will. Me: Geez... >_< I really don't want to feel this way, right now, Ysabel... ok? I only gave you the name not long ago and now you want to try to take over me? I've been trying to control you for all these years. So, please, don't make me feel this way.
Ysabel: Fine. But I will still be angry.
Me: Oi. -_-'
I feel better since the sadness is gone. So... goodnight all.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Go away sadness...

I have to know... why am I feeling sad? I am not suppose to feel sad. But when I am sad, memories come to me. And memories are suppose to tucked and locked away. It cannot be helped.

Actually... I am just missing my love. I really hope he is alright. I get these feelings when I am worried. I wish I can stop. >_<

Anyways... I am going to post my email since nobody seems to be asking for it... xD

So... is my email. Please label Blog if it's about the blog, thank you.

That is all...


The Chicken Festival 2012

Well, first of all, it's a festival in celebration of KFC. Though the true home of KFC is actually in Corbin, KY... they have the celebration in London because it's a bigger place and they hold lots of shows... Sadly, this year it wasn't like that.

This is what I am wanting to tell you about. I can tell a big difference from last year to this year. I don't know if it's because of the economy or because people just don't care or what. But it's been different lately.

For that mind, I just noticed a lot of things about this festival. Not a whole lot booths there this time. And there was suppose to be music all day but sadly, they weren't gonna do them all day this year. They do have country stars there but I won't get to see them again this year. I really want to take my mom so much.

Anyways, that is all I want to say. It's short for today because I'm suppose to go lay down a long time ago. xD Nap time!


And so I write...

There are times that I wonder what I'm doing here. But the answer is always there, in front of me. I must live for a reason. I must live for the world. Whether I'm famous or infamous, I want my words to be heard. That has always been my wish. And so I write... this to you all.

Alright, that strange feeling that I have been feeling... What is it? Why it comes and goes? Well, here's the true story about who I am... I'm not your smart average awesome woman, just so you know.

I'm different. I see things different. I sometimes love to go outside and listen to the wind blowing. When it rains, I will enjoy my day more. It's strange but I like that for my life.

Anyways, back to that feeling? Well, I follow my heart and soul more than I follow my mind. I don't always think before I take actions... I follow what's my intuition. So basically... I'm not psychic ... but something close to it. I am very sensitive to emotions of other people and I do try my best to block that and control it at the same time. ^_^'

And my point? Well, let's say that I know something is going happen but I don't know what that is. I talk this way because it's not meant for me to know what that is but that it is coming soon. Anyways, whatever it is... it's a good feeling. So I'm glad it's nothing bad.

I have had bad feelings before and I do not like them at all. I can feel pain also... and when I get mad, I have a devil side that comes out and just literally cuss everybody out... And if I get really mad, it'll end up with a lot more than words. Yep... physical problems. So... never ever piss me off.

Anyways, that is all I want to talk about. Sorry that I have been slow at updating this but I am going to bed at 1AM and on Eden at the same time, trying to do MB (Monster Battle) xD Anyways... that is all. ta!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Ok... I'm still new at this new update on this blog.

So my posts may seem a bit weird for a while. That's all.


Starting over...

I think it's time to start over by doing some random blogging. Also, I hope everybody does indeed read them.

First of, my name is Brandy D. Kirby. I go by many names but if you found me on youtube, it's Ankisal. If you found me through Eden Eternal, I go by xxx aka Santa. Anyways, so yea... I go by different names. But for now, I would like Brandy or Ankisal or Alasta. Whatever floats your boat, you can call me anything. xD Just please... don't make me mad.

Anyways, I am only a writer so I will write stories, poems, lyrics. But I am also a person with many thoughts in mind. Most of my thoughts don't come from my brain but from my heart. Strange? Yes. But that is how I am. Like right now? I am typing what is from my heart.

Well, I am going to shout out to my love, Raiken Jenova. You all should check out his youtube page. :) <--- :="" br="" him.="" s="" that="">

Well, this is gonna be a short post but I am hoping everybody reads them more often as I type. I am basically going to use this as... a place to type out random stuff.

After all, it is my faerie journey. <3 br="">
Also, before I completely end this post... What I meant by "starting over..."? Well, I had this blog for three years and I had off and on post but deleted my posts here... I think this time I am here to stay. I'm not much of a talker... xD But I am a writer no matter what... So... I would like suggestions that I can type out on this blog.

Anything is fine. And I will give out my email purposefully for ideas to put on this blog.

Anyways... Now I can end this... So... with that thought in mind... Ta.