Sunday, June 2, 2024

I Got Approved For Faerie Wings

I had to think on what to write. I got this list of blog ideas sitting on another tab of my computer and it came up with portfolios. Now, let me get this straight to you. I'm not good at making a portfolio as I only write poems and stories.

But I can, however, share one thing.

I got approved for a per-order on Kindle for my first book of poems.

Here's the lovely link: Faerie Wings

I've been working on this for a long time. And I am getting a second one worked on. It might take a year or even longer to get it done.

In the meantime, I'm gonna be working on a few stories or one of them to finish it finally.

When you look up to someone, you realize that you need to change your life for the better.

You only live once. Enjoy it. Find your passion. Dream it. Take it.

Anyway, I do share most of my stories for free at first, then I delete them off the site. Since the site is weird and slow at getting readers. So yea... I'll be self publishing for now.

However, when the print gets approved. I will let you all know ahead of time. I will be getting a few copies to giveaway on some sites. To get my name out there.

I might make a recording on YouTube to promote it as well.

I know it will be hard at first, but I'm getting somewhere.

Wish me luck.

Until then...

Enjoy every step you make in this journey. You never know what you might happen next.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I forgot that this blog exist...

So it's that time where I forgot that my blog exist...

My bad.

My hometown has been very eventful since you last heard from me.

From a building burning down, to two murders in a roll and finding a person unconscious close by us in the trailer park.

I rather live somewhere quiet now.

Other than that, I am doing well. Just trying not to get sick again. Kind of hard when you have been coughing off and on non-stop for the past month or so.

We are trying something new. But we shall try.

I have been behind on books and lost interest in winning free books. That's because I have other plans for my life.

That is if my family stop asking me to buy something for them.

Anyway, I am just tired of this town. I'm tired of this home. I'm just tired of the lies my parents keep telling me.

Being an adult is hard enough as it.

Yea... it's time for a change.

So that's all I'm gonna say for now. I hope you are all doing well. I know this blog doesn't reach a lot of people like it used to. But it's my safe space for now.

See ya another time. Who knows when that will be.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

A Review of The Last Bloodcarver by Vanessa Le: A Book That Can Make You Want More

The Last Bloodcarver (The Last Bloodcarver Duology): 9781250881526: Le,  Vanessa: Books - Title: The Last Bloodcarver
Author: Vanessa Le

Rating: 5 Stars

Review: This book was so good. It was at a perfect pace that built up the characters within the book. Nhika thought for a long time that she was the last bloodcarver, despite the name has another name.

She gets bought into a family that has a lot of secrets and a doctor that seems to have even bigger secret behind him.

The book is a mix of sci fi, fantasy and romance. Which is a perfect combination for such a good book.

You can tell there was parts that was inspired from Asian folklore which is a plus for the type of book this is.

The characters are perfect and they are well made to make a reader wants to know more about them.

The pace of the book is perfect for how it precedes to the ending.

I don't want to reveal the ending but I can tell you there are parts in the book that can shock you. So it has a perfect sense of twists and secrets.

Overall, this is a perfect book to received 5 stars. Good story, good build up on characters, good plot. Highly recommended.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I know it's been a while...

 I realize that I have been lacking on a lot of stuff. But mental health does that to you. I try not to lose interest in the things that I love and enjoy. But again, it's hard.

Surviving is the issue to most of everything these days. I want to tell my parents how I feel but they already lost their trust in me for no apparent reason. And that hurts.

Each day, I can't help but feel even more trapped. I try telling my mom that I need to do things alone more often. But she seems to want to add that she wants to join in. Sometimes I wondered if I need help.

I am a strong person but I have been angry, sad, hurt, and every kind of negative emotion there is out there.

While I am happy that I found the one for my heart, I can't stop what is happening to me in the real world.

I need an escape. I need to show my parents that things needs to change. It can't be on repeat and they NEED to trust me.

All this time, it hurts.

I asked my mom why she doesn't trust me alone again, but the answer is weird. Make more sense.

My mom needs help. I know she does. She just doesn't want to seek it. She feels like they would send her away. But they won't. You just need somebody else to talk to about what is going on with your mind. She needs it. I need it.

I wish somebody would kidnap me. Like literally. Each and every day, they are making me feel the effects of FOMO. Literally fear of missing out. I know I should feel this way, but it's beginning to feel this way more and more.

I want to breath the normal of other people. But I'm not normal. And I will never be normal.

Just because I had that major surgery, doesn't mean you use that to your advantage. I am more than capable of taking care of myself. I just wish they could see that.

But I've been hurt ever since my mom told me that she didn't trust me alone. Like what was that when you were in the hospital all those times before, mom? What happened to you to make you not trust me anymore?

My parents don't like changes. I can see that now. But they were born during the time where there wasn't computers, video games and many other types of technologies. It's understandable that they are the way they are... but they shouldn't push that onto people like me.

I've been dealing with computers since I was put into kindergarten. I will never stop using technology. Even as the day of AI age is coming and more advanced technology is coming. I will always be apart of it all.

I only wished my parents would learn to trust me again. Because there's no reason for them to act this way towards me. They need to learn to let go.

That's all I want... my freedom. My hope. My dream. An escape.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

When Magic Gets You Into Trouble: A Review of What The River Knows by Isabel Ibanez

 What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez   Title: What The River Knows

Author: Isabel Ibanez

Rating: 5 Stars

Review: One of the best books that I ever read.

Thanks to goodreads for giving me a chance to read this book from a giveaway and to review.

I started out with the book, expecting it to be full of romance, but what I got is more than that.

This book starts out with the main character named Inez. She finds out that her parents are dead. So she decided to go to Egypt to figure out what has happened to them. Only to thrown into more mysteries and twists all while falling in love with a man who was supposed to be working for her uncle.

I have to say this book shocked me towards the end. I won't reveal it because it's a good ending.

The plot is good. The development of the characters is wonderful. The words are beautiful.

The whole book is beautiful and amazing. I highly recommend it to others to read it!

Friday, December 22, 2023

A Book With Unexpected Twists: Review of There Is A Door In This Darkness by Kristin Cashore

        Cover Image for There is a Door in this Darkness  
Title: There Is A Door In This Darkness
Author: Kristin Cashore

Rating: 5 Stars

When I was picked to be one of the ones to review this book, I was expecting to be a little magic, but never did I knew that it would turn out to be this amazing.

The title basically describes what grief would be and I don't want to go into full details of why because you just have to read the book to see why.

Just think you're in the middle of a pandemic and a political race, then boom, all this crazy stuff starts happening to you.

Wilhelmina Hart was dealing with a lot, especially after losing one of her favorite aunts to cancer. Only to deal with trauma after another. Now in 2020, she began to see things that just didn't make sense to her.

Through out the book, you find things that didn't make sense and that's the magical twist that makes the book very unique. There might be a hint of a tiny romance brewing too but I can't get into too much detail about it because you have to read it.

It's very different than Kristin Cashore's fantasy series. So I highly recommend it.

It has good build up with memories and the magic twists aren't overpowering.

And it kept to the topics of what happened in 2020.

Definitely a book that deserves a 5 star rating.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

My New Year's Resolutions is Here.

It feels strange to be back to my blog after what seems like almost a month, eh?

I have been through a lot of stuff and I think I wanna say that I am feeling better. Sure there are bad days and that's okay. We shouldn't be afraid to express our thoughts, our bad days, our emotions and more.

I am going to be doing more for this blog, at least, when I feel like it instead of leaving it alone.

I do have a discord that anybody is welcome to join.

A Faerie Journey Discord

Anyway, let's get on with me. Usually, I would sit down and write down my resolutions for the next year and well, this time I wanna just wing it and write it here. So... here we go.

1. Do better: I am going to do better with myself and to other people. I will still be the kind, caring and loving person but I will learn better not to take sides and let things hurt me. I am going to leave certain drama out of my life as much as possible.

2. Be healthy: I have been trying to stay healthy but I am not getting any younger and I want to be able to do my best with stuff that's towards my health.

3. Find love: I may have find the love of my life but the process will be slow as we need to be ready for what is to come next. I won't say who or what's going on because that's part of the journey.

4. Finding my freedom: I say this because I feel like I am trap right now and I need to fight for my freedom so I will find it somehow.

Now for more fun stuff.

5. Record and commission my voice more: I am showing the world now what my voice sounds like and how calming it can be. I am not a mother but I can pretend to be one for now. I just want to show how caring and calming I am just by recording and commissioning my voice to the world around me.

6. Stream more on Twitch: I want to continue this as much as possible. I might only do it twice a week with maybe a surprise stream every other Sunday. I really enjoy streaming the games that I do... and well, I wanna do more than just games.

7. More content: Yes, I will do more content for my YouTube channel so it's not just gonna be voice recordings on there.

8. Read more: Something that I keep breaking every year. I want to accomplish as least 52 books this year. So which me luck.

9. Don't get behind on my penpals: I am not going to get behind again. I am going to spend time through this month catching up with my penpal letters.

10. Catching up journals: I don't want to get behind but it looks like it's gonna take a bit longer to do this.

11. Continue my hobby journals: Which is not an impossible feat as I am going to add one more journal to the bunch.

12. Get back to blogging: This is mainly so that I can get back to writing more.

13. Get back into writing: Both poems and stories are important part of my life so I need to do this.

14. VRChat content via insta and twitter: It's hard to catch up on Twitter because I don't like it but I will try my best with this. I am doing pretty well and wish to learn more.

15. Who knows: I am putting this here because I am open to many opportunities for the new year. It can be traveling, podcasting and much more. I just want to expand to doing something more for myself. So yea.

Whatever happens, I hope that all will be well for me. I was told not to overwhelm myself but I want to be able to keep busy to prevent myself from being bored and believe me... I get bored easily.

One main goal for the new year is I really hope that my dad keeps his word on getting a house so that I can have a place to do my content better.

And so, we should hope for the best for all of us. No matter what journey these things takes us, I do hope for good things to come.

So... I might write a few more blogs before the new year, but until then... Happy holidays and Happy New Year.