Friday, January 17, 2025

What is my limit?

Sometimes I wonder what is my limit.

Is that a good thing? To have a limit?

So yea, I am going to get things done in silence since I am not feeling good. Mainly it's my stomach doing it and it sucks a lot.

I will be alright once I have a day to myself.

- B

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Life is not simple.

Life is not as simple as it should be. Things can be complicated. Things can be good. Things can be all over the place.

Right now, I'm just trying my best to get stuff done so that I can have more time to read. I love reading, but I don't love having no time in the day for anything.

I think starting tomorrow, I'll do my personal journals during my nap time since I don't really nap until towards 1pm est. And hopefully soon, my mental and emotional self will get back to normal. Then I can get back on track with my normal schedule of life. So yea.

I hope that I will be alright. Just taking one step at a time. My heart is already healed, just my mind is not. It's not a good combination to have a mix of emotions and thoughts. So yea.

I am going to get things done and hopefully I will be better with my day.

Who knows.

- B

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Just Waiting For Things To Come

Well, you'll just have to wait for news about stuff.

Just waiting for things to come eventually. So yea.

Anyway, I am keeping this short.

- B

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Just Got Busy Today

I am not ready to admit that I do have feelings for someone. I feel like I don't want people to think I am dating someone. So I am taking my time before I do say anything. Until I know it's for real and genuine, I will say for now that I am not looking.

Right now, we are just there for each other. So yea.

I am keeping this short because I won't be too active with my journals. I think it will be alright to skip a day or two. Just as long I'll be able to remember it.

Anyway, I am going to get this done. I did had a long day today.

So I finally got my shot in my hip. It was a woman that gave me the shot today and she was amazing. 100% recommend. Then my dad had to go somewhere for something he needed. Then we went to Kroger's. Then Burger King. Then finally Walmart. So, I am glad that things got done.

Anyway, I am going to get started with my night. So see you when I can.

- B 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Meeting New Friends Help

Sometimes, it's better to get used to moving on. Meeting new friends in your life is a good answer.

Don't let anybody else tell you what to do. So yea.

I am moving on as I am as a person. No matter what happens.

I have been looking at random websites and this one... made my day. Website in question:

Anyway, I hope that with some news, there will be something good to come in this life of ours. Who knows.

We shall see what will happen next... and who knows what my journey will be.

Until then.

- B

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Slowly Getting Better

I love how I find things so fucking funny. I rarely cuss by the way. This is one moment that I am allow to say that word.

Life today has been a bit slow today, but that's okay. I'm fine with it.

So here's the video that I found is so effing funny: 

Anyway, how am I feeling today? A bit better. Each day is getting better and I'm glad for that.

I still feel hurt from time to time when something reminds me of him. But it will get better. And I do hope it does.

I'm gonna get back to sharing my blog to my server on discord. If anybody wants to join, please shoot me a comment.

Until then, I look for a semi busy week ahead.

- B

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Me Time

I am going to try my trust in myself by going to virtual events. Starting with the one today. I can't tell you much about them because it's a bit NSFW and not worth sharing on here.

As I dive back into things that I enjoyed awhile ago, I want to add that sometimes, you have to take things slow.

I miss the casually hanging out with my ex, but it is what it is. I'm used to doing things alone. So I will be okay.

I really want to check up on him, but I'm scared to ask anybody. For the fear they will say something that would hurt me more. I cared about the guy, but I do care about my mental health more.

So, tonight, I'm having a me time and relaxing and having some fun.

- B